Sweet Mommy, Go!

C147 Complaint

C147 Complaint

0"Nightfall, why didn't you reason things out with her? Those words were clearly spoken from her mouth. Although there are a lot of people in Rita's group, she's the only one who knows you!" Zhangwanling didn't want to anger Huangyingping anymore. He was afraid that if he offended the old man and the Muxiangwan, he wouldn't be able to work well in Rita.    


But seeing how the Huangyingping was unwilling to let him go, he became even more furious.    


"What, you're not afraid that I might have offended the Huangyingping?" Muxiangwan joked.    


"I'm afraid. She has been here for many years, so her relationship with the people here is naturally better. Didn't you see that someone came out to speak up for her just now?" If you offend her, you won't be able to start working in the future. "    


"It doesn't matter if you offended her alone, but if you offend her, it will easily make all the elders unhappy. If this happens, no one will be willing to cooperate with you in the future. How are you going to continue working in the future?"    


"Then why did you ask me to stay and argue with her!?" Muxiangwan could not hold back his laughter.    


"I'm not angry at her. Even if you suspect her, it's reasonable. What's more, those words were from her. She's so excited, so she's just guilty of being a thief. You walk away like this, making you feel guilty!"    


"Furthermore, you have the Guchenzhe backing you. Who would you be afraid of?!"    


"You little fellow, you've learnt how to act mighty!" Muxiangwan nodded his head.    


"I just wanted to beat up Huangyingping, and didn't want to blow the matter up. I didn't expect her to be so excited! Maybe it's like you said, she's got a guilty conscience! "    


"But that's good too. The more excited she is, the more it means that there's something in her heart. She likes to go and cause trouble. I don't care about her, she's just like a clown." If I were to argue with her there, it would be to her liking! "    


Huangyingping did not quarrel in the dining hall. She was left alone after Muxiangwan left to let everyone see her as a joke. This caused Huangyingping to almost go crazy.    


"Yingjie!" Huangyingping was so angry that he did not even knock on the door, immediately pushing the door open to enter.    


Luanchuying was drawing a map when she suddenly heard a loud noise. Her hand trembled and the pencil in her hand uncontrollably drew out a crooked line. The tip of the pencil broke at the end.    


Luanchuying felt her heart ache when she saw that the drawing of the painting was wasted. For the sake of the painting, she had not slept for many nights and had not even eaten lunch today.    


"Yingjie, that Muxiangwan is really going too far. Are you going to intervene?" Huangyingping was immersed in his own emotions, and did not realize the impact that trespassing had on Luanchuying.    


After a long period of silence, Huangyingping finally realised that the atmosphere was not right. He just stared at the drawing board, not moving his brush on the drawing paper.    


"Yingjie!" Huangyingping called out softly.    


Luanchuying let out a long breath and gently placed the brush on the table.    


"I'm sorry Yingjie, I didn't know you were working!" Huangyingping knew that disturbing Luanchuying's work was extremely dangerous and apologized quickly.    


But it was too late, just as she finished speaking, the drawing board in Luanchuying's hand flew towards her.    


After barely avoiding the drawing board, Huangyingping knew that Luanchuying was angry and immediately smiled saying: "Yingjie, I'm really sorry!"    


"Don't you understand the principle that all primary school students know when they come in and knock on the door? If you don't understand, go back to primary school and learn from a new student. If you learn well, then come back! " Although the Luanchuying's voice wasn't loud, one could clearly feel that he was suppressing his anger.    


"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Huangyingping apologized repeatedly.    


"Yingjie, you know best what I am like after working here for so many years, I have never been so reckless. If I wasn't angered, I wouldn't have committed such a crime. If you want to blame this, blame that Muxiangwan."    


"What is it? Tell me!" Luanchuying let out a heavy sigh, and looked at him coldly.    


I originally thought that since we were Laotongxue, I wanted to have dinner and reminisce about old times. I didn't expect her to accuse me wrongly in front of so many people, say bad things about her behind my back, and make it impossible for her to work in the company.    


"And I had to apologize to her. If I didn't apologize, she wouldn't stop."    


"Yingjie, you know the kind of person I am the most, how could I say bad things about her? "But, she's ruining my reputation in front of so many people today, what do you think we should do?"    


"What do you think?" The Luanchuying asked.    


"I said, if I had to say it, I would definitely apologize in front of everyone at the company, right at the meeting." Huangyingping thought that his words had moved Luanchuying, so he relaxed his mind and sat on the sofa to the side.    


"Do you think it's appropriate? The Luanchuying asked casually, his voice gentle.    


Huangyingping did not speak. Looking at his expressionless face, he started thinking about what was going on.    


Huangyingping rolled his eyes for a long time before he smiled obsequiously and said: "Since Yingjie feels that it's not appropriate, then let's find another way."    


"Have her publicly announce my apology to the company's website!"    


"Then you can talk to the director of the network department about this. He's on the 21st floor!" Luanchuying looked like he was about to leave.    


Huangyingping did not notice the meaning in Luanchuying's words and asked in surprise: "Yingjie, shouldn't you be communicating with the network department's supervisor?"    


"I'm just a small employee, how would a big manager like him care about me!"    


"Since you've already helped me make my decision, I thought you were the director of the design department. Isn't it appropriate for you to go?" The Luanchuying's words were gentle, but they were filled with mockery.    


This time, Huangyingping could hear the mockery in his words and his face flushed red. "Yingjie, why are you talking to me like that!"    


"Then what do you think I should say to you?" Luanchuying's tone became even more gentle.    


"This!" Just as Huangyingping wanted to say something, he noticed that the atmosphere was off. Although Luanchuying's tone was gentle, it definitely did not mean that.    


He quickly changed his mind: "I'm sorry Yingjie, I was too angry just now, and my mind was a little muddled. Don't take what I said into your heart by any means!"    


"I have been wrongly accused of this by the Muxiangwan. Please advise me what to do. I believe that Yingjie, as the manager of the design department, would definitely handle this matter impartially, so as to not let his own employees be bullied! "    


The Luanchuying smiled as he sized up the Huangyingping in front of him.    


Just as Huangyingping was about to be scared witless by Luanchuying, she ran out of her last bit of patience. Just as she was about to speak, there was a knock on the door.    


Clang! Clang! "Clang!"    


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