Sweet Mommy, Go!

C281 You Tell Her Yourself

C281 You Tell Her Yourself

0In his dream, Muxiangwan felt that someone was patting her lightly. It was like the patting of her mother, as if she had returned to her childhood, when she was sleeping.    


In that split-second, Muxiangwan felt like everything that happened before was just a dream. Guchenzhe, Xiaoqi, whatever it was, was her dream. When she woke up, she could see her mother when she opened her eyes. She had just had a long, unrealistic dream.    


Suddenly, she didn't dare to open her eyes. She was afraid that everything she felt now was fake and the things that made her feel pain were real.    


But when she thought about how the adorable Xiaoqi had never been in this world and how it was only a dream of hers, she felt so sad. After struggling for a long time, she still decided to open her eyes. No matter what she was about to face, she had to accept it and face it bravely.    


When she opened her eyes, the first thing she saw was her house in Guchenzhe's villa. It turned out that the feeling of her mother beside her was just a dream, she didn't know why but she let out a light breath of relief. Xiaoqi was still here, and Guchenzhe was also still there.    


But the feeling of his mother lightly patting him was still there. Could this be an illusion, or was she still dreaming? Muxiangwan had not yet figured it out when a familiar voice entered her ears.    


"You're awake!"    


Turning his head to look, Muxiangwan saw his mother in a trance. A middle-aged woman was looking at him with a face full of love.    


"When I came in, I found that you were not sleeping well. I wanted to pat you, but I didn't expect to wake you up. I'm sorry I haven't had a child in years. "    


It was only then that Muxiangwan saw clearly that the person sitting beside her was Guchenzhe's mother.    


"Auntie!" When the Muxiangwan opened his mouth, there was a hint of a sobbing tone in his voice.    


"Good children, I've heard about your matters." Gumu looked at Muxiangwan affectionately, feeling sorry for this child from the bottom of his heart.    


"Did Guchenzhe tell you this?"    


"We can tell without him saying, do you really think we're all idiots?"    


"If he dares to lose my daughter-in-law, I will definitely not forgive him!" Gumu joked around and wanted to ease his sad mood, but it made him even more upset.    


"Auntie, I'm not your daughter-in-law, Chixiaojie is!" Saying that, Muxiangwan sat up.    


Gumu shook Muxiangwan's hand and said, "If I say you are, then you are. If he dares to marry someone else, then don't teach my mother! "    


I have never seen Gumu have such a rogue side to it. Muxiangwan smiled bitterly, "Auntie, about the marriage, let him decide for himself!"    


"That's what you said!" Gumu blinked his eyes at Muxiangwan.    


He was slightly stunned. Muxiangwan did not understand the meaning behind her words and before he could ask, he said loudly: "Come in, you talk to her yourself."    


As soon as he said that, the door was pushed open. The exhausted Guchenzhe walked in from outside and met her again. He didn't know what to say and didn't dare to look at her, but he felt mixed emotions.    


"Late!" Guchenzhe walked to Muxiangwan's side and stopped, pulling his hand and calling him Muxiangwan softly.    


Muxiangwan had nowhere to run, so he could only face him head on. However, he didn't say anything.    


After pausing for a while, Guchenzhe said, "Late at night. Sorry, I lied to you!"    




Muxiangwan still did not say anything. At a time like this, what was the use of apologizing, it was the most powerless way of expressing it, it could only prove that he had admitted his wrongs, but the damage was already done.    


She only looked at the hand Guchenzhe was holding and did not say a word.    


After pausing for a while, Guchenzhe continued, "But I just hid the truth between me and Chixiaoyi, because I do not want you to worry, I am afraid that you are jealous and afraid that you are jealous. I want to settle her situation as soon as possible and pretend that she is not here."    


"But I'm too confident, too many things have happened recently, making me too busy to take care of her, causing you and Xiaoqi to almost die, and causing you to be completely heartbroken, it's all my fault."    


When he heard the words "almost led to your and Xiaoqi's deaths, Muxiangwan's pupils suddenly contracted, and he suddenly raised his head to look at Guchenzhe.    


Seeing the change in Muxiangwan, Guchenzhe said honestly: "It's all because of me. The accident between you and Xiaoqi was caused by Chixiaoyi."    


Hearing that, Muxiangwan suddenly became agitated, she fiercely pulled back the hand that was being held by Guchenzhe, and said extremely emotionally: "So it's all because of this!"    


"Let go of Xiaoqi and me. She can harm Xiaoqi once, and can harm him twice. I won't hand over Xiaoqi to you now, no matter what!"    


"Your future life has nothing to do with us. Tomorrow, I will bring Xiaoqi to a city that you cannot find."    


"Late at night, listen to me, don't get excited!" Guchenzhe had guessed that Muxiangwan would be excited the moment he heard about this matter. He had already made his preparations, so he was not too worried in the face of such a situation.    


"How could I not be excited? For the sake of obtaining you, a woman could even hire someone to kill others. What else could she not do?" Muxiangwan asked loudly.    


"It's all my fault. I did not protect you well. I will definitely protect you well in the future!" Guchenzhe hurriedly apologized and promised.    


"What's the use of your promise? You're not afraid of thieves stealing, you're only afraid of thieves missing." If you can guard against her for a while, can you guard against her for a lifetime? " Muxiangwan did not believe what he said at all.    


"This time I will personally send her to prison!" When Guchenzhe said that, his eyes flashed with a cold light. Anyone who saw his gaze would know that he was not just saying those words.    


"Xiangfeng has already started their investigation. He was delayed for a long time by something, and now he is continuing his investigation."    


This caused Muxiangwan to calm down a bit. His expression was no longer as excited, and it became quiet once more.    


"Late at night, please believe me. There really is nothing going on between us. She is not my fiancée and she has never been my girlfriend. From start to finish, you have been my only woman! " Guchenzhe looked into Muxiangwan's eyes, hoping that she would believe him.    




Muxiangwan didn't know what to say. She didn't know what to believe, or maybe she didn't believe.    


She only knew that the Guchenzhe herself might not be much, but the woman who was attracted to him because of his excellence was very scary. Even if Guchenzhe and Chixiaoyi were fine, it was still true that Chixiaoyi had done a lot of things to hurt her and Xiaoqi.    


What if there were to be such a thing happening in the future? Could she accept it?    


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