CEO Loves Contract Wife Limitlessly

C37 The Cute Her

C37 The Cute Her

3Su Qiyang's face darkened immediately. He asked in a deep voice, "Who else?"    


"It looks like Uncle Peng. " Yu Tong immediately counted on his fingers. "And Uncle Yao and Uncle Li!"    


Uncle Peng was Peng Yichen. Su Qiyang had guessed it, but who were Uncle Yao and Uncle Li?    


Black eyes stared at the ignorant woman who was sleeping on the table. Why was she so good at attracting butterflies?    


Yu Tong saw him like this. His round eyes were full of smiles, and he proudly boasted in his heart. Mommy, your cute son can only help you here. The rest is up to you.    


In her sleep, Yu Xiaowen vaguely felt a chill on her back.    


Su Qiyang saw her body shrink and thought she had caught a cold, so he took off his suit jacket and draped it over her body.    


But just as he put it on, the woman suddenly jumped up as if she had woken up from a dream. With a confused look, she looked again and again. The expensive suit that was draped over her body fell to the ground.    


Su Qiyang helplessly looked at her. He bent down and picked up the suit.    


Yu Xiaowen was a little confused. When she saw Yu Tong, she asked, "Tong, why are you here?"    


Even Yu Tong was a little helpless. He walked over and hugged her arm, saying, "Mommy, did you forget? We came to the hotel to eat!"    


"Oh, oh. " Yu Xiaowen responded without a soul. She glanced at the empty table in front of her. There was only the wine before the meal and there was no food.    


"WATER!" Su Qiyang called the waiter. The waiter understood and officially started to serve the dishes.    


The meal was very quiet. Yu Xiaowen felt very uncomfortable after getting drunk. She did not eat much.    


Su Qiyang and Yu Tong, one big and one small, saw that she was uncomfortable and quickly finished dinner with tacit understanding.    


Back in the car, Yu Xiaowen leaned against the back of the chair and closed her eyes to rest. Yu Tong was carried in Su Qiyang's arms and played the game silently. No one wanted to wake her up.    


The car drove very smoothly all the way until they returned to Su Qiyang's villa. Yu Xiaowen did not wake up.    


Su Qiyang called the housekeeper over and gave Yu Tong, who was also a little sleepy, to him.    


"Mommy!" The little guy rubbed his eyes uneasily and wanted Yu Xiaowen.    


Su Qiyang comforted him gently, "Be good. Your mommy will be here soon. You go upstairs with the housekeeper to rest first. Let's not disturb her. "    


"Okay. " Yu Tong responded softly. He closed his eyes again when he was fighting.    


The butler carried Yu Tong back to the villa first. Su Qiyang bent down and entered the car. He gently put her slender arms around his neck and carried her out for the princess.    


He did not want to wake the person in his arms. Speaking of which, he was the one who caused her to be so drunk. Before he took two steps, the person in his arms hummed and seemed to have woken up.    


Su Qiyang stopped in his tracks and looked down at her. His eyes met hers.    


Her eyes were like a layer of gauze as she looked at him, as if she was trying to identify who he was. Su Qiyang's heart raced as he looked at her moist red lips.    


He unconsciously swallowed it, feeling a little thirsty.    


Yu Xiaowen suddenly opened her mouth and smiled at him. She praised, "Wow, you are so handsome!"    


"Yes. " Su Qiyang pursed his lips. For a moment, he did not understand why she said this. It was purely because she was drunk.    


Yu Xiaowen did not give him time to think clearly. She suddenly leaned her head forward and kissed the corner of his mouth.    


She smacked her lips and boasted shamelessly, "En, not sweet at all!"    


Su Qiyang was originally shocked by her behavior, but when he heard her words, his black eyes narrowed dangerously. She was simply playing with fire!    


He decided to teach her a lesson so that she could completely recognize that not all men could be flirted with casually. However, when he looked down, someone fell asleep again. His head powerlessly slid down his shoulder and powerlessly drooped. From Su Qiyang's direction, he could clearly see her small nostrils.    


This woman!    


Su Qiyang was furious. He would write this score down in his notebook and settle it in the future!    


The next day, Yu Xiaowen woke up with a splitting headache. She rested on the bed for a long time before she felt slightly better.    


"Yu Tong!" After she got up with difficulty and washed up, she went to Yu Tong's room to wake him up. It was time to go to school. But she did not see the little guy on his bed.    


She hurriedly went downstairs in her slippers. In the open kitchen on the first floor, she saw the little fellow sitting with Su Qiyang and enjoying breakfast together.    


"Mommy, good morning!" The little guy saw her and quickly greeted her.    


"Morning, why did you get up on your own?" She asked Yu Tong, but when she asked, she secretly glanced at Su Qiyang, who was enjoying his breakfast indifferently.    


She seemed to have gotten drunk last night. She could not remember what happened after getting drunk. She did not even know how she got home.    


She didn't say anything that she shouldn't have. She didn't do anything that she shouldn't have, did she?    


Yu Xiaowen's heart was somewhat perturbed.    


"I can't sleep, so I asked Uncle Butler to help me put on my clothes. " Yu Tong obediently explained and asked with concern, "Mommy, are you uncomfortable? You kept calling me headache yesterday. "    


"It's fine now. Hurry up and eat breakfast. I'll send you to the kindergarten later. " Actually, she still had a headache.    


At this time, the maid brought her a bowl of brown stuff that looked like something unknown. She could clearly smell the medicinal smell.    


Without waiting for Yu Xiaowen to ask, the maid explained. "At this time, the sobering soup that Young Master asked me to prepare for you. After drinking it, your head won't hurt that much anymore. "    


So that's how it is! But since when did Su Qiyang become so considerate?    


Yu Xiaowen took the bowl with half doubt and half doubt. She hesitantly squeezed out a smile towards Su Qiyang and said, "That is, thank you!"    


Yu Xiaowen thought he would not say anything based on his quiet personality. She did not expect him to raise his head and say, "You are welcome!"    


Yu Xiaowen was stunned. She saw him put down the knife and fork, picked up the napkin and elegantly tested his lips. Then she said, "I still have things to do today, so I won't send you and Yu Tong off. Tell the butler to arrange a chauffeur to send you guys off. "    


His tone was natural as if sending her and Yu Tong was something he often did, but the problem was, she had never asked for this before, right?    


Was there something wrong with him today?    


Yu Xiaowen watched Su Qiyang leave the villa with her eyes, but she could not figure out why.    


"Mommy, hurry up. Otherwise, you will be late for kindergarten. " Yu Tong urged her to come back to her senses. She raised her head and drank the sobering soup in one breath.    


The taste was unexpectedly good, but it did not take effect immediately. It would take a while.    


. . .    


Yu Ruoqi recently took on a new role. It was the second female lead, and she played with Wang Yalu, who was also an actor.    


Speaking of this Wang Yalu, she was also a secondary female lead who had not been popular for ten thousand years. However, this time, she did not know what was going on. She did not know which line she was connected to, but she actually managed to get into the first female lead.    


Yu Ruoqi felt that she was younger than her and prettier than her. She was more suitable to be the first female lead. Hence, she was especially resentful towards the rumors of Wang Yalu getting the first female lead because she was kept by a wealthy merchant.    


But she was not foolish enough to offend Wang Yalu. God knows what kind of person she was backed by. She did not want to get into trouble.    


Although she thought so, she could not help but open her heart.    


Yu Ruoqi also wanted to find a sponsor for herself to invest in a television series with her as the female lead but she was not willing to sacrifice herself.    


She was going to join the Wealthy Class in the future, so she could not leave a stain on her reputation at this time.    


If she could not find a sponsor, it would be even more impossible for her to count on Yu Tao, that stingy old man. Now, the only thing she could do was to see if she could make Wang Yalu's scandal known.    


As long as she could not get rid of the scandal, perhaps the director would cancel her lead role and let her take the lead.    


Thinking of this, Yu Ruoqi waved her hand and called her assistant over.    


"Zhao Qing, come here!"    


A thin and thin woman with two braids and black-rimmed glasses, dressed like a student, jogged over and asked while panting, "Miss Yu, what orders do you have for me?"    


Yu Ruoqi glanced at her attire in disdain and said, "Do you not have clothes to wear? Wear like this country bumpkin. "    


Zhao Qing pushed her eyes on the bridge of her nose with some grievance and explained in fear, "No, no. Didn't you ask me to wear it like this? You, you said that only by wearing a bit of dirt would I be able to better complement your natural beauty. "    


" Did I say that? " Yu Ruoqi frowned. She did not have any impression of him.    


However, it sounded like she was the one who said it, but that was not the main point. She waved her hand and went back to the main topic. "Did you find out where Wang Yalu's resting room is?"    


Zhao Qing hurriedly nodded and replied, "I found it. She has a special RV in B1 District. "    


When Yu Ruoqi heard this, she immediately said disdainfully, "Tsk, her sponsor is really willing to spend money for her. "    


She took a bouquet of flowers from her makeup table and took out the card inside. Without even looking at it, she casually threw it onto the ground.    


"Clean up this place. " She ordered Zhao Qing to take the flowers and high heels as she twisted and turned towards District B1.    


At a place further away from District B1, Yu Ruoqi's sharp eyes saw Wang Ruoqi standing outside a luxury RV and chatting with a man.    


She quickly found a hidden spot and hid herself, only revealing a pair of eyes peeking at her. At the same time, she took out her phone, ready to take photos at any time.    


At first, the man who was chatting happily with Wang Yalu had his back to Yu Ruoqi. After he changed his stance, Yu Ruoqi finally saw his appearance.    


Her expression changed from excitement to surprise, then confusion to resentment.    


She saw that she fiercely took pictures of the two of them, then chose the most intimate photo and edited it into a text message and sent it out.    


. . .    


After Yu Xiaowen had breakfast, she sent Yu Tong to the kindergarten.    


The two of them bade farewell at the kindergarten entrance. Yu Xiaowen watched him disappear from her sight before she felt at ease and left. She also prepared to go to the company to work.    


Du du. . .    


The phone in her bag rang with the sound of a new text notification.    


She didn't know who sent her a text early in the morning. As she walked back to the car, she took out her phone to take a look. It was an unknown number!    


She thought it was probably a harassment text. She didn't even take a look before deleting the text.    


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