CEO Loves Contract Wife Limitlessly

C237 Mountain Collapse

C237 Mountain Collapse

3Yu Xiaowen had only seen this male celebrity called Yuyan on television. She had never seen him in real life. In her impression, he was feminine and was indeed a beautiful man suitable to be a star.    


That was all she knew.    


On television, this man seemed to be very easy to talk to. It was just that in reality, he was very easy to talk to. It was hard to say if he was easy to talk or not.    


After Yu Chao left for a while, he walked back with a gasoline in his hand and said, "I borrowed the Director Yu. Do you know how to cheer? Do you want me to help you?"    


"Then I'll have to trouble you!"    


Yu Xiaowen had already gotten out of the car and thanked him with a smile. She then said, "About that, should I go and thank him?"    


She looked at the back of the car. Other than a RV, there were also two cars behind. This Yuyan seemed to have brought a lot of people.    


Yu Chao said as he cheered, "Mr. Yu said there's no need. It's more urgent to rush so late. If there's anything, we can meet tomorrow. It's not too late to say it tomorrow!"    


"Oh, okay!"    


Since the other party was unwilling, there was no need for her to force her way forward.    


It was equivalent to adding fuel to the oil. Yu Xiaowen thanked her again and sent her eyes back to the RV. She then returned to the car and started the car. She followed the navigation instructions and continued to drive to the small mountain village. At the same time, she did not forget to charge her phone.    


After the phone was fully charged, she immediately received a call from Su Qiyang.    


His voice was full of anxiety and worry. He asked, "Why is it turned off? What happened? Are you hurt? I told you not to go alone, do you know how worried I am?"    


A series of questions were thrown at Yu Xiaowen. She felt touched and guilty when she heard them.    


"I'm sorry!"    


After she apologized, she quickly told him everything that happened to her in detail so that he did not have to worry.    


The two of them talked a lot and knew that her destination had arrived. Only then did they reluctantly hang up. Before they hung up, Su Qiyang told her that he would come over as soon as possible after he finished dealing with the things he had on hand. He didn't allow her to refuse.    


Yu Xiaowen felt guilty and did not dare to say no.    


When they arrived, it was already past midnight. It was about three or four o'clock, but the village chief still waited at the door. Yu Xiaowen looked very touched, thinking that she had come to the right place.    


After that, Yuyan finally came out of his RV.    


Yu Xiaowen saw that his face was absent-minded for a moment. She thought to herself that he was indeed an actor. The moment he appeared, he would be the center of everyone's attention.    


The village chief was an honest person. He did not say much and just brought the place that he had arranged for them. He said that it was very late and that they were very tired. They rested first. What was the matter? They would talk about it tomorrow.    


After the village chief left, Yu Xiaowen had the opportunity to talk to Yuyan.    


"Thank you for your help, Mr. Yu!"    


Yuyan responded with a faint smile and said, "It's nothing, it was just a small effort!"    


They were not familiar with each other after all. After saying those two words, they did not have anything else to say. The atmosphere became a little awkward.    


After a long time, Yu Xiaowen still waved her hand awkwardly and said, "Then I will go back and rest. See you tomorrow!"    


"See you tomorrow!" Yuyan also said.    


The village was small, and there were no hotels. The village chief had specially cleaned up a few of the houses in his house. Although the houses were small, they were very clean.    


There was no dream the whole night, but it rained heavily at night, accompanied by the sound of frog-like sounds. Everything seemed to be very beautiful.    


The next day, Yu Xiaowen woke up in a daze and heard someone talking outside.    


She could vaguely tell that it was the village chief and Yuyan she had seen yesterday. But she did not hear it very clearly. She struggled to wake up from the dream and broke out in cold sweat. The voice gradually became clear in her ears, and she finally felt at ease.    


She got off the bed, tidied her appearance, and walked out of the door.    


Outside the door was the corridor, and outside the corridor was the endless mountain village field. Yuyan and the village chief stood at the corner, looking in the direction of the mountains with worry on their faces.    


She walked over and asked, "What's wrong?"    


The two of them turned around and the village chief smiled and said, "Miss Yu woke up so early!"    


Yu Xiaowen nodded and smiled. "I usually wake up at this time too. "    


Then she continued to ask, "I just heard that you guys were talking about something and seemed to be very worried. Can you tell me about it?"    


"The village chief is telling me about the rain. He is worried that if it gets big later, the children will be in danger of going to school!" Yuyan said. He turned his eyes to the mountains and said, "It is very easy for the heavy rain to cause landslide. "    


Yu Xiaowen hurriedly said, "Then we have to quickly inform the children that it is not necessary to come to school when it is raining!"    


She had just finished speaking when she realized that this was a poor area. Not every family had a phone. Moreover, the signal in the mountainous region was not very good.    


She changed her words and asked, "Do you know how many students have not been contacted?"    


"There are also two other families, both in different directions. The terrain is also more important. " The village chief spoke of his purpose with some difficulty, "Usually, we will tell everyone in advance that they don't need to come to school as long as it rains. But because today is the day of your kind visit, the children would like to see you. I'm afraid that they might miss out on a few opportunities, so I have to come and take a look. "    


Yu Xiaowen heard this and felt uncomfortable in her heart.    


They were all children, but they were all so sensible!    


She also did not plan to stay for a day and leave. She could help to teach books for a few days. Also, the construction team that she had invested in helping with the road repair had not come yet. She didn't plan to leave so soon.    


"Then, Village Chief, is there anything that you need our help with?"    


"It's your first time here and you don't know the way. How can I ask you to help? I just want my wife and I to go and inform the child. It's just food and whatnot. I might need you to prepare it yourself. "    


Yu Xiaowen said, "Chief, you don't need to entertain us. We are not children anymore. We can take care of ourselves. "    


"That's good, that's good. Then my wife and I will go out. You can use whatever you want in the kitchen. It's alright!" The village chief waved his hand and was about to leave.    


Yu Xiaowen and Yuyan stood where they were.    


The silence did not last for long before Yu Xiaowen chased after him and said, "Village chief, why don't I go with you? It just so happens that we can recognize the way. "    


The village chief glanced at her slightly bulging belly and said, "It's not too good. The sky will definitely fall big like this. At that time, the mountain path will become very dangerous. "    


Yu Xiaowen hesitated for a moment and said, "Then I can't let you go out alone like this!"    


"Yes, village chief, you already said it is dangerous. If there is one more person, there will always be someone to take care of. " Yuyan walked over at some point and interrupted, "Let me go with the village chief!"    




Yu Xiaowen rejected him and said, "Mr. Yu, I know you are kind, but it is better for me to stay with the village chief. Can you please take care of the village chief's wife?"    


The village chief and the village chief's wife were already in their forties or fifties. It was not a good choice to let anyone go out alone.    


Yuyan was convinced by her. He was silent for a moment and tacitly agreed.    


Yu Xiaowen's attitude was firm. The village chief had no choice but to agree to her. He could only take the rain and go back early.    


The others also got up one after another.    


Yu Chao heard that Yu Xiaowen wanted to accompany the village chief, and actually wanted to change it to him. But they were all hired by Yuyan to film a documentary, and she was still the indispensable director. He could only say, take care, and take care of your safety!    


After leaving the village chief's home, compared to Yuyan's awe-inspiring presence, Yu Xiaowen only had two people with her and the village chief.    


The village chief had chopped a bamboo stick for her to use as a cane. The two of them put on their raincoat and set off.    


The rain was still dripping. After a night of soaking, the path was already very muddy and not easy to walk on. Fortunately, although the path was winding, they did not encounter any landslides.    


After walking for about ten minutes, the two of them reached the mountainside and did not flip over a single hill.    


The village chief walked in front and heard Yu Xiaowen panting behind. He turned around and asked, "Do you want to rest for a while?"    


Yu Xiaowen quickly waved her hand. She was here to help, not to back off.    


"Village chief, let's talk. Let me distract myself!" She said.    


"Alright!" The village chief readily agreed and said, "What do you want to talk about?"    


"Does every child's home live so far away from school? Doesn't that mean that school has to be very early?"    


"That's right!" The village chief said, "The furthest place from the school is Little Zhou's house that we are going to now. That child wakes up at four o'clock every day and leaves the house after doing farm work. He still needs to walk for about an hour and a half of the mountain road before he can reach the school. "    


Yu Xiaowen heard it and sighed endlessly.    


She asked many more questions and the village chief also patiently answered one by one. Perhaps because they were chatting, the two of them unknowingly flipped over two hills. Although the rain was not heavy yet, the sky was darker and the sound of thunder was faintly discernible. It seemed to have the intention of a heavy rainstorm.    


"How many more roads do we have to go?"    


Yu Xiaowen asked the village chief. She had never walked such a long road before and was really somewhat unable to walk anymore.    


The village chief looked back at her and thought for a while. He said, "Let's go a little further. There is a cave in front of us. It is where we usually rest in the rain. We will go there and rest for a while. If we make it in time, maybe Little Zhou's child will also rest there. "    


Yu Xiaowen heard this and gritted her teeth. She said, "Then let's go!"    


Five minutes later, just as they were about to reach the cave, the rain suddenly became heavier. Their vision became blurry and the raindrops hit their bodies and it was very painful. Yu Xiaowen's heart was half cold. She thought that no matter who it was, she must not let anything happen to them!    


"Grandpa Chief, Grandpa Chief, such a heavy rain, why did you come out? Did you come to find me?"    


Suddenly, someone shouted, like the voice of a child.    


The village chief turned his head in surprise and said, "Miss Yu, it's that child, Little Zhou. Let's hurry over. There's no need to rush. Just wait for the rain to stop!"    


When Yu Xiaowen heard this, she felt slightly relieved. It was precisely Yuyan's side. She did not know how it was.    


"I know, village chief. Let's speed up!"    


As she spoke, a rumbling sound suddenly came from above her head.    


Yu Xiaowen thought that it was thunder and was so frightened that she shrank her head. Her footsteps could not help but stop. She was afraid of thunder since she was young.    


Suddenly, she heard the village chief shout at her, "Run, it's a landslide!"    


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