Transmigrated Son-in-law

C772 Internal Strife

C772 Internal Strife

1However, the design of a new drug formula was not his own. It is the result of joint research and analysis by scientific research and management in more than 20 countries. They worked day and night, overcoming many difficulties.    


If Qin Yuxin, for Qin Yuxuan's safety, gave up everyone's research results to someone else, she would feel uneasy.    


In addition, the new drug has a number of product defects. Taking this medicine, AIDS patients will recover in a short time, but will also bring their own body development serious life-threatening side effects, can not be used for AIDS patients through a large amount of funds invested in social production.    


Qin Yuxin understood that those people did everything for their own interests. As long as there were benefits, they wouldn't care about such things.    


Therefore, in terms of emotion, it was impossible for Qin Yuxin to hand over the recipe of a new Chinese drug.    


Even if she gave them the prescription, Qin Yuxin could not guarantee that they would hand Qin Yuxuan over to him in one piece.    


For a moment Qin Yuxin was at a loss.    


"Yuxin, do you believe that this is me? "If I say that Yu Xuan is fine, then he is. I promise, I will send him to you in one piece. I won't let my teacher hurt him in the slightest."    


Yang Xuan's magnetic voice came over.    


Qin Yuxin didn't know why, but after hearing Qin Yuxuan's words, she, who was extremely upset and worried about her son, actually calmed down for no reason.    


As if even Yang Xuan said that the sun would rise in the west on the following day, Qin Yuxin would believe it without a doubt.    


Yang Xuan had left the Rongcheng, left Qin Yuxin's side. No matter what kind of trouble he had encountered, as long as Yang Xuan said that there were no problems, Yang Xuan would settle this matter!    


"I believe you." Qin Yuxin swore.    


Qin Yuxin nodded and hung up the phone. Her mind could easily resolve the issue. She walked from the French window to the office computer and pulled open the middle drawer. She didn't take out a pack of cigarettes from the back.    


She doesn't smoke, she just smokes when she's bored, or when she's stressed out at work.    


As we lit a cigarette and breathed in, the faint smoke brought with it a delicate fragrance. It was ejected from Qin Yuxin's lips, giving off a sense of artistic beauty.    


Qin Yuxin looked out the window and saw the sun setting. It was getting dark, the road lights were on, and the neon lights were on. She narrowed her eyes and said to herself, "Sister, don't worry. I won't let you get hurt."    


On the other side, Yang Xuan hung up Qin Yuxin's Dreamy Cloud Swampland and called Bian Suzhen again.    


Seeing the company's caller ID on the phone, it was Yang Xuan who called. Bian Suzhen felt a sense of joy in her heart before her expression darkened again.    


Every time Yang Xuan called him, it was definitely not because he missed her, but because he had something to ask her.    


Bian Suzhen was extremely infuriating in this regard.    




Who is it?    


"No," she said deliberately.    


"Little Sister Suzhen, I have something to ask of you."    


Hearing him come out, "497" 's voice even had something wrong.    


Because when we used to make phone calls, Yang Xuan could never be mischievous.    


"Tell me what!"    


Bian Su replied.    


"A friend of mine was in a car accident. His head was hit hard by a student and he suffered intracranial hemorrhage. He had undergone surgery. The doctor said that if he survived tonight, there would be no danger of his life. However, due to the influence of the Chinese neural network system, the company will most likely become a vegetable."    


Yang Xuan paused for a moment before continuing.    


"He's very young and he doesn't have a family or a career. Do you have any good ideas?    




Bian Suzhen thought for a moment and said, "I don't know what to do. In this respect, I have not yet reached the level of the medical profession. Grandpa doesn't seem to be specifically involved in this, but I can ask for you. By the way, on the first day of next month, my grandpa and I are going to a Chinese medicine seminar, and my grandpa wants to see you. "    


"That's great.    


See you in the provincial capital on the first day of next month.    




"Alright, that's it."    


After hanging up, Yang Xuan drove back to the company. When he saw Qin Yuxin, she was sitting there working.    


Perhaps it was because of Qin Yuxuan, but Qin Yuxin's current condition was clearly different from before.    


In the past, Qin Yuxin was always calm as she sat there doing her work. No matter what problems she encountered, she would always deal with them slowly and with a confident smile on her face. She had brought confidence to the people within the company and was an important pillar of support for the company.    


But now it seemed that Qin Yuxin had lost her backbone in an instant, with an anxious look on her face and her mind wandering.    


It was understandable when she thought about it. Qin Yuxuan had been with her for so many years, but now that she knew her little sister had gone missing, no one could work in peace.    


Looking at Qin Yuxin's tired face, Yang Xuan could not bear to go over. He patted her on the shoulder and asked, "Yuxin, are you alright?"    


It was just too sad. It was only when Yang Xuan's voice sounded out that Qin Yuxin knew of his arrival.    


Qin Yuxin raised her head and looked at Yang Xuan.    


Only then did Yang Xuan invent it. Qin Yuxin's eyes were red.    


For some reason, Yang Xuan's heart tensed up when he saw Qin Yuxin acting like this, and he started to love her a little.    


She quickly said, "Yuxin, didn't I already tell you? "Rest assured, nothing will happen to Yu Xuan."    


Qin Yuxin bit her lips. "But I'm really worried about Yu Xuan."    


"Do you believe me?    


They didn't dare to do anything to him. I promise you, I will bring Yuxuan safely to you. "    


Qin Yuxuan nodded but did not say anything else. It was already this time, he didn't believe Yang Xuan could trust anyone.    


When he returned to the house, Qin Yuxin locked him in his room. Yang Xuan sighed. He then prepared a meal and sent it to Qin Yuxin's room...    


Qin Yuxin did not know the taste of food and was full of Qin Yuxuan's shadow in her heart. She wondered if those people had made her feel wronged or not. Had she eaten or slept over there tonight?    


At the same time, in an apartment on the outskirts.    


Miyamoto ordered a serving of takeout and personally sent it to Qin Yuxuan.    


Qin Yuxuan didn't touch the take-out food. She kicked the take-out food onto the ground and swore at Miyamoto: "You man of Ying Prefecture, let go of me, or else I'll tell Brother Xuan to kill you."    


Miyamoto smiled instead of getting angry. He crossed his arms and asked, "Are you talking about your sister's husband, Yang Xuan?"    


"Hmph, since you've heard of Brother Xuan's name, why aren't you letting me go?" I can get big brother Xuan to give you a pain so that you won't die without a complete corpse. "    


"Is that so? I've discovered that the people here have a common problem. They have no idea what kind of place they are in, and never know what kind of place they are in. "Just like right now, you have been kidnapped by me. Your life is under my control, yet you still dare to say such shameless words. Aren't you afraid that I'll kill you?!"    


"You are in China, the government won't let you off if you dare to touch a citizen of China!" Qin Yuxuan tried her best to refute.    




So what?    




Miyamoto disdainfully said: "As a Chinese, I have a very important identity and am under the protection of our big R Country embassy. Even if the security personnel from your country do not want to capture me, they will have to give their permission before they can do so. Do you think I can do whatever I want in China now?"    


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