Super Magic Surgery System

C28 True - Surgical Hands

C28 True - Surgical Hands

1Chen Qun, who was walking in silence, obviously did not see Wei Xu and a group of family members standing in the corridor. That was because he was busy picking out the prizes given by the system.    


"Congratulations, you have continuously completed three three-star operations and are rewarded with an Intermediate Treasure Chest. You have received 100 additional EXP and 4/50 Quest Completion. Would you like to upload a video?"    


One of them had already been uploaded, so there was no need to upload the second one. This way, others would think that it was too boastful and childish.    


Chen Qun didn't think that a bunch of the world's most professional doctors would be like ordinary people on video websites, feeling a sense of novelty towards everything they haven't seen before. Moreover, a three star operation was not that difficult. Those experts only needed to watch a video to figure out his stitching level and didn't need too many videos to play Fatigue Bombs.    


"No need to upload!"    


He added, "Open the treasure chest!"    


Looking at the shining Treasure Chest lit up with a blue light, his heart tensed up like a fawn beating a drum, "Do not use the Trash Skill! "Please don't use garbage skills!"    


"Congratulations, you have obtained a scroll of the Sacred Hand."    


Seeing the golden scroll disappear into the system, Chen Qun let out a sigh of relief. He knew that with this scroll that covered all domains, no matter how difficult the situation, he would be able to deal with it.    


This scroll should be the most important Divine Needle for him before he became a true physician.    


The sudden reward made Chen Qun understand the system's reward system more and more. It turned out that, like many games, continuous skills had special rewards.    


Completing three perfect missions in a row would result in one critical hit. The rewards from the four 4-star missions and the five 5-star missions were even better.    


It seemed that there was no need to think about the other two rewards in the county hospital.    


Chen Qun walked into the operating room next door and saw the patient under local anesthesia.    


"Open bilateral tibia and fibula fractures, blood pressure 103/62, intravenous antibiotics, prepare electric drill and nail, secure patient's leg bone!"    


At this moment, Koo Changsheng was somewhat excitedly directing the doctors and nurses in the operation room like a general giving out orders. The last operation had shown that Chen Qun's basic surgical skills were inhumanly solid. However, he was still a novice in bone science and technology.    


If it wasn't for his over 20 years of history, he really wouldn't have been able to see that Chen Qun was a rookie that hid himself well. Because of that kid's innate medical talent, his performance was very outstanding. If it wasn't for him revealing his abilities when fixing the patient's bones, as the principal, he really didn't have the confidence to show off in front of this kid.    


"Chen, this is the last major surgery. You are responsible for the incision and cleaning up the broken bones!"    


Koo Changsheng has a genius in surgery, so of course he will try his best to squeeze out every ability he has. Of course, he didn't need to personally expose his own weaknesses.    


Seeing Chen Qun pick up the scalpel, Cao Binn whispered at the side like a resentful wife, "Principal, let me do the skin suture at the end!"    


His thick eyebrows and big eyes secretly sent a pleading look towards Chen Qun.    


"No problem at all."    


Chen Qun hurriedly expressed his opinion. He didn't want to offend Boss Cao, who was full of bad ideas, especially since this was the same dorm room. As for the operation in front of him, because it was in the middle of his calves, the difficulty was much lower than before, so Koo Changsheng arranged it at the back.    


The more collective the accident, the more patients were graded. Endangered patients were the first priority, only then would the back end up seriously injured, and the minor injuries were treated by the emergency room of the outpatient department.    


For Chen Qun, he wanted to go to the emergency department to treat those lightly injured patients the most. After all, for the 50 quests required by the system. This time there were at least a hundred patients with minor injuries, all of whom had to undergo trauma surgery. For him, this was a chance from the heavens.    


It seems like his two stars' hidden ability is truly heaven defying.    


"Straight vessel clamp!" Gelatin sponge! "    


Chen Qun took the Operating Instruments from Zhang Xin. When he raised his eyes, he saw a hint of weariness in his partner's eyes. His heart ached uncontrollably.    


Looking at the time, it was already 2: 47 in the morning.    


His operation had been quick, but eight hours had passed before he knew it. For the young nurse, it was a strange thing not to get tired while working at a high intensity.    


As for him, he seemed to have been tortured by the system until he looked like a robot. Even he himself suspected that his physiological functions had been strengthened by the system.    


When Koo Changsheng fixed the patient's last left leg with a steel nail, Liu Tie quickly cleaned the patient's wound. He released Hemostatic Forceps and slowly put a few bundles of muscle back to its original position. He looked up and said to Cao Binn, "It's up to you. Principal Gu, I'm going to the emergency room to help! "    


Zhang Xin jumped up and said, "I'll go too!"    


Seeing Koo Changsheng wave his hand, Chen Qun couldn't help but glance at Zhang Xin. He felt that this nurse was the daughter of Principal Gu and seemed to have countless special care. Her treatment level far exceeded that of Wu Tie, the nephew of the richest man in the county.    


While washing his hands in the disinfection room, Chen Qun couldn't help but apologize to Zhang Xin, who had a tired face. If you agree to one condition later, you can go to the rest room for an hour and then come to the emergency room to look for me. "I don't want you to turn into iodine or alcohol when you hand me lidocaine!"    


Seeing that the fake brat was about to raise his hand and attack her, he quickly grasped her fist and said to her: "It's only been an hour. Consider it as me owing you a favor, okay?" "When I get paid three days later, can I treat you to some mutton?"    


"Just for an hour!"    


Zhang Xin retreated her arm and could not help but secretly rub it. That hand was too soft and delicate. How could it resemble a boy? An invisible sweetness flowed into his heart.    


When Chen Qun walked out of the surgery room, the system's screen jumped a number, "5/50", and there was no response.    


It was indeed a failure. The operation was considered a failure. After all, he did not do much, so he was not wanted by the system.    


It doesn't matter, anyway, since this crappy system of yours only pursues numbers, I'll let you know what it means to win by numbers.    


Chen Qun saw Zhang Xin walking towards the resting room and immediately felt relieved. He strode towards the emergency room. Regardless of whether it was for his own attribute points or for the villagers sent over from these remote mountains, he had to persevere to the end.    


A pretty nurse beside him, it was Zhao Xue. She picked up her phone and was about to call her boyfriend Wei Xu, but she stopped herself. Until now, she still didn't understand how Chen Qun offended Wei Xu. It was as if the two of them had never argued before?    


Besides, Wei Xu became very enthusiastic about the emergency rescue tonight. It was not his style to pay attention to Chen Qun's situation. There must be something that was hiding from him.    


Zhao Xue thought for a moment, walked over, and whispered to Chen Qun, "Although I don't know what happened between you and Wei Xu, but he seemed to be planning something tonight to make me pay attention to your situation." "How about this? I'll invite you and Zhang Xin to have a meal together some other day and explain the misunderstanding."    


"Thank you! I'm very busy right now, and I have to go back to the emergency room.    


Chen Qun squeezed out an ugly smile on his face and walked out with big steps.    


Zhao Xue looked at Chen Qun's skinny body as he walked under the street light. He looked exceptionally tall. Her heart throbbed with an unknown fear. This is the real Surgery Doctor!    


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