Super Magic Surgery System

C688 Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging

C688 Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging

0Yang Xiaoquan's operation was completed in six hours by Chen Qun two days later. This time, Yang Xiaoquan's surgery was less than 100% complete. On the contrary, it was only 91% complete. This number was considered very low when compared to Chen Qun's other operations.    


However, for Chen Qun, he knew that 91% was the best solution because there were three places that required surgery. If he forced the operation, it would damage Yang Xiaoquan's pitting rhythm and cause a hidden danger. Therefore, Chen Qun would rather use medicine to stop the treatment, than to perform a direct and crude resection.    


The reason why he had the confidence to do so was because the lesions in those three places were not glioma, but just an ordinary infection. This was the exact result from the living dissecting in System Space. In terms of risk and conservatism, Chen Qun chose the more conservative Therapeutic Regimen.    


Perhaps it was because he had truly become a Grandmaster, allowing him to have more insights and choices, and not treating the cold numbers of the system as the only standard for successful surgery.    


Thinking about this, Chen Qun had a sense of relief. He knew that he had really started to jump out of the system's frame and truly control the system. Unlike a few days ago, the system had always guided him and made him a tool.    


Glioma is difficult to surgically remove, but it is relatively simple at the cellular level. Of course, the technical content here was not something an ordinary doctor could complete. Even if Chen Qun wasn't boasting, he knew that in the entire world, only he could learn how to use Optical Forceps to do deep brain surgery. There was no one else like him.    


Even the other technical geniuses, like the few exchange students beside him, would need at least three to five years before they could complete an operation at his level.    


He didn't know if it was because he had performed the operation thoroughly, or because Houzyou Yangling had sent him the active agent after he changed the world. Two hours after the operation, Yang Xiaoquan woke up and the first sentence he said was to look at everyone with a smile.    


"It seems like even Lord Yama dislikes this old bastard, and sent it back to me from the Underworld." "Eh, why don't we see Qi and Chen?"    


Liu Yang, who was sitting beside him with a newspaper in his hand, didn't seem to care about him at all. His eyes were staring at the newspaper as he shook his head leisurely.    


"You old fool, just now when you were unconscious, you chased Qi and Chen out to treat the next patient." Otherwise, if you didn't wake up, your female student would definitely not take a step away. Alright, good people don't live long, while disasters live for a thousand years. You're in a much better condition than before, so I'm relieved. I won't be accompanying you, old thing. Let Old Ye and the other leaders come and visit you. "    


Only then did Liu Yang put down the newspaper and go outside to inform his family. This operation was better than expected, he thought Old Yang would take at least seven to eight hours to wake up at his age. He had woken up only an hour later, dazed, and now he was awake again, thinking clearly and speaking clearly, which meant that the operation had been a success.    


Of course, he might have some hallucinations in the next week or two, but considering his age, it was still quite normal. He only needed to strengthen his rest and drug control, and he would be able to recover completely in a month or two.    


He wondered what the retarded genius Pianist, whom Chen and co. tested once again, would discover. Since he was admitted to the hospital, Fatty had experienced epilepsy twice, which was much more severe than what he had experienced only once every two months. Clearly, there was something wrong with his brain and spinal nerves.    


However, this case attracted the attention of the entire hospital, not because of his strange condition, but because the doctor was also suffering from Scholar's Syndrome. Furthermore, the doctor's girlfriend was also suffering from the same illness, so she became very interested in him, and she wanted to use this opportunity to see what exactly the physiological mechanism of Scholar's Syndrome was.    


Regardless of whether it was Chen Qun or Dongfang Wenxin, the patients were both really ill. They could not display any special signals in the device, let alone research on them. However, for Fatty, who only had an IQ of 49, his thoughts were simple. If he really wanted to discover something, it would be him.    


Scholar's Syndrome was a syndrome caused by a scholar, Syndrome Patient. It sounded like a tongue twister, but just this topic was discussed in the hospital forum and instantly became popular. After all, the success of Fellow Yang Xiaoquan's operation had allowed everyone to have the mood to pay attention to other topics.    


Liu Yang, of course, did not expect that at this time, Dongfang Wenxin was in the surgical laboratory that she had donated, linking the computer information in the operation room directly to the Leeyun Group's supercomputer group.    


"I'm done here, you can do functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). In just 0.003 seconds, my flying computer will be able to fully feed the signal back to the image and create a realistic virtual image to determine the level of activity of the various regions in the brain."    


Chen Qun looked at his girlfriend, who was getting more and more interested, and couldn't help but tease her.    


"Do you think that your 3D simulation will directly show a big arrow pointing at a certain location in your brain with the symbol 'Scholar's Syndrome' on it?"    


Dongfang Wenxin wasn't the least bit angry upon hearing this fellow's teasing. Instead, she smiled and rolled her eyes at him.    


"This idea of yours is really not bad. I'll add it right away!" Alright, now that the image is out, you get Fatty to follow you and play those small piano pieces I gave you beforehand, I have a way to find out which parts of his brain are active and which parts are messing around! "    


Chen Qun looked at his silly girlfriend and felt speechless. Which equipment did he have for his System Space? Add to that the fact that his simulated patients had had two or three thousand surgeries, at least a thousand functional magnetic resonance imaging scans of the brain, and nothing.    


Could it be that a girlfriend is more advanced than a broken system?    


Chen Qun was about to demonstrate, but he heard Dongfang Wenxin call for him to stop.    


"Wait a minute, let me confirm the patient's auditory nerve baseline before you start the performance!"    


Chen Qun noticed that this girlfriend was sometimes really naive and cute. He immediately reminded her, in case something happened to him later on, he would become a scapegoat again and get beaten up by his girlfriend.    


"Little friend, don't you know that Fatty is a genius at playing and not a commander? Listening and playing are two different kinds of brain activity. You use the baseline of listening to correct his playing ability. That's called asking for help! "    


"I'm happy, but it's none of your business!"    


Dongfang Wenxin became arrogant. However, she did not insist on her request and immediately changed her order.    


"Alright, let's try your method first. Let Fatty start playing the piano?"    


Chen Qun put a piece of printed piano keyboard paper on Fatty's waist and indicated to him.    


"Right now, you are just like how you practiced when you were young. You can play the piano piece that you heard on this paper keyboard. Can you do it? "    


"Yes, yes, but you are too stupid. This sound can only be heard by me and you can't hear it. You're even stupider than me! "    


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