Super Magic Surgery System

C525 Emergency Aviation Rescue Centre

C525 Emergency Aviation Rescue Centre

3Emergency Aviation Rescue Centre    


Chen Qun immediately put on the airs of a superior doctor towards a hospital manager who didn't know his name.    


"Immediately send your cousin to the radiology department for a head CT scan and a variety of routine tests. By the way, I need your cousin's family history. Notice that it's your uncle's family, not yours. Maybe if I find out what's wrong with your cousin, then I can solve your uncle's problem. "    


After Chen Qun finished, he added another sentence.    


"If it is not a neurological disease, then there is a high probability that it is a genetic disease. I need a little DNA sample from you and your mother, preferably a blood sample, to be excluded as a control. If I'm right, your cousin will wake up in an hour or two, but it's best if she goes to the hospital. It's quite possible that she had the same illness as your uncle. "    


Chen Qun instructed a few other things to pay attention to before riding with Miss Dongfang in a helicopter, returning to the old lady's mansion which was located halfway up the mountain.    


Chen Qun had a deep impression of this place. It actually had facilities for defending against nuclear weapons, which were probably the products of the last century. However, the next time he came over, it was no longer the same. It was so beautiful that all the gardens were gone, leaving behind only the refurbished soil.    


As soon as Dongfang Wenxin got off the helicopter, she asked a middle-aged woman who had come to greet them.    


"Is my grandmother and sister back yet?"    


"Miss, the madame has gone to bed." On the other hand, Miss Su wants you to go to the dugout. She has something that she wants you to do and wants you to see her as soon as you come over. In addition, the Madam has also instructed you to rest early so that you won't disturb Dr. Chen's sleep. "    


When the two youngsters heard the last sentence, they simultaneously flipped through a Supercilious Look.    


Chen Qun finally understood why the First Miss was hiding alone at the side. Who could endure such a tutoring? Also, he wasn't the kind of person who liked to get in the car first and then buy a ticket. He wanted everything to be done in a natural manner. Since it was already in the old lady's territory, did he still have the ability to eat her darling granddaughter?    


Chen Qun thought for a while and replied to the middle-aged woman, who was obviously a housekeeper.    


"I'll stay in my old guest room later. I'll have to trouble you to send someone to clean up, thank you!"    


This was to tell the woman in charge of the house that the young lady had so many bodyguards, even if he had the heart of a thief, he wouldn't dare. Moreover, he did not use the lower half of his body to think. This place had made him look so terrible, it was simply a stomach full of anger.    


However, Chen Qun also understood the bad habits of these big families. A pure girl from a big family would never be tricked by a pig.    


Naturally, he would openly marry Xin and not let anyone gossip about her. Even if he wasn't used to it, he still had to endure the rules.    


What tricks did Su Wantine have up her sleeve?    


When Chen Qun saw Su Wantine, who changed the original messy shelter into a headquarters, Chen Qun realized that he had underestimated Beauty President's insight and magnanimity.    


"What, you want to set up a civilian emergency aviation rescue center to work with fire brigades in hospitals throughout the country? Do you have too much money to spend? Why don't you help our hospital a little? "    


When Chen Qun heard what Su Wantine had said, he cried out immediately and the lemon taste in his heart churned non-stop. Chen Qun had some idea of how much this emergency air rescue centre would actually cost. Just from the six helicopters in Xiangyun Hospital alone, they had to be maintained at a cost of a few million every year, which could be said to be a complete loss.    


This was because he had too much money, and it was burning hot in his hands!    


Su Wantine ignored Chen Qun's sour mood and directly warned Dongfang Wenxin.    


"This mission is different from before. I need you to be powerful enough to calculate it. First, help me build a map of the entire country. Especially in the remote mountains, they needed to be covered with a high intensity. For developed regions, it should be more of a form of cooperation, working with existing institutions, you can take care of these places first. "    


When Chen Qun heard half of it, he suddenly realized what benefits Beauty President had gotten from the country from this emergency rescue and then volunteered to support this laborious air rescue. This was no longer a matter of Airline, it was a great thing that this concerned public health care.    


As for letting Su Wantine handle it, it was probably just a small additional condition.    


Chen Qun believed that Su Wantine was honest and had a chivalrous air to her, but she was still a businessman and a billionaire. If she didn't earn money, she would do it within her means, not as a true Virgin.    


He thought for a moment before giving Su Wantine a dazzling smile.    


"Ms Su, what big project did you get to start this air emergency rescue center to benefit the lives of ordinary people?"    


Su Wantine revealed a bright smile. "The country has given me a huge loan, so of course I have to do something meaningful. Moreover, you won't be able to escape this time. The director of this center is you! "    




Chen Qun pointed at his nose and looked at CEO Su in disbelief.    


"The higher ups have decided to go up. If you have the ability, go up to the higher ups to object!"    


Su Wantine didn't even give Chen Qun a chance to object and just said a few words to pin him to this position.    


"Then I should always ask, why?"    


Chen Qun wanted to struggle for his life, but he wasn't confident enough to raise his opposition.    


"Because your medical rescue plan has become a textbook. It has become a necessary textbook for the newly established Emergency Air Rescue Center. Second, you've done very well, whether it's in disaster relief or emergency situations, or just plain daily work, and you've got nothing to say about it. A few of your leaders felt that you were very capable, and that you were far more knowledgeable than the other doctors. Since you were able to see health care from the perspective of the national strategy, of course you had to take on a lot of responsibilities before recommending you to the higher ups. "    


At this moment, Chen Qun felt that he had nothing to say. He knew that the first one to recommend him would be Director Liu. Whether it was for the development of the hospital or its fame, or even competing with other hospitals for the authority to speak, Director Liu would recommend him, Chen Qun, to be the first one to take control of the actual situation.    


Or perhaps, the ones who knew him the best were Director Liu and Su Wantine. Liu Yang knew that his thinking was eccentric and that he viewed problems from different angles from other doctors. At the same time, he also had the ability to carry it out, which of course was to push him onto the stage and make him shine on the world medicine's grand stage.    


Besides, this move was completely consistent with the hospital's plan. If he wanted to popularize the recommended skills throughout the country and compete for the Nobel Prize in medicine, he needed a higher status.    


The Air Emergency Director was also considered a national consultant, which gave him a more advantageous position in nominating the Nobel Prize for Medicine.    


This was not just a bunch of shitty old men messing around, but also involving their girlfriends and Su Wantine. Things were getting closer and closer to their fingertips, giving them the feeling that their beautiful dreams had come true.    


Su Wantine looked at Chen Qun silently and passed him a cup of water, consoling him with a smile.    


"Actually, this is an empty plate. What you have to take care of is still your matter at the hospital. As for the operation of other places, you have only the right to advise and supervise, but no right to operate. "The essence doesn't change anything. I know you don't like these relationships, so I pushed you up to make a rubber stamp."    


Chen Qun heard Su Wantine's explanation and smiled bitterly.    


"So I can just be an emotionless tool man, can't I? "If that's the case, then I'll agree to it. My only request is to use your helicopter to send my uncle here for surgery. I don't want my mother to nag me to death."    


Su Wantine revealed an understanding smile. She knew that this fellow wasn't the kind of person who wouldn't go back on his words. He was only able to hold on to his bottom line and was very similar to her.    


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