Super Magic Surgery System

C452 Coexistence

C452 Coexistence



The next morning, Zagu was sent into the MRI machine by Chen Qun and Dongfang Wenxin, the two abnormal doctors and nurses.    


Of course, before he willingly accepted Chen Qun's treatment, it was also related to the night before he accepted Chen Qun's early visit.    


Chen Qun and Eldest Miss appeared in front of him. It seemed like the old man was not surprised at all. He only frowned slightly as he spoke indifferently while looking at the couple standing at the door.    


"It seems that the time we agreed upon is noon tomorrow?" You're early! "    


After Zagu finished speaking, he prepared to close the door.    


Chen Qun swiftly blocked the door. Ten points of arm strength plus a flawless physique, his strength was equivalent to a heavyweight athlete. No matter how strong Zagu was, he could not budge an inch.    


This kind of low-key ability really surprised Zagu, who was very strong in martial arts. He knew that the strength and position of his push was very ingenious. Even if there was a burly man in front of him, he would gently push him aside.    


The Dr. Chen in front of him had a little bit of foundation in martial arts, but in the eyes of a master, he was just a beginner apprentice who had learnt some basic martial arts but didn't know anything else.    


However, it was precisely this kind of acolyte who only knew basic skills that was able to rely on his own talent and strength to directly suppress him, the victor of the underground boxing ring from back then.    


This brat was simply a tiger covered in sheepskin! If it was just a competition of physical strength, even if he was young and strong, he probably wouldn't be a match for this fellow.    


This was a rare talent, it was a pity that he didn't try to beat up Zhang Xuan with his black punches!    


Just as this thought appeared in Zagu's mind, he knew that he was wrong. Because in the next second, Chen Qun took a quick step forward and squeezed through the crack in the door, pushing open his arm that was pressed against the door.    


There wasn't much practice in this technique, but the speed was still very fast when he was pushed aside by the force.    


With both strength and speed, coupled with his understanding of the human body's structure, he had surpassed any boxer. If he were to fight in such a state, he would probably be a true rookie. If he was allowed to attack without any limits, no boxer would be his match.    


He would definitely strike at the most vulnerable parts of the body, the parts of the body where the boxer was too embarrassed to strike. He had probably used all of his strength, so even a Japanese sumo wrestler would be beaten to death or half dead by him. This kind of person definitely couldn't use punches or kicks to solve problems.    


Zagu relied on one movement from Chen Qun to give him a very high evaluation. From his point of view, he analyzed a lot of facts and gave up any thoughts of resisting.    


If he had, he would have been lying on the ground by now.    


Zagu immediately opened the door and made a "please" gesture.    


Chen Qun didn't go in at this time. He stood at the door and asked him the first question.    


"Mr. Zagu, when you were in the hospital this afternoon, did you put some hallucinogen on my shoulder? Why?"    


The former Master of Underground Fist was not the least bit surprised. He nodded and admitted it.    


"Dr. Chen went straight to the point. This is the rule of our school. If you want to know about me, you have to go through our test. The powder that I placed on your shoulder is a local herb that can help you get rid of trouble and rest in peace. At the same time, it also has the ability to weaken your memory, making you forget about some things for the time being. "    


Chen Qun looked at a strange sculpture that was placed in his room and suddenly understood something. He continued to stare at this guy and asked a shocking question.    


"Whether it is increasing the dosage, or using some pattern to lure it, will create the illusion of a ghost's upper body." I explained the use of this drug in a very rare report. It caused people to have a skeletal pattern. If it continued to hint, the effect would be multiplied a thousand times? If there is no psychological hint, and the picture suggests, then it is basically a tranquilizer. "    


The fake report in his mouth was something he had seen from the Forbidden Medicine Room in System Space. He was certain that this report would not appear in the media because no one would want this secret to be leaked.    


Zagu nodded slowly.    


"Descending is a method of exerting a mysterious force, basically a psychological force, on an ordinary person's mind. The various rituals were actually a way to strengthen the intimation of this terrifying power, to deepen the impression. Mr. Zagu, this is my understanding of you all, don't you think so? "    


Chen Qun slowly expressed his thoughts to Zagu.    


Zagu suddenly laughed.    


"There is a saying among foreigners that there are a thousand Hamlet in the eyes of a thousand people. This ancient folk tradition of ours has its own way of speaking. There are other explanations for modern medicine that I agree with. Because you can't prove it, and we can't prove it. Dr. Chen, you didn't come here to inquire about the secret of our inheritance, right? "    


Seeing him say this, Chen Qun was also slightly surprised. He did not expect this old fellow to be so knowledgeable, even more knowledgeable than Cheung Yihfei. He did not oppose his words at all.    


Sigh, I am the beneficiary of the greatest mysterious power, yet I came here to do research. The most important object of study is not the mysterious decapitation, but the demon on my body who disguised himself as the System!    


Chen Qun snickered to himself and immediately explained his purpose of coming here.    


"Mr. Zagu, I came here this time because I think that the drugs you have been in contact with for a long time have caused some damage to your nerves and caused some passivation. I would like to ask you to go to the hospital tomorrow to get an MRI. If the results come out, we might have a way to treat your heartache. "    


He was afraid that the old geezer would run away and lose his system reward, so he immediately tried to persuade him.    


"Old mister, you should know the reason behind Bian Que seeing Master Cai Heng. Taking advantage of the fact that it's still early, you might be able to cure him. If you're too late, then there's nothing you can do."    


Zagu pondered for a moment before slowly nodding.    


"I have a little granddaughter who is very lively and cute. But she never knew I existed, and she was the only thing that kept me going. She gave me the best view of the world. I also know that if something were to happen to me, she would definitely be affected, so I will try my best to live on, at least until she becomes an adult before I can leave. This is my last wish, so I will accept your examination and treatment. "    


Chen Qun knew that there was no solution to Zagu's problem. Perhaps, the only solution would be for Zagu to solve it himself.    


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