Super Magic Surgery System

C604 Evil Twins

C604 Evil Twins

3Although Chen Qun didn't want to have anything to do with George Kate, it was an easy task for Houzyou Yangling to watch the live broadcast of the operation of this schizophrenic brain tumor patient from her hotel.    


As the team leader, Chi Hong had originally been against them breaking the rules and causing unnecessary trouble for the hospital. If the matter was exposed, it would be a huge scandal. However, thinking about the conflict between Chen Qun and Surgery Doctor, who had the highest annual salary in the world, they agreed that it was the best choice to not get involved.    


As for Female Bookworm, she had even specifically called her senior, Koo Ning, to ask if the communication between doctors were friendly. However, the result was that she almost felt that her view of the world had been turned upside down. Although it was normal for doctors to cooperate with each other, they had always secretly used underhanded methods on others.    


Wherever there were people, there would be people from the martial arts world. This sentence could be applied to any field, and Medical Field was no exception. Koo Ning had heard quite a few rumors about George Kate's reputation. It was said that she was a very powerful person. But because of the operation, it was actually thrown out by Chen Qun. To any doctor, this was an extraordinary shame and humiliation.    


After Koo Ning understood the situation, he warned Chi Hong.    


"Since Chen has provoked him, it is very correct that Chen will reject any of his invitations and not get involved with his matters. Remember, do not have any contact with him either. After all, his annual salary is over a hundred million dollars a year. This is definitely not a normal occurrence.    


After hearing her Senior Brother's reply, Chi Hong somewhat believed what Chen Qun and Dongfang Wenxin had said. They believed that any world-famous hospital would not be able to afford a doctor with a annual salary of over 100 million. In Miss Dongfang's words, a capitalist's money is not something that comes from the wind. If you can do even better things for hundreds of thousands of dollars, why pay so much?    


Any hospital is aware of the fact that no doctor has had any medical accidents, just the fact that there is not enough surgery. Foreign hospitals all have the best team of lawyers in the world who specialize in solving hospital 'medical problems'. They almost never ruin their reputation just because of something.    


The money, to put it bluntly, was deducted from the doctor's expenses. It was clear even with the toes how much surgery a doctor with a salary of hundreds of millions a year would have to perform. After all, even a rich person couldn't give you too much of a fee. If you exceeded a certain limit, people would rather go to the world's most famous hospital.    


Solitary Fly's doctor only wanted to earn enough money for himself, which had always been common in the country. But all solo doctors will carefully choose low-risk surgery to complete, will not give you cardiac surgery, even if they have the ability to do it, but also determined not to do it.    


That might be more dangerous for doctors abroad. A doctor like George Kate was definitely abnormal. In other words, he would definitely use tough methods to bully the weak and fear the strong in order to maintain his reputation. Chen Qun was such an incredible genius that his surgery was not the least bit better than George's. However, he still believed that some operations were not done well and could only barely be completed.    


Failure to perform the operation meant trouble. It's easy to solve problems abroad, either by solving them or by the people who cause them. The latter was much cheaper than the former. For anyone who looked at the money with interest, they would choose to deal with the person who caused the trouble. The better thing is, if you drag it on for eight or ten years with the lawyers, you can buy out the judges and the jury and solve all the problems.    


Chi Hong put down the phone and walked into the meeting room. When she saw a row of photos of the patients on the screen, she shouted in surprise at Chen Qun.    


"This... Was it not in the same place as Fong Qiuyun's cavernous vascular malformation? It's just that this is a simple tumor, not a spongy structure. Is the temporal lobe and surrounding vascular tissue bleeding? "    


Chen Qun pointed at another unusual black line on the screen and smiled at Chi Hong.    


"You're completely right, but that's not the main reason. You should see the situation around the cerebral arteriovenous malformations. What do you think it is?"    


Chi Hong hesitated for a moment before looking at her colleagues.    


"This is probably middle temporal sclerosis. Look here, it looks like an inflammatory scar. For people with Brain Department, patients with sclerosing lesions are more likely to have seizures. But in this part of the brain, it's easier to show a change in personality. That is to say, after the Douglas seizure, it became Davis. "    


"Yes, just now when I spoke with Knight Victor, I already confirmed that this patient is not suffering from dissociative identity disorder. He is suffering from temporal lobe epilepsy due to sclerotic tissue. "In other words, if we remove this part of the lesion, we can kill off one of the mutations in his character."    


Chen Qun looked at Chi Hong and gave the conclusion they came up with. He then asked another question of everyone in the room.    


"Right now, Knight Victor and I are both facing a very interesting but also a very cruel problem. Was it the evil Davis or the good Douglas who called for the temporal lobectomy? It was because these two different personalities hated each other. They simply did not allow each other's existence to exist and were simply unable to be identified. Which one of you have a way to confirm their identities? "    


Ouyang Yang picked up the information that he had been reading and pointed to one of them to give an explanation.    


"A year ago, Psychiatry Doctor of Douglas disagreed that he was suffering from dissociative identity disorder, arguing that his two personalities did not exist in the first place, but rather that temporal epilepsy created his original personality, which was Douglas, the pure, kind part of him. As for the original Douglas, he was actually Davis. "    


Hearing the words that sounded like a tongue twister, the doctors didn't find it that difficult to understand. However, for the nurses, it was as if they had been twisted into paste.    


Zhao Xue rolled her eyes at Ouyang Yang and asked.    


"Didn't you say that the original Douglas was a good man who abided by the rules? Why did Psychiatry Doctor's words turn into a personality that was created by him?"    


Chen Qun immediately gave an explanation.    


"Look at the note below, because Douglas grew up in a Puritan family and was very strict about the rules. Thus, under such strict discipline, he had no way to turn bad even if he wanted to. On top of that, he was very smart, so he would think of ways to avoid these punishments. After a long period of training, he might become a good person just like the prisoners in the prison. It's not that they have become good people, but that they do not have the chance to do bad things. "    


"When Douglas entered the university, he immediately developed a second personality and started making mistakes. At that time, he did not have epilepsy. This meant that Douglas was actually the evil Davis. It was only later that epilepsy emerged that completely separated the good personality from the good one and made him the real Douglas. "    


"So, I think the personality who agreed to the operation was definitely not the kind one. When I was a kid, I heard a story about a case being solved. In other words, the two women were fighting over a child and said that they were the mother of the child. Since no one knew the truth, Bao Gong gave them a method to cut the child into two halves. But the real mother gave up immediately, saying she was a fake. Thus, Master Bao believed that the one who had given up was the real mother. "    


"For Douglas, being the pure, kind man who split from an epileptic seizure, plus being raised in a Puritan family, he would never have committed the crime of 'killing'."    


Ouyang Yang shouted.    


"So for an evil twin like Davis, Douglas would never be allowed to exist, and he would emerge as Douglas to eradicate this good part. However, the kind-hearted part would not directly kill the evil one. He would only think of him as a part of himself. "Ha, isn't he similar to the other person who has a personality disorder? Those two are from the good faction, that's why they agreed to eradicate themselves and let the other one live!"    


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