Super Magic Surgery System

C667 Blood Spot

C667 Blood Spot

2Chen Qun knew that Chi Hong was starting to get nervous. After all, it was her first surgery to produce a problem, and that was not a small blow to her and her Xiangyun Hospital.    


He answered without thinking.    


"The patient must be bleeding somewhere. Otherwise, when you tied the spermatic cord, nothing strange would have happened!" Let me see. The operation is just beginning, and sepsis is not possible. See if the ruptured vagus nerve stimulation causes hypotension. Wait a minute, Chi Hong, check the patient's abdomen for blood stains. If there is, it should be internal bleeding! "    


Chi Hong immediately removed Jenny's surgical cloth. When she saw the purple and green stripes on his waist, she knew that Chen Qun was right. His mind raced as he thought of the reason in the blink of an eye.    


"All we have is the testicles, which is why we have the abdominal bleeding. The only reason for this is that the testicular artery retracts to the pelvis, the incision opens again, and an internal bleeding occurs in the abdominal cavity. "Dr Lucas, we need to probe immediately!"    


Just as he finished speaking, he saw Chen Qun charge in from the side door, having finished disinfection and washing his hands.    


"Give me scalpel number ten, I'll save the child!"    


Originally, it was almost impossible for Chief Doctor to accept this kind of temporary replacement rescue. However, the two plastic surgery doctors had personally witnessed Chen Qun rescue a completely hopeless patient from the gates of hell and admired his surgical skills. They knew there was a gap of at least several grades between them, so they didn't resist and immediately gave up their position.    


Chen Qun picked up the scalpel and gently cut open Jenny's abdominal cavity. He saw that there were a lot of bruises on her abdomen. Then, Chen Qun quickly cleaned up the celiac blood clot the moment the two Surgery Doctor s did not even have a chance to react. In just two short minutes, he rearranged and stitched up the main culprit, which was the testicular artery, back in the pelvic cavity.    


The two plastic surgeons were greatly relieved when they saw this. They knew that they would encounter such a rare situation. If Chen Qun and Chi Hong didn't immediately identify the symptoms and rescue them, they would have avoided the risk of being expelled by the patients on the operating table.    


After Chen Qun did the emergency rescue, he immediately gave the spot back to the two of them and stood to the side as his assistant. With Chen Qun's help, the two plastic surgeons were able to handle the surgery smoothly. Before they could take any steps, Chen Qun had already finished all the preparation and eliminated all the hidden dangers.    


It would be difficult for such an operation to fail.    


When Jenny woke up, besides her parents and aunts, there was a beautiful woman with fresh flowers. She rubbed her eyes and looked at her in disbelief.    


"Big Sister Maria, you … Was his illness completely cured? "How did you get out?"    


Maria, who was holding a bouquet of fresh flowers, smiled sweetly and put it on the bedside.    


"It's only slightly better now that it can appear in a special area that has been disinfected. For the time being, I can't move about in the space outside. However, this was only a matter of time. In two days, there will be an open-air concert. There will be a very special kid who will be singing the most beautiful song in the world. I hope you can also attend this concert. "    


Hearing this, Chi Hong, who was standing at the side, couldn't help but let out a smile. These days, Chen Qun rehearsed with Little Yiyun all day long, making Dongfang Wenxin furious. She wanted to sneak over to the concert a few times, but was sold out by Chen Qun.    


The only consequence of Chen Qun courting death like this was that he signed countless unequal treaties with his girlfriend. After requesting that they return to his home country, Little Yiyun and him would hold a small concert every week to specifically satisfy Miss Dongfang's request.    


Because this concert was very special, it changed the mind of President Ye Hanlin who was visiting the United States. In the end, he was invited to come with the CEO of the Stanford Medical Center to participate in this concert.    


This concert had the full support of Dr. Dudley, and he even used all the advanced technology in the research institute in preparation of making this concert an eternal classic. Even though Chen Qun and Zhou Lin were laughing at Dr. Dudley's flattery, just the fact that Dr. Dudley had set up a special stage was enough to shock the several youngsters who knew about the inside story.    


The reason the stage was special was because Miss Maria's condition wasn't completely cured yet. Her immune system was completed, but it would take time for it to expose her completely to the public. Without saying anything else, just the pollen alone would cause her newly constructed immune system to fail completely.    


Thus, this time, the stage was to a certain extent a special stage that was installed inside a glass cover. He had done all sorts of optimizations to make the object that acted as the isolation shield invisible to others. It was not an obstacle at all. Instead, it became an indispensable set of items. Many of the scenes were done inside the glass cover.    


It seemed that Miss Maria couldn't wait to show herself to the world and let her mysterious "Midnight Elf" appear in public.    


Because this was her first public performance, naturally she had to be as perfect as she could be. As soon as she appeared, she would cause a sensation throughout the world, not the least bit inferior to the artistic combination of Miss Lillian and Ameera.    


Chi Hong saw Chen Qun suffer miserably from Little Yiyun's rehearsal these few days. Little Yiyun, who possessed unparalleled talent for music, quickly coordinated with Miss Maria. However, as long as Chen Qun joined in, there was always a bit of disharmony, as if the three of them suddenly went their separate ways. You play yours, I sing mine.    


He didn't know what had caused this dissonance. Even though Chen Qun thought that it was because he wasn't the real Pianist, but there were two of them …    


The match was perfect.    


After doing this strange combination a few times, as a long-distance instructor, Dongfang Wenxin completely lost hope. She could only choose a better and simpler method to stop the three of them from working together, only working alone with Little Yiyun to make the program a little easier.    


Chen Qun had a vague idea of the reason for his strange behavior this time. It was the fact that his talent in music was bestowed upon him by the system, not his true ability. This time, the upgrade of the system integrated the entire structure, forming a new system. Then these few auxiliary abilities of his would be excluded from the outside world. Perhaps, it was because of the change in his position, which caused his ability to act inappropriately. He was unable to coordinate with others.    


Of course, there was also the possibility that he didn't want to show off and that it had something to do with him rejecting the show a little bit. He knew very well that he could only choose between music and medicine. If he focused on music, it was very possible that his medical abilities would stagnate.    


As a result, he had the intention of playing half-heartedly this time.    


However, even if he wasn't diligent, and had been despised by Little Yiyun in all kinds of ways, it had instead made others who were familiar with him think that he wasn't omnipotent, and was also flawed. Dr. Dudley, who was a little suspicious of him, completely let go of the suspicion in his heart and stopped treating him as an alien.    


Perhaps this was a blessing in disguise!    


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