Super Magic Surgery System

C698 Synesthesia

C698 Synesthesia

3While Chen Qun was helping his girlfriend discuss how to use the electron microscope and add Computer Program directly to draw the structure of a new compound, a nurse rushed in from the outside.    


"Dr. Chen, Director Liu, here!"    


Chen Qun took the phone and heard Liu Yang's voice.    


"Chen, there's a special patient waiting for you. Give him a diagnosis first, and I'll send someone to deliver the data to you." Because the patient was an active pilot, he had to go through a confidential procedure. "Originally, I wanted you to go to the Air Force Hospital for medical treatment, but since the conditions there are not as good as here and you are busy here and can't leave, I temporarily let your team take care of it. All the files will not be entered into the hospital system."    


Chen Qun thought for a while and said a request.    


"Can my girlfriend participate?"    


Liu Yang laughed heartily.    


"This isn't some military operation, it's just an ordinary medical diagnosis. Of course, Dongfang Wenxin can participate." Furthermore, Leeyun Group had entered the aviation industry, so Miss Dongfang's knowledge of many secrets was much higher than that of a pilot. "You don't need to divulge any information, just treat it as a special VIP patient."    


A few minutes later, Chen Qun received the patient's medical record. He found out that the female pilot, Guan Min, was also one of the candidates. A few days ago, she had met with trouble during a test flight and was sent to the military hospital.    


The aviatrix's condition was strange, even rare, and when it happened she thought her eyes had heard the sound. As for the results of the Air Force Hospital tests, nothing was out of the ordinary except for the rise in the red blood cell index. But the patient's condition worsened.    


When Chen Qun saw this situation, he immediately became interested. These symptoms, known as "shared sensations" in foreign countries, are even rarer than giant pandas.    


He had thought that it was an illusion, and he hadn't believed in the existence of this disease. However, based on the patient's identity, it was impossible for him to lie and fabricate an outrageous symptom to discredit himself. That, according to the razor, meant that the sense of community was real.    


At first, everyone thought that this was a mental illness, but on the afternoon of the second day, the patient's heart suddenly stopped. Even though he had been saved, his condition had immediately changed, and he had no choice but to seek help from Xiangyun Hospital.    


Chen Qun looked at Dongfang Wenxin beside him who was still in a mess due to her algorithm. He decided to let her change the topic and give her the answer she liked the most.    


"Xin, I need you to use your computer to check if there are any conditions that allow you to share your thoughts, such as excessive red blood cell index, and cardiac arrest."    


Dongfang Wenxin looked at Chen Qun and laughed.    


"This is a diagnosis through the air, you didn't even look at the patient. Or could it be that before you personally see the patient, your medical skills were unable to be displayed? "    


Chen Qun felt a bit scared. He knew that his girlfriend's intuition was too good. With just a few words, she was able to tell his true situation without the slightest mistake.    


He felt a little guilty, so he quickly changed the topic.    


"I suspect that you are deliberately changing the topic to cover the lack of cases in your database!?"    


This was called jumping into a wall like a dog trying to pounce on its prey. It was better to stick to what his girlfriend cared about the most!    


"Pah! You can insult my knowledge, but you can't insult my database. Even though your request is a bit outrageous, I can at least find two or three illnesses that completely satisfy what you said. He read the answer himself. "(1) Wepper's disease; (2) Primary myocardial disease, structural malformation leading to cerebral thrombosis and heart disease, resulting in synesthesia."    


"Wait, where exactly did you get the answer from? Putting aside the first diagnosis, just the second diagnosis is simply too stupid. "    


"This is the result of computing a computer unit that's several hundred million times smarter than a human. Tell me, how stupid are you?"    


"You forget the identity of the patient, a female pilot and a reserve spaceflight pilot. If she had a heart problem, she wouldn't be able to go through the regular examination. "    


Dongfang Wenxin blushed. Of course, she knew Chen Qun's criticism was reasonable. With China's strict standards, a female spaceflight pilot would be able to check every single one of her body's skills clearly. Even if the instrument is a little behind, it is impossible to miss a heart disease.    


You want to fight with my computer? You make it look like you're going to die a horrible death.    


Miss Dongfang was extremely proud of herself.    


"You haven't finished reading it yet and you're already coming to a conclusion? Look at the third situation, hyperthyroidism. "    


"It's no use. In the hospital's examination results, there's nothing abnormal with the thyrotropin release stimulation lab. The thyrotropin level is 1.3, slightly higher, but it's still within the normal range."    


"The fourth possibility is hepatocellular carcinoma and paraneoplastic syndrome!"    


"The hospital over there has already tested for alcohol and the liver is working well. "Next..."    


Chen Qun mercilessly retorted about the young lady's data. However, he did admire his girlfriend's data collection and computing power.    


"Fifth possibility, lung Langerhans' cell histiocytosis!"    


Dongfang Wenxin explained the answer according to the book. Suddenly, she giggled, looking overjoyed.    


"Dr. Chen Qun, did you notice that? This cloud diagnosis Dr. Yun is also very reliable. He's much more reliable than most of the doctors at the county hospital!"    


"Yun diagnosis? It's obviously from the case and the book that we were able to get the data, but we don't have the ability to actually calculate it. "    


"Humph, if I really have the ability to calculate, then it would be the biggest breakthrough for artificial intelligence. I could easily get a Nobel Prize in physics!"    


Chen Qun scratched her wrinkled nose.    


"Continue to give your cloud diagnosis, Dr. Yun!"    


"Sixth answer, Forest Island Syndrome. Erythrocyte proliferation, which can cause neurologic disease and heart disease. "    


"Wait, one of the key things you've forgotten is that LISS causes clots in your internal organs. Wait a minute, it seemed that none of the tests had such content. "Eastern Dr. Yun, you might have guessed it right once. Let's see if it's the condition you described. We can do a male imaging and then remove the similar cyst in his organ. We can perform a microdissection to determine if it's your case."    


Miss Dongfang was ready to be happy when she suddenly saw Chen Qun's faint smile and started to object to her "cloud diagnosis".    


"But that's probably the least of it, because Lishima syndrome is a genetic disease, and pilots will find out something when they check their bodies."    


"You're wrong again. Now that we're examining at home, it's impossible to check every genetic disease. We can only check for the most common ones that are harmful. However, what you said was very true. If the computer could calculate on its own, it would be artificial intelligence. At the very least, you would be recorded in history books. We cannot place too much trust in cloud diagnostics, but as a database, cloud diagnostics can expand our thinking and require people to do all the work. "    


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