Divine Magic Doctor

C512 Looking for Pilgrim

C512 Looking for Pilgrim



Xu Ao kneeled in front of Su Ming. He was extremely resentful and was unwilling to give up so easily. This was the second time he apologized to Su Ming tonight.    


He lowered his head and gritted his teeth, "Su Ming, everything is my fault, I apologize to you!"    


"Haven't you eaten? Or is there something wrong with your throat? Do you need me to treat it for you? " Su Ming sneered.    


Xu Ao immediately raised his head, looked at Su Ming with his cold eyes and roared, "I'm sorry, I was wrong!"    


"Why so loud? You deafened my ears. It sounds like you're very reluctant! Apologize and show some sincerity, do you have that? "    


Su Ziyu deliberately scratched his ears, as if he was so angry that he would rather die than pay with his life.    


"Sorry, Su Ming, I was wrong!"    


He knelt down and Xu Ao accepted the reality. He just wanted to satisfy Su Ming's request and end this painful torture.    


Xu Ao's tone became a lot calmer.    


Today was the most shameful day in his entire life, and all of that was due to Su Ming.    


He had to take revenge for this.    


After Su Ming heard this, he laughed complacently: "Not bad, this kid is worth teaching! Don't forget to transfer the money! Let's go! "    


After collecting the money, he left with Lin Xiaolin.    


The moment he left the room, he heard Xu Ao's heart-wrenching roar.    


"You can still laugh? Who knows how Xu Ao and Bai Xiaobei will take care of you!"    


Lin Xiaolin walked up to Su Ming and took his arm, sticking her body close to his.    


"If I want to, I can't die." It doesn't matter what happens to them, as long as they don't touch the people around me, I'll play with them until the end. "    


Su Ming enjoyed the feeling of Lin Xiaolin's full and undulating body.    


He didn't expect her to be so good.    


All of a sudden, Su Ming was confused.    


"When are you going to find Madam Pilan?"    


Lin Xiaolin suddenly asked.    


Hearing that, Su Ming frowned, turned his head and asked, "Are you in a hurry? What exactly do you want from her? "    


Su Ming was filled with doubts. He didn't understand Lin Xiaolin at all.    


"You'll know when you find Madam Pilan. However, we can make good use of this time. A lot of people are looking for her! "    


"Oh? Who else is looking for her? " Su Ming looked at Lin Xiaolin in confusion.    


"Do you want to ask me how did I get the news?" It's still a secret. " Lin Xiaolin smiled and raised her chin proudly.    


"If you don't want to tell me, then forget it. I still have things to do. As for finding Madam Pilan, that will depend on my mood!"    


Su Ming smiled evilly, took his arm out and walked forward in big strides.    


Lin Xiaolin was stunned for a moment before stomping her feet in anger.    


"Su Ming, I've never seen such a petty man like you." If we don't move fast, it will be too late. "    


"Does it have anything to do with me? I'm not in a good mood, so let's talk after I'm in a good mood. "    


Su Ming said without looking back, but he had a naughty smile on his face.    


You look so small, yet you can't accept it!    


As expected, when Lin Xiaolin heard that, she immediately chased after him. This time, she directly hugged him and hugged Su Ming's waist, smiling sweetly.    


"Great sir, what do you want me to do in order for you to be in a good mood?"    


"This?" It depends on what skills you have. I am not picky, as long as you satisfy me! "    


Su Ming smiled shamelessly as he looked at Lin Xiaolin.    


Lin Xiaolin was furious, but there was nothing she could do.    


She knew that Su Ming was a reliable teammate in the search for Madam Pilan. Furthermore, he had to face all kinds of unexpected situations.    


"Su Ming, can you stop messing around?" You know what? Not only were the people from Xu Family looking for Madame Python, even the young miss Bai Jianjiabai was looking for him. Even the capital's Wu Family had sent people over. "That's just on the surface. There's another mysterious organization looking for Madam Pilan."    


"A mysterious organization?"    


After Su Ming heard this, he couldn't help but be shocked.    


He didn't expect that Madam Pilan would attract so many people.    


He knew that Bai Jianjia was looking for Madam Pilan to resolve the emotional conflict, but why were Xu Family in the capital and that mysterious organization looking for Madam Pilan?    


And why was Lin Xiaolin looking for Madam Pilan?    


Questions flashed across Su Ming's mind one after another.    


However, he didn't have any clue. It seemed like Lin Xiaolin had said that he had to find Madam Pilan as soon as possible. Otherwise, his plan would be affected.    


This was what Su Ming didn't want to see the most.    


"What are you thinking about? Why are you so engrossed in your thoughts?"    


Lin Xiaolin asked when she saw Su Ming in a daze.    


"Nothing, do you have any information about that mysterious organization?"    


Su Ming vaguely felt a huge net was being thrown at him. As for why, he didn't have any clue.    


"I already said it's a mysterious organization, if I knew their information, would it still be considered mysterious? What a fool! "    


Lin Xiaolin rolled her eyes at Su Ming.    


"Come on, let's go back first. Tomorrow, we'll go to Chuangui area to find Madam Pilan!"    


Su Ming smiled and agreed with Lin Xiaolin.    


"Really? "Great!"    


Lin Xiaolin was so happy that she jumped up and hung herself on Su Ming's shoulder.    


An evil fire rose up.    


If it wasn't for the fact that he was still on guard against Lin Xiaolin, Su Ming really wanted to deal with her.    


Fuck, if this continues, I won't be able to control myself.    


She hurriedly pushed Lin Xiaolin away.    


Seeing Su Ming's unnatural look, Lin Xiaolin seemed to have realized it too. Her pretty face turned red all of a sudden.    


"I've already booked a plane ticket!"    


Saying that, Lin Xiaolin looked at her watch, "We still have an hour, let's go to the airport now! "It's too late. We were found by Madam Pilan's family first."    


Fuck, what was she playing at?    


Even the plane ticket had been set.    


"You're so sure I'd agree?"    


Su Ming frowned slightly. He didn't feel good about being tricked, especially by a woman that he didn't really understand.    


Lin Xiaolin could see that Su Ming was a little angry, so she smiled apologetically.    


"I didn't plot against you because I knew you would agree, so I made preparations. "If you don't want to go tonight, then I'll return the ticket!"    


Since things had come to this point, Su Ming didn't say anything more. He also wanted to find Madam Pilan as soon as possible.    


"Forget it, let's go!" "Just this once, if there's a next time, don't blame me for being impolite."    


Su Ming spat on the ground before he turned around and got into the car.    


"Male chauvinism! "It's no big deal, you miser!"    


Lin Xiaolin muttered to herself in a low voice before getting into the car.    


They started the car and drove to the airport.    


On the way, Su Ming called Lin Wanrong and the others, telling them that he was going to do something elsewhere.    


As for their safety, it was up to Third Young Master Zhou.    


While they were on their way to the airport, Bai Jianjia, Xu Ao, and Bai Xiaobei had already boarded the helicopter heading towards Chuangui.    


At the same time, the people from the Wu Family of the capital also took action.    


Of course, Su Ming and Lin Xiaolin did not know about this.    


At this moment, they were sitting in the waiting room with tickets.    


"How are you so sure that she's in Chuan Province?"    


Su Ming asked in confusion as he looked at the destination on the plane ticket.    


"Didn't the dwarf already say so? Madam Pilan was a drinker and a gambler. Was she the only one to be seen in the casinos of Chuangui? Moreover, Chuan Province has the largest underground gambling den in Sichuan, so the possibility of her appearing at that time was higher! "    


Lin Xiaolin looked at Su Ming proudly, blinking her eyes.    


It was as if he was waiting for a praise.    


Su Ming rolled his eyes at Ye Zichen's lack of praise.    


"The short one also said that she was good at disguises and was proficient at disguises. She never showed her true face."    


Su Ming hit Lin Xiaolin mercilessly.    


This made Lin Xiaolin, who had been extremely proud a moment ago, instantly lose her temper as if a bucket of cold water had been poured over her. Her face was filled with worry.    


Yeah, she forgot about that.    


If Madam Pilan changed her appearance every day, it would be difficult to find her.    


That's not right!    


The reason why Su Ming said this was not only to strike at himself. He definitely had a way to see through Madam Pilan's disguise technique.    


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