God Prison



0At this moment, it was too late for Niu Thirteen to retreat. He could only draw his bow and shoot at the Thief in the front with his arrow.    


When the Thieves saw that Niu Thirteen had aimed at them again, they charged towards him with all their might.    


"Ah …"    


Ox-Head had killed one of the Thieves in front, but the remaining five were right in front of him.    


He quickly threw the bow in his hand towards a Thief who was at the front of the group. Then, he pulled out the bone blade from his back and blocked the long blade aimed at his neck by a nearby Thief.    


At this moment, three long blades came slashing at him from the side. Niu Thirteen used all his strength and used his blade to push back the Thief in front of him.    


He then fell backwards, instantly falling to the ground and avoiding the three blades at the same time.    


At the instant of his fall, Niu Thirteen used his left hand to roll to the side, half a meter away from the ground.    


As it happened, a Thief was struck by lightning from above, causing him to raise his blade in a counterattack.    


When the bone blade blocked the thief's slash towards his head, his right leg half squatted while his left leg swept out with lightning speed.    


A kick landed on the right calf of the Thief in front of him. The Thief felt a stomachache as his body lost balance and fell to the ground.    


At this moment, Niu Thirteen rushed forward and slit his throat.    


The other four Thieves rushed over just in time, leaving Niu Thirteen no time to dodge.    


He grabbed the Rogue's corpse and quickly put it in front of him to block. Four long blades cut down on the body at the same time.    


When the four blades landed on the body, Niu Thirteen used all his strength to lift the body up and stomped his feet on the ground.    


He charged into the space between the four thieves, carrying the corpse on his shoulder. He was born with godly strength, so he held the corpse up with one arm and used it as a shield.    


The four Thieves who had just formed the formation were instantly destroyed by him.    


Niu Thirteen dashed into the middle of the Thieves. He used one arm to parry the two strikes from the dagger on the left, and then chopped down at the Thief on the right with the Beast Bone Long Blade in his hand.    


The Thief glared furiously, but his head was still chopped off by Thirteen's blade.    


The last Thief was sprayed with blood. As the blood splattered on his face, he was shocked.    


At this moment, Niu Thirteen had already rushed to his side.    


He threw the corpse in his hands towards the stunned Rogue, who hastily tried to get out of the way.    


However, it was too late. He was pounced on by the corpse.    


The moment Niu Thirteen threw out the corpse, he pounced like a tiger.    


The distance between him and the two Thieves was widened by a meter, and he pounced towards the corpse of the fallen Thief.    


Amidst the Rogue's terrified gaze, Niu Thirteen's lightning-fast blade pierced the Rogue's chest from under the corpse's armpit.    


After that, Lightning pulled out her long bone blade and grabbed the corpse on the ground once more.    


Without even looking back, he threw the corpse behind him, blocking the two Thieves who were trying to ambush him.    


After throwing out the corpse, Niu Thirteen quickly turned around to face the final two Thieves.    


After avoiding the corpses, the two Thieves looked at the bloodied Niu Thirteen in horror.    


At this moment, Niu Thirteen's entire body was covered in blood, as if he was a god of death from hell.    


The remaining two Thieves were scared out of their wits. There were ten of them.    


Eight of them were killed by one person, and now they were the only two left.    


The remaining two thieves looked each other in the eye and shouted at the same time.    


Then, he pounced towards Niu Thirteen from both sides. Niu Thirteen calmly watched the two Thieves pouncing towards him.    


The two thieves were like trapped beasts as they made their final pounce.    


He only needed to calm down and take advantage of their weakness. Then, the two Thieves pounced on him from the left and right.    




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