God Prison



0"The next step is to repair the wound. It might hurt a little. If you feel pain, just scream out loud!"    


Niu Thirteen said to Zhan Tai and Yue'er with a serious expression.    


Niu Thirteen spoke seriously. However, his face, which had returned to its normal state, instantly turned red again.    


Niu Thirteen slowly bent down to sew up the wound.    


When the bone needle stabbed into her skin, the pain spread to her brain, causing her to cry out in pain.    


"Mm …"    


When Niu Thirteen heard Zhantai Yue'er's shout, his heart trembled and he almost lost control of himself.    


He took a deep breath, then tried his best to control himself as he tried to stitch up the wound for Jantai Yue'er without any distractions.    


She felt that in the future, she wouldn't dare to look at him directly in front of Niu Thirteen.    


She sneaked a glance at Niu Thirteen and saw that he was helping her sew up her wounds with a serious look on his face.    


Niu Thirteen seriously sewed up the wound. The pain from the beast bone needle caused her to cry out in pain, but she didn't dare to cry out again.    


She frowned as she tried her best to resist the pain. However, besides the pain, there was something else.    




Niu Thirteen looked at Jantai Yue'er's thigh and said reluctantly.    


When Jantai Yue'er heard Niu Thirteen's words, she quickly put down her dress.    


"Thank you!"    


Zhan Tai, Yue'er, recovered her composure and thanked Niu Thirteen sincerely.    


Niu Thirteen waved his hand and said, "No need to thank me. If you get hurt in the future, you can continue to look for me."    


After Niu Thirteen finished speaking, Jantai Yue'er's face turned red. She rolled her eyes at Thirteen and said, "You really hope that I'll be injured!"    


Niu Thirteen awkwardly said, "No, that's not what I meant …"    


"Alright, alright, I know that's not what you meant. Don't panic!"    


Jantai Yue'er covered her mouth and laughed.    


"Right, can you walk now? It's almost dark, it's not safe here!"    


Niu Thirteen said to Zhan Tai and Yue'er.    


Jantai Yue'er tried to stand up, but just as she moved her legs, the pain caused her to gasp.    


With a bitter face, she said to Thirteen, "No, it's too painful!"    


"Then I'll carry you away!"    


After speaking, Niu Thirteen squatted down with his back facing Jantai Yue'er. She looked at his wide, straight back.    


He hesitated for a moment before gently lying down on the back of Niu Thirteen.    


Niu Thirteen grabbed Jantai Yue'er's slender thighs with both of his hands. Then, he straightened his back and stood up from the ground.    


Carrying Zhan Yue'er on his back, he said as they walked, "It is already late in the night. The Great Desolate Mountain Range is even more dangerous at night.    


We have to find a safe place before nightfall, and there's a cave nearby. Let's go there! "    




She felt a strong sense of security as she laid on Niu Thirteen's back.    


Niu Thirteen's mind quickly settled on his surroundings. This forest was only the edge of the Great Desolate Mountain Range.    


As they traveled through the forest, the sky quickly darkened. As night fell, the temperature of the forest plummeted.    


Jantai Yue'er couldn't help but to get a little closer to Niu Thirteen's back. Her dress was still wet and hadn't dried yet.    


Now that the temperature had dropped, she felt a chill.    


Niu Thirteen also felt the coldness of Jantai Yue'er. He turned around and whispered to her, "We'll be there soon. Once we reach the cave, it won't be cold anymore!"    


As night fell, Niu Thirteen carried her to a cave halfway up the mountain.    


The cave was over a hundred Zhang wide. After the two of them entered, they entered the deepest part of the cave.    


Niu Thirteen quickly lit a flame and took off his wet clothes, placing them next to the flame to dry.    


Jantai Yue'er was dumbstruck as she watched Niu Thirteen strip himself clean. She was so embarrassed that she turned her head away.    


"Hey, take off your clothes too!"    


Niu Thirteen's voice came from behind her.    


As she turned around, she saw Niu Thirteen looking at her with a serious expression.    


"I can't!"    


She clutched her skirt tightly with her hands and said with a reddened face.    


"You have to take your clothes off and dry them, or you'll catch a cold in wet clothes like this, and you're still hurt.    




"If you catch another cold, I'm afraid you won't be able to recover in a short period of time. Besides, we're not safe right now. The people chasing after you can come over at any time!"    


Niu Thirteen said as he roasted his clothes on the fire.    


Jantai Yue'er also felt that her wet clothes stuck to her body, making her uncomfortable, but she didn't want to take off her clothes in front of a grown man like that.    


She shook her head like a rattle.    


She leaned closer to the fire and said, "I'll just keep warming myself by the fire. It won't be long before my clothes dry!"    


Niu Shisan curled his lips and said, "Okay, once my clothes are dry, I'll go out of the cave. When that time comes, you can take off your clothes and dry them yourself!"    


Jantai Yue'er nodded, her eyes beaming like crescent moons.    


Niu Thirteen sat down across from Zhan Tai, and with the help of the light from the fire, Niu Thirteen and Zhan Tai Yue'er looked at each other for a second.    


The two of them lowered their heads in embarrassment, and the atmosphere suddenly became silent.    


After a long time, Niu Thirteen let out a dry cough and broke the silence.    


"Hey, why are you being chased? What's the enmity between those people and you?"    


Niu Thirteen took the initiative to find a topic to talk to Zhantai Yue'er.    


As she spoke of these people, Zhan Taiyue's eyes reddened.    


"I don't know either. Those people suddenly appeared. Uncle Jue and the others were all killed by them in order to protect me. If I didn't meet you, I would have died too!"    


Jantai Yue'er's eyes were red with anger.    


After hearing that, Niu Thirteen asked, "What are you guys planning to do in the Great Desolate Mountain Range?"    


"Don't you know that the legendary, Divine level power, the Longevity Sect, is about to accept disciples?"    


Zhantai Yue'er looked curiously at Niu Thirteen.    


"Longevity Sect?"    


Niu Thirteen looked suspiciously at Jantai Yue'er's eyes.    




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