God Prison



3"Well, with our speed, we should be able to reach the place where the giant barbarians appeared in about an hour!"    


Xuanyuan Xue gently gathered the hair around her ears in her mind and said in a slightly relaxed manner.    




Just at this moment, a loud bang came from the sky behind the ship.    


The loud sound attracted everyone's attention!    


The Demonic Sect disciples all turned to look at the sky behind them.    


One could see that in the sky behind him, a golden light was rampaging about in the midst of a blood-red aura of slaughter.    


The golden light seemed to be wrapped around by the aura of slaughter, wanting to leave this blood-red aura of slaughter.    


The golden light crazily charged forward, leaving the aura of slaughter behind it as it flew towards the battleship of the Heavenly Demon Sect.    


"Not good, it's a murderous aura! The Eye of the Heavens is coming!"    


"That golden light is a bit familiar!"    


"There's a person within that golden light. Is he being chased by the Eye of Heaven?"    


"The Heaven's Eye is here! We are in danger! Could it be that the golden falcon has already been killed by it?"    


"Three days is enough time for the Eye of the Heavens to kill the golden eagle. It's coming for us!"    


The Demonic Sect disciples tensed up.    


The aura of slaughter had arrived in the sky behind them, it also meant that the eye of heaven had arrived. The eye of heaven should be deep within the aura of slaughter!    


"Quickly, we have to get to the place where the giant barbarians are. We have to get there before the eyes of the heavens catch up to us!"    


The ship charged forward like crazy.    


In the sky behind them, after the golden light escaped for a distance, it was once again entangled by the aura of slaughter!    


In the golden light, there was a golden-eyed young man wearing black armor. His nose was hooked, just like an eagle's.    


His golden eyes were filled with rage and exhaustion.    


For the past three days, he had been running, but today, he was overtaken by the aura of slaughter.    


He tried his best to get rid of the killing aura, but he was always caught up.    


However, the Eye of Heaven did not appear, as if it was not in a hurry to kill him, but was instead playing with him, or had some other motive.    


He was already very tired. Even though he was a powerful Divine Emperor expert, he had been running away for three days straight. Moreover, he had just broken through to the Divine Emperor realm, so he didn't have the time to consolidate the realm he had just broken through.    


Every time he broke through, he would need to spend time to consolidate his cultivation base. Moreover, he didn't have the time to consolidate his cultivation base, he had been running the entire time the moment he broke through.    


His aura was a little chaotic because he hadn't consolidated his cultivation base in time.    


He had to think of a way to consolidate his cultivation realm. Otherwise, he would continue to be like this forever.    


He had just broken through to the Divine Emperor Realm, and might even collapse. He might even die from that, or at least be severely injured!    


In the middle of the killing aura, he naturally saw the Heavenly Demon Battleship in the distance. His golden eyes instantly flashed with a golden light.    


Then, he instantly turned into a streak of terrifying golden light, shooting out of the killing aura. He then charged madly towards the battleship of the Demonic Sect.    


Inside the ship, everyone had already formed a formation to attack, so the speed of the ship increased a bit.    


At this moment, the Eye of Heaven was already chasing them from behind.    


Naturally, they had to combine their powers and escape together. Otherwise, if the Eye of Heaven caught up, they would die.    


They frantically rushed forward.    


His full speed had increased by quite a bit. It was one fold faster than before he had combined his attacks together!    




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