God Prison



3In his heart, he firmly believed that the Grim Reaper would not die so easily. After all, he was the legendary body of the god of death!    


"Let's go back and check, and save Senior Brother Death!"    


Xuanyuan Xue glanced into the distance. There, a few huge figures were madly rushing towards them!    


These figures should be the helpers that the dead black stone man had called over. With the terrifying speed of the black stone man, it would only take a few minutes for it to arrive in front of them!    




After making their decision, all the battleships of the Heaven Demon Sect took a detour to the left, planning to avoid the black stone men that were charging over and go to the ditch to save the death!    


If possible, they planned to save the god of death!    


"Roar …"    


However, just as they were about to do so, a few other black figures rushed over from the front, heading in the same direction as them!    




Just as they were about to take a detour in this direction in search of death, a few black stone men suddenly appeared in this direction. They truly were tigers obstructing the road!    


"What should we do? Go find Senior Brother Death?"    


Niu Thirteen looked at Xuanyuan Xue'er beside him. The current situation was a little dire.    


"Junior Brother Death has a sea of blood and an army of countless corpses. He should be able to hold them off for a while. However, with so many black stone men charging at us, there are only two scenarios!"    


Xuanyuan Xue solemnly said.    


"Which two?"    


Niu Thirteen frowned. He had a bad feeling about this.    


"The first one, Junior Brother Death, has been killed by the black stone men. That's why these black stone men appeared here!"    


"The second method is that Junior Brother Death is still persisting. However, he only managed to block a portion of the black stone men. The rest are heading towards us!"    


Xuanyuan Xue's eyes were locked on the black stone person that was charging over. Her brows were knitted tightly!    


"I think it should be the latter. Because there aren't even ten black stone men charging over, Senior Brother Death is currently defending against the other black stone men. He's in danger, we have to go save him!"    


Niu Thirteen said in a deep voice.    


Now that all of them had been restored to their peak levels, they could form a formation to attack together!    


As long as they don't fight with so many black stone men at the same time, they should be able to find the god of death!    


After all, there was no aura of slaughter outside. The speed and strength of the black stone men had greatly decreased!    


And after they had formed the great array, their speed had increased by a lot. Perhaps they could shake off these black stone men and enter the ditches to find the god of death!    


"Let me ask everyone!"    


Xuanyuan Xue calmly said.    


Then, she looked at everyone.    


"We've decided to save Junior Brother Death, but this is full of danger, and might not come back. We'll ask for your opinion, if you all agree to save Junior Brother Death, then we'll go. If not, then we'll think of another way!"    


Xuanyuan Xue's voice resounded in everyone's minds; everyone could clearly hear it!    


"Let's go save Brother Death! He saved us!"    


"Right, now that we have recovered to the peak, we can take the risk to save Senior Brother Death!"    


"Without him, we would have died many times already. We have to go!"    


"There's no need to say anymore. Even if I die, I have to save Senior Brother Death!"    


"It doesn't matter if we die early or late. Let's go save Brother Death!"    


"Senior Brother Death God must be in danger alone. Maybe he really needs us right now!"    




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