God Prison



3Finally, Uncle Gui said to Niu Thirteen in a low voice.    


"Thirteen, although your comprehension ability is a bit lacking, as a good child, you should learn to accept your shortcomings!"    


"Your comprehension ability is already pretty good. By working hard, you can still reach Xuanyuan Xue's current level!"    


"When you said that you comprehended Spatial Force, you only comprehended a tiny bit of Spatial Force. Look at Xuanyuan Xue, this is what you call a true comprehension!"    


"You just attracted a bit of spatial energy and circled around your body. However, this doesn't count as comprehension!"    


"You can't even make your body look illusionary. It can't be called comprehension. Do you understand?"    


Uncle Gui patted Niu Thirteen's shoulder and sighed. He had explained it clearly enough, so he believed that Niu Thirteen would understand.    


Niu Thirteen looked at Xuanyuan Xue and then looked at Uncle Gui. He opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end, he didn't say anything.    


He only slightly nodded to Uncle Turtle and didn't say anything after that.    


He was like a good child who listened to his elders. Yet, a smile had already blossomed in his heart.    


Uncle Turtle had just said that when he was trying to comprehend the power of space, his body's external appearance was the same.    


Only he knew that he had completely comprehended the power of space.    


At any time, he could make his body become illusory, even to the point of him hiding in the void.    


However, he did not want to show it to Uncle Turtle right now, since Uncle Turtle thought that his comprehension ability was weak.    


Thus, he decided to keep it a secret and find a chance in the future to show it to Uncle Turtle.    


At that time, Uncle Turtle would definitely be surprised. Uncle Turtle would think that he had not comprehended spatial power, and he had already figured it out long ago.    


When that time came, he would show his prowess in front of Uncle Turtle, and Uncle Turtle's expression would definitely be very interesting.    


Thinking of this, he couldn't help but want to laugh. He revealed a mischievous smile.    


Uncle Gui suddenly felt a chill on his back. He turned around, puzzled, only to see Niu Thirteen looking at him with a heavy expression.    


"Uncle Turtle, I will do my best. I will definitely make you look at me in a new light. When that happens, don't be so shocked that your jaw won't drop!"    


"Hm, this kid is worth teaching. For you to have such awareness, that's pretty good!"    


Uncle Gui nodded with satisfaction. He was quite satisfied with Niu Thirteen's attitude.    


However, what he didn't know was that Niu Thirteen was already prepared to show off his skills in front of him in the future. This would shock him greatly!    


Suddenly, Xuanyuan Xue, who was beside them, trembled.    


Following which, a violent spatial ripple came from the surroundings of her body.    


Then, Xuanyuan Xue's body disappeared from the space, and a slim and illusory figure vaguely appeared there.    


Then, this illusionary figure slowly became real again, and finally became Xuanyuan Xue's figure.    


Xuanyuan Xue calmly opened her eyes and two streaks of white light filled with the fluctuations of space shot out from her eyes.    


Uncle Gui looked at Xuanyuan Xue and expressed his astonishment at Xuanyuan Xue's talent.    


He could not help but walk in front of Xuanyuan Xue and carefully sized her up a few times. He could clearly feel the spatial energy remaining on her body.    


"Not bad, not bad. Child, you will definitely step into the Divine Emperor Realm in the future. With such a terrifying comprehension ability, you will definitely be able to rank in the top three talents I've ever seen. Very good!"    


"Thank you for your praise, Uncle Gui!"    


Xuanyuan Xue shyly lowered her head and faintly glanced at Niu Thirteen. When she realized that he was looking at her with a mischievous smile, she coldly glared at him.    




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