God Prison



1The image of a gentleman that he had painstakingly built in front of Nangong Hanhan instantly crumbled under his conversation with Niu Thirteen.    


He wanted to cry, but no tears came out. He felt as if all his previous efforts had just been completely destroyed.    


All of this was caused by Niu Thirteen.    


He really wanted to beat up Niu Thirteen and vent his anger, but he didn't know where to start.    


He could only hold it in. When he meets Niu Thirteen alone in the future, he will find an opportunity to viciously beat him up.    


"Emperor Qing, you're still strong. I, Niu Thirteen, am truly convinced by you. Look, my senior sister Nangong has also thrown you a whole new level of respect. Clearly, she is also extremely interested in your shamelessness!"    


Niu Thirteen pointed blindly with his finger. Nangong Han Han said some nonsense.    


Emperor Qing was startled and immediately looked towards Nangong Han Han Han. He realized that Nangong Han was looking at him.    


However, Nangong Han Han Han Han's gaze was not dissatisfied with him.    


On the contrary, he saw a trace of curiosity in Nangong Han Han's eyes.    


He was stunned. Nangong Han Han Han became curious about what was going on.    


Could it be that Nangong Han Han didn't like gentlemen, but rather shameless people?    


Emperor Qing frowned. For a moment, he actually did not know what to do.    


In his previous life, he had always been a single person.    


In terms of training, he was a super genius.    


However, in terms of emotions, he was just an emotional idiot. He didn't know anything and naturally wouldn't know how to chase after a girl.    


In this lifetime, even though he had reincarnated, he was still a single person, and still didn't understand a single thing about relationships.    


He did not understand the relationship between a man and a woman. In front of Nangong Han Han Han Han, he tried his best to maintain the demeanor of a gentleman.    


He thought that Nangong Hanhan should like men who were gentleman. After all, most of the girls were men who liked men who were gentleman.    


However, even after he maintained his noble demeanor for a long time, Nangong Han Han still did not have any reaction.    


Now, he was just careless and showed a trace of shamelessness on his face.    


Nangong Han Han actually revealed a trace of curiosity towards him. To him, this was truly a big matter.    


He walked up to Niu Thirteen, put his hand on his shoulder, and said to him enthusiastically.    


"Brother Thirteen, I feel that your achievements in this opposite of being shameless are very profound. Your cultivation is very deep, so please give me more pointers in the future!"    


Niu Thirteen stared at Emperor Qing in shock. He was starting to understand what was going on. Emperor Qing's attitude towards him had changed too quickly.    


Just a moment ago, she seemed to want to hit him, but now, she was already so intimate with him.    


"Don't, you have already displayed your shameless realm. I bow down to you, I should learn from you!"    


He was not clear about Emperor Qing's intentions, nor did he know what Emperor Qing wanted to do.    


Emperor Qing sent a very secret voice transmission to Niu Thirteen in his head.    


"Brother Thirteen, I really feel that you're very shameless. To tell you the truth, I want you to teach me a bit of your shameless secret. Please guide me a bit. How can I become as shameless as you?"    


After Niu Thirteen heard what Azure Emperor said, he felt very unhappy in his heart.    


Emperor Qing had just called him shameless in front of Xuanyuan Xue and Nangong Han.    


Yet now, they were actually sending him a sound transmission saying that he was truly shameless. This was simply too much.    


As the saying went, even if his aunt could endure, his uncle couldn't. Emperor Qing was simply going too far.    


He immediately became impatient and slapped away Emperor Qing's hand, wanting to scold him angrily.    


"Brother Thirteen, don't be so excited. Calm down, I'm not scolding you. I really have something that I need your help with!"    


After hearing his words, Emperor Qing looked like he was about to fly into a rage.    


He realized that there was something wrong with his way of expressing himself. He quickly transmitted his voice to Niu Thirteen, telling him to calm down and listen to his explanation.    


Niu Thirteen stared angrily at Emperor Qing, telling him to calm down and listen to Emperor Qing's explanation.    


If Emperor Qing did not have a reasonable explanation, he would swear at Emperor Qing.    




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