God Prison



2"You … Do you think I did it voluntarily? I did it without any other choice, alright! "    


As Emperor Qing spoke, he felt wronged.    


However, he did not dare to say anymore. He only took a cautious glance at Nangong Jue who was standing outside of the warship. It was as if he was afraid of Nangong Jue.    


"Tell me, what happened? How did you become my senior sister's …"    


Niu Thirteen looked at Emperor Qing with a gossipy expression. This caused Emperor Qing to be speechless and even feel a bit scared.    


Emperor Qing could not afford to offend Niu Thirteen, so he did not want to talk about it with him.    


However, who was Niu Thirteen? It didn't take long for Emperor Qing to give up.    


In the end, he could only compromise with Niu Thirteen. Otherwise, he really wouldn't have been able to listen to any of his nonsense.    


"Alright, can't I say more? I'm really afraid of you!"    


Emperor Qing looked at Niu Thirteen furiously. If it wasn't for Nangong Jue and Nangong Hanhan who were on the other side of the warship, he would have already died.    


He had already made his move on Niu Thirteen a long time ago. In his heart, he really wanted to beat up Niu Thirteen a hundred times so much that even the Soul Devouring Tribe would not recognize him.    


"Hurry up, hurry up, stop being so long-winded!"    


Niu Thirteen waved his hand impatiently, hinting for Emperor Qing to stop talking nonsense and to get to the main point.    


Emperor Qing was extremely angered by Niu Thirteen's attitude.    


However, he held it in.    


He took a deep breath and used an ancient technique to send a message to Niu Thirteen in his head. He then asked him the reason why he hadn't left yet.    


At the same time, he wanted to find someone to complain to about his hardships.    


Since Niu Thirteen took the initiative to ask, he said it. Of course, on the surface, he still had the appearance of being forced into a corner.    


"Don't look around, just quietly listen to me!"    


Niu Thirteen looked at Emperor Qing in surprise, then nodded his head, indicating that he was ready to listen to Emperor Qing.    


Emperor Qing pretended to look at the scenery while Niu Thirteen looked outside the warship.    


Actually, since Emperor Qing was speaking and listening, no one would be able to tell that they were chatting.    


"After I was called away by the Nangong Clan's Great Elder, he found out that I was a rogue cultivator so he happily gave me a Bodhi fruit. However, the condition was that I agree to join the Nangong Clan!"    


"Although he didn't force me, I felt that he would be angry if he refused. I was also worried that he would know that I was reborn from possession, so he agreed!"    


"After he saw me accepting the Bodhi Fruit, he told me that he was prepared to marry the young miss of the Nangong Family, Nangong Hanhan, to me!"    


"At that time, I was in despair. He said that the person who obtained the Bodhi Fruit would be married to Nangong Hanhan. Didn't I say that Niu Thirteen would also get it? He said that Niu Thirteen can't do it, it must be me!"    


Thirteen glared at him. Emperor Qing quickly stopped him, signalling for him to calm down.    


Niu Thirteen calmed himself down and motioned for Emperor Qing to continue.    


Following that, Emperor Qing told the entire story to Niu Thirteen, to the effect that Nangong Jue had not only given the Bodhi Fruit to Emperor Qing, but had also asked him to marry Nangong Han and to join the Nangong Clan.    


Of course, the Nangong Clan would spare no cost to nurture Emperor Qing.    


He only hoped that after Emperor Qing became a Divine Emperor expert, he would be able to look after the Nangong Family and protect them when the Nangong Family was in danger.    


Faced with such a great temptation, Emperor Qing naturally accepted it. The Nangong Clan did not threaten him. They merely wanted him to protect the Nangong Clan in the future.    


To him, this was not difficult. Moreover, the Nangong Family was willing to give up everything to nurture him. This was what moved him.    


He needed a large amount of resources to cultivate. With the help of the Nangong Family, he could quickly recover his cultivation from his previous life.    


He had even broken through to the Divine Emperor Realm, reaching a pinnacle level that he hadn't been able to reach in his previous life.    


He agreed and even met with Nangong Han Han.    


It was his first time meeting Nangong Han Han, and his heart was racing.    


He didn't even dare to speak to Nangong Han Han, he actually fell in love with her at first sight.    


Even he couldn't believe it, but it had actually happened.    


He knew that he would never be able to leave Nangong Han Han Han. Nangong Han Han was the woman he would protect for the rest of his life.    




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