God Prison



1At the edge of the darkness was the beach, a circular beach. They walked around the beach, but they didn't see any boats.    


"What should we do? Without a boat, how are we going to get to that island?"    


He had long, green hair, and the Qi on his body was at the late stage of the first level of longevity. Furthermore, it was even stronger than an ordinary late stage of the first level of longevity.    


He was one of the few people with the strongest aura in this group. Beside him stood a girl in black.    


On Luo Li's back was a scythe, her aura was similar to the sea.    


"Maybe we can swim there?" Luo Li looked at Hai Shui and said.    


Li Hai shook his head and said, "No, the sea water is poisonous. If we touch it, we'll die!"    


"Boom …"    


Suddenly, there was a loud noise in the sky. A black streak of lightning streaked across the sky and struck the beach, creating a deep crater.    


Following that, countless streaks of black lightning appeared in the sky. Carrying with them a terrifying and destructive pressure, they struck the beach.    


The one thousand survivors instantly dispersed. However, they discovered that there were dense lightning bolts everywhere.    


However, there was one place that was safe, and everyone ran to that place. A thousand people crowded together, and the surroundings were densely packed with terrifying lightning.    


The beach was torn apart as if by an earthquake, and only the place where the survivors stood was intact.    


"Look, a boat!"    


someone shouted.    


In the midst of the lightning, a black ship suddenly appeared.    


Like a ghost, it suddenly appeared from the lightning bolt and rumbled as it fell into the sea.    


The ghost-like black ship slowly approached the beach. As the black ship approached the beach, it stopped.    


At the same time, the lightning in the sky disappeared.    


Upon seeing the black ship, the survivors excitedly ran to it and boarded the ship.    


However, once they boarded the ship, everyone felt a ghastly and terrifying feeling.    


"Why is this ship so eerie!"    


Hai Yang looked at the cabin warily. The black ship was a few hundred meters long. Now, they were on the deck. Following the deck, they could see the cabin below.    


However, the interior of the cabin was dark and gloomy, enough to send chills down one's spine. There were even people who wanted to disembark.    


But when those who wanted to disembark tried to leave, they found themselves at the edge of the ship, blocked by an invisible wall.    


"I can't get off the boat anymore!"    


A frightened voice rang out. Everyone came to the side of the boat and found that they could no longer disembark.    


This time, everyone was horrified. This was a ship that one could not disembark from.    


Niu Thirteen approached the boat and discovered that there was indeed an invisible wall blocking his path.    


He walked to the center of the deck and looked at the cabin.    


The cabin was dark, but suddenly he saw a white figure flash by. He rubbed his eyes and saw nothing.    


He felt his scalp tingling. It was impossible for his vision to be blurry. The white figure he saw just now was definitely not an illusion.    


He noticed that the others were very afraid of the cabin, and when he saw the white figure, he was also a little curious about the cabin.    


The white figure he saw, what exactly was it, and where did this black ship come from? Was it to send everyone to the island?    


Inside the demonic energy, the god of death saw the scene of Niu Thirteen and the others boarding the black ship through the screen of light.    


The screen of light in front of them not only allowed them to see the silhouettes of Niu Thirteen and the rest, but also blocked their advance.    




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