God Prison



2The surrounding girls also could not stop laughing. They did not believe that Niu Thirteen would be able to find trouble with Xuanyuan Xue in the future.    


"Did you hear that? He said he's going to take care of our big senior in the future. Did I hear him right?"    


"Maybe I misheard him. If he wants to take care of Eldest Senior Sister, he will never be able to do so in this lifetime!"    


"In the entire Sinful Gorge, I'm afraid no one would dare to say such words to the eldest senior sister. He's too weak!"    


"Haha, but maybe he will succeed in the future!"    


"Hehe, by the time he succeeds, it will be the end of the world. Who knows, he might not even exist anymore!"    


Xuanyuan Xue lightly raised her hand, and all of the surrounding girls fell silent.    


When it was quiet again, she looked at Thirteen.    


"Today's matter is over. Now, let me introduce them to you!"    


Although Niu Thirteen was still very unhappy, he could only lower his head and nod.    


"They are all my elite disciples, and besides me, they are the disciples with the strongest cultivation. Today, you can be considered to have officially joined Wandering Snow, and they will be your senior from now on. When you see them in the future, you must respectfully call them Senior Sisters! You are also their junior! "    


"Greetings, junior brother!"    


Just as Xuanyuan Xue finished speaking, the girls behind her all shouted at Niu Thirteen. After they finished speaking, they once again began to cover their mouths as they laughed.    


The corner of Niu Thirteen's mouth twitched. When he thought about how he would have to call these girls' senior sisters, he felt despair in his heart. He reluctantly shouted at the girls.    


"Greetings, Senior Sisters!"    


After he finished speaking, he resentfully glanced at Xuanyuan Xue, just like a wronged wife.    


Xuanyuan Xue looked at Niu Thirteen and found him funny. She rolled her eyes at him.    


"Follow me!"    


After Xuanyuan Xue finished speaking, she lightly waved her right hand and a white mist appeared at the foot of Niu Thirteen.    


Niu Thirteen's body lightened up and he stepped on the white fog. He carefully tried stepping on it, and it was as if he was standing on solid ground.    


He looked at the white mist with surprise. Its appearance was just like a hazy mist, nothing extraordinary about it. However, when he stepped on it, it was exactly the same as when he was on the ground.    


This white fog carried Niu Thirteen and floated them to Xuanyuan Xue's side.    


"Eldest senior sister, treat your youngest junior brother well!"    


A mischievous young lady loudly yelled at Xuanyuan Xue, attracting the snickering of all the surrounding young ladies.    


Xuanyuan Xue turned her head, glared at the mischievous girl, and then turned around to take a step away, leaving the area in the blink of an eye.    


Niu Thirteen stepped on the white fog and followed Xuanyuan Xue into the distance.    


Very quickly, they left the snow pool. As the young girls laughed, their backs completely disappeared without a trace.    


In the blink of an eye, he had arrived in another dimension.    


When he turned around, there was no longer any snowfall pool behind him, and those girls had also disappeared.    


"What, I can't bear to part with it!"    


When Xuanyuan Xue saw Niu Thirteen looking back, she couldn't help but mock him.    


"No, I've finally escaped from the demon's lair!"    


Niu Thirteen shook his head like a rattle drum. He wasn't reluctant to part with it, and now that he had left, he was relieved.    


At this time, they were in a palace and Xuanyuan Xue was sitting on the main seat in the middle.    


Thirteen stood in the middle of the palace and looked around.    


"Xue, this is your old nest. Not bad, very impressive. It suits your status as the number one disciple of the Demonic Sect!"    


This palace was dazzling in gold and jade, and it was even several times more extravagant than a mundane palace.    


At this time, Xuanyuan Xue was sitting on the main seat in the middle, like a female emperor looking down on the world.    


She looked down at Niu Thirteen and thought of a way to tease him.    


Her expression became cold and emotionless as she looked at Niu Thirteen and coldly said.    


"Niu Thirteen, do you know your crime?"    


Thirteen was stunned. What was the situation with Xuanyuan Xue!?    




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