God Prison



1The black fog instantly enveloped Yan Ke's figure. It was so dense that no one could see her clearly.    


In the blink of an eye, the black mist disappeared and Yan Ke's clothes were also changed.    


At this moment, Yan Ke was wearing a long white dress. She was floating like a fairy.    


However, her temperament was extremely cold, just like a beauty in ice.    


Niu Thirteen was stunned. He raised his thumb and praised.    


"Not only is Senior Yan beautiful, but the speed at which she changes her clothes is also extremely fast. I am impressed!"    


"Smooth talker, hurry up and change your clothes, it won't be good if someone comes later …"    


Yan Ke glared at Thirteen. Her face was slightly red, but there was also a trace of a smile in her eyes.    


All women loved to be beautiful, be it mortals or cultivators.    


Yan Ke was the same. She was very happy when Niu Thirteen said she was beautiful.    


Niu Thirteen nodded with a smile. He then took off his inner disciple uniform, revealing his strong upper body and black pants.    


"Revealing Fanaticism!"    


Yan Ke turned around with a flushed face and cursed in a low voice at the same time.    


Niu Thirteen quickly changed into a black suit and shouted at Yan Ke's back.    


"Senior Yan, you can turn back now. Take a look at how I'm dressed. Do you think it suits me?"    


Yan Ke turned around, and her eyes immediately lit up.    


Niu Thirteen, who had changed into a new set of clothes, was dressed in a black garb, looking like a refined and elegant young master.    


It was as if he had become a completely different person. Before, he still had the killing intent of a cultivator.    


But after concealing his cultivation level and changing his clothes, he had become a distinguished young master in the secular world.    


"Not bad, it suits your body well!"    


A rare smile appeared on Yan Ke's face. When Niu Thirteen wore this set of clothes, he looked like a brand-new person.    


Niu Thirteen looked at his son's clothes with satisfaction. He thought to himself, "This is the most beautiful outfit I've ever worn in my life."    


In the past, when he was in Niu Village, he would wear beast skins almost every day, so how could he wear such beautiful clothes?    


After joining the Heaven Demon Sect, they received a disciple's uniform. However, the main effect of a cultivator's uniform was defense, so it wasn't as beautiful as a mortal's uniform.    


The robe Yan Ke gave Niu Thirteen was made from a young master of the Mortal Empire. It was beautifully crafted and was very pleasing to the eyes.    


"Senior Yan, where did you find this set of clothes? I also need to find some. I'll wear these from now on!"    


Niu Thirteen looked at the clothes on his body happily. It was much easier to wear than his beast skin clothes.    


"Thirteenth junior brother, I bought these in a mortal country. If you like them, I'll take you to buy them!"    


Yan Ke said with a smile. She walked around Niu Thirteen, patted his shoulder, and nodded in satisfaction.    


"Sure …"    


Niu Thirteen rubbed his nose. He decided to buy a few more pieces of clothing. These clothes were better than beast skin and better than the clothes of the Heavenly Demon Sect disciples. He wanted to prepare a few more pieces.    


Furthermore, since he had come to the Great Bear Empire, he had to make a trip back to Niu Village no matter what.    


He had left the village for nearly two years now, so it was about time for him to return. He wondered how Grandpa Niu and the others were doing.    


The last time they met was at the ancestral land of Niu Village.    


In his heart, he missed his grandfather a lot, but he couldn't leave the Heavenly Demon Sect because he had something to do.    


Otherwise, he would have long since returned to Niu Village to visit his grandfather and the others.    


It just so happened that after finding Nangong Han Han this time and settling her matters, he decided to make a trip back to Niu Village.    


In his heart, he was thinking that perhaps, the relatives in Ox-Head Village were thinking the same thing as him.    




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