God Prison



0She couldn't see anything, she only knew that Emperor Qing was standing there and she couldn't see him.    


She thought that Emperor Qing wouldn't be able to see her, so she gave him a bold glance.    


With a blush on his face, he quickly withdrew his gaze.    


Emperor Qing had been looking at Nangong Han Han. Nangong Han looked at him shyly.    


His heart almost gave in. He felt as if he was floating, and his heart pounded and thumped a few times.    


Nangong Han Han Han thought he couldn't see him, but he could actually see Nangong Han Han.    


Emperor Qing felt very happy in his heart and couldn't help but give Niu Thirteen a praising look.    


Although he knew that Niu Thirteen couldn't see the look in his eyes, he still gave Thirteen a glance of praise.    


In this one minute, he felt that Niu Thirteen was no longer as hateful as he was before. For example, right now, he was very happy.    


"Cough, cough …" Thirteenth Brother, don't spout nonsense. In the young generation of the Sin Region, it's likely that Xuanyuan Xue is the safest person around. Even Xuanyuan Xue doesn't feel safe around her, so where would the safety and security of the others come from! "    


Emperor Qing gave a light cough.    


"Mm. Emperor Qing's words make a lot of sense. The truth is that I am just a child who doesn't feel safe at all. I also need to find someone with a sense of security to rely on!"    


Niu Thirteen shamelessly said.    


Then, he said to Nangong Han Han Han.    


"That... Senior Sister Nangong, let's discuss a bit. You go and rely on Emperor Qing, I'll rely on Xuanyuan Xue, what do you think!? "    


"Alright, Senior Nangong. If you don't say anything, that means you agree!"    


"Emperor Qing, what are you still standing there for? Hurry up and bring senior Nangong away!"    


Thirteen coughed dryly. After saying so much in succession, it caused Emperor Qing and the others to be stunned.    


"He's becoming more and more shameless!"    


Xuanyuan Xue couldn't hold it in. She used her hand to support her forehead as if she didn't know who Niu Thirteen was.    


Nangong Han Han was also dumbstruck. She looked at Niu Thirteen with a bit of embarrassment. She also didn't think that Niu Thirteen could be so shameless.    


On the other hand, Emperor Qing looked at Niu Thirteen with a stunned expression. He already knew that Niu Thirteen was very shameless.    


However, Niu Thirteen's shamelessness had exceeded his expectations.    


Niu Thirteen was actually able to be so shameless, so righteously wanting to rely on Xuanyuan Xue's shoulder. He was simply awesome.    


"Thirteenth Brother, none of us, the Azure Emperor, will accept you!"    


Emperor Qing couldn't help but give a thumbs up to Niu Thirteen.    


Furthermore, there was a look of admiration on his face.    


He lamented the fact that he was unable to reach the same level as Niu Thirteen, and thus was willing to admit defeat.    


The shamelessness of Niu Thirteen once again increased the amount of respect he had for him.    


He felt that Niu Thirteen was the most shameless person in the Sinful Regions. Even in his two lifetimes, he had never met anyone more shameless than Niu Thirteen.    


In terms of shamelessness, Niu Thirteen was the first person he had met.    


"Sigh, children who don't have a sense of security, it's all me …"    


Niu Thirteen shamelessly sighed. As he spoke, he walked over to Xuanyuan Xue and truly planned to rely on her shoulder.    


He gently patted Nangong Han Han's shoulder and said.    


"Senior Nangong, go ahead. Emperor Qing is waiting for you!"    


Nangong Han Han Han became tense and held Xuanyuan Xue's hand as he righteously refused.    


"I'm not, you can't be so shameless. Otherwise, no girl will like you. Also, our senior sister is our goddess, so don't go near her. Be careful of our sisters that are in the sky and beat you up!"    


"Waa, senior Nangong, I am also a Piao Xue. I am your junior brother! How can you all hit me? I am only a child!"    


Ox the Thirteen felt wronged, as if he was a weakling who needed to be protected.    


In addition, he emphasized that he was also from Floating Snow.    


Moreover, he was everyone's junior, so he should be protected by everyone and not beaten up by everyone.    


"Tch, I don't care, you go away, eldest senior sister wants to protect me, go play with him!"    


Nangong Han Han Han pointed at Emperor Qing, signaling Niu Thirteen to go over and play with Emperor Qing, and not come over to disturb her and Xuanyuan Xue.    


Emperor Qing saw that Nangong Hanhan was pointing at him, and his spirit was lifted.    


Then, he strode towards Niu Thirteen and forcefully dragged him away.    


"Thirteenth Brother, Xiao Han's right, let's play together!"    




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