God Prison



3She was still a bit away from reaching the Void Beast realm, but she wasn't too far off either!    


She believed that that day would not be too far away. She had the confidence because she was Xuanyuan Xue!    


"Swish …"    


Very quickly, the Void Beast appeared in front of Xuanyuan Xue once again.    


"I found it, follow me!"    


The Void Beast excitedly said to Xuanyuan Xue'er.    


Xuanyuan Xue lightly nodded to Niu Thirteen who was beside her before following the Void Beast.    


Niu Thirteen also followed after Xuanyuan Xue. They followed the Void Beast and instantly arrived in the middle of a super large tree.    


This super large tree was a thousand meters tall, and it was like a godly sword that pierced through the clouds, with no end in sight.    


When Niu Thirteen and the rest arrived at the center of the trees, they saw a tree trunk that looked like a wall.    


The Void Beast flew beside the trunk of the huge tree and pointed at it.    


"This is one of the foundations of the trap array!"    


Xuanyuan Xue looked around and indeed, she felt a trace of obscure spatial undulations on the trunk of the super big tree.    


This spatial ripple was simply too obscure. If one wasn't within three meters of it, one wouldn't be able to sense it.    


Only a special Monstrous Beast like the Void Beast could feel it nodding towards it.    


Then, it pointed at the tree in front of it, ready to destroy it.    


"Roar … Roar …"    


Suddenly, terrifying beast roars came from the side.    


The thick smell of blood instantly assaulted his nostrils.    


Instantly, over a hundred demon beasts crazily charged at Xuanyuan Xue and the others. They wanted to stop them from destroying this super large tree!    


"You destroy it, I will block these demon beasts!"    


Niu Thirteen hefted the God Slaughtering Knife and turned his body with a murderous intent, blocking all the demonic beasts with a domineering aura.    


In an instant, an imposing manner that could block all enemies' path was emitted from his body.    


The Void Beast hid itself in the space with a 'swoosh'. It was only an early eighth level Demon Beast, and was not the opponent of so many Demon Beasts. It would be killed in an instant.    


As a result, it hid within the space so that it wouldn't get hurt.    


It carefully stuck out its sharp little head and looked curiously at Niu Thirteen.    


It felt that Niu Thirteen's cultivation was only at the middle of the eighth level of Life, but it felt that he was extremely terrifying.    


He was very curious about Niu Thirteen's strength. He curiously looked at Niu Thirteen and wanted to see how he was going to block these hundreds of beasts.    


After all, all these demon beasts were powerful rank 5 and above beasts. There were even a dozen rank 9 demon beasts.    


A ninth level demonic beast was equivalent to a powerful cultivator at the ninth level of the Longevity Realm of the human race.    


The nine levels of Eternal Life were already considered powerful in the Sinful Regions.    


Even within the large sects of Sinful Gorge, they were already considered powerful geniuses. These demon beasts were at least rank 9, which was already quite terrifying.    


"Roar … Roar …"    


Over a hundred powerful demonic beasts, carrying a terrifying aura that could sweep away everything in the world, charged towards Niu Thirteen in an instant.    


Niu Thirteen calmly stood before all of the beasts. He calmly looked at the beasts that were charging at him and said this word by word.    


"Unparalleled Nine Blade: The Eighth Blade!"    


Immediately, a dense cluster of sky-shattering demonic blades appeared behind him, densely covering the entire sky.    


The sky instantly turned dark as terrifying devilish sabers appeared one after another, emitting sabers energy that could destroy everything. It was incomparably terrifying!    


Suddenly, all the sharp edges of the Demon Saber were aimed at the hundreds of demon beasts. The terrifying Daoqi caused the aura of the demon beasts to pause!    




Niu Thirteen let out a deep roar.    




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