God Prison



0His hair instantly turned into exploding heads, and every hair on his body stood on end. His skin was also trembling madly, being shaken by the terrifying sound waves …    


"Ah …"    


Niu Thirteen suddenly let out a painful cry. His mind was suddenly filled with the terrifying sound of a cow, causing his head to hurt.    


The sound of a cow howling in ancient times echoed in his mind, causing waves of pain in his consciousness, and he even fainted …    


Niu Thirteen's body was imprisoned by an invisible force. The great water buffalo didn't stop its roar even for a moment, as it continued to tremble within the depths of his mind.    


It was as if Niu Thirteen had been nailed down in the air. He stood there in a large shape, unable to move at all. He could only bear the pain!    


His body trembled crazily, his hair stood on end as he crazily shouted …    


At the same time, a gigantic water buffalo appeared in his eyes. The gigantic water buffalo roared madly towards the sky.    


Many words suddenly appeared in his mind. This was a mental cultivation method, a mental cultivation method used for bragging.    


He was in the midst of receiving the Water Bull's inheritance. As long as he received these words, he would be able to master the Water Bull's power of bragging!    


"Moo …"    


Suddenly, Niu Thirteen raised his head and let out a roar. It was the cry of a cow from ancient times.    


The roars coming out of his mouth turned into terrifying sound waves that vibrated in all directions.    


Anything blocking in front of him was instantly shattered into pieces by the terrifying sound waves. Space itself was shattered, ashes were blown away, and a black hole was destroyed.    


The terrifying cry of an ox could destroy everything. Niu Thirteen was just like a peerless Demon Emperor. He roared crazily as if he was challenging the heavens!    


"Moo …"    


The water buffalo gave a cry to the thirteenth brother, and then his figure slowly faded into the distance.    


Niu Thirteen finally stopped his roar. He looked at the water buffalo and slowly recovered his calm.    


"What's wrong with you!"    


When Niu Thirteen saw that the water buffalo was turning illusory, as if it would disappear at any moment, he felt a little worried.    


"Haha, I'm fine. You've already obtained my ability to boast. In the future, please make it big!"    


"I have existed for a very long time. I will teach you the art of bragging and then I will completely disappear. There is no need to avenge me!"    


As soon as the water buffalo spoke, its figure slowly disappeared. From its feet all the way to its head, it instantly vanished in a puff of smoke.    


Niu Thirteen stared dumbfoundedly at the place where the water buffalo disappeared. After a moment of silence, he said to the place where the water buffalo disappeared.    


"You have passed on to me the art of bragging. I will make it shine, and I will take revenge for you. Rest assured!"    


At last, Niu Thirteen faced the place where the water buffalo was standing, bowed three times, and finally stood up.    


Suddenly, his surroundings changed, and he reappeared on top of the bull's skull.    


Xuanyuan Xue was cultivating cross-legged on the top of the ox skeleton's head. The moment Thirteen appeared, she opened her eyes and looked at him calmly.    


"How is it?"    


"Got one …" Divine abilities! "    


Thirteen rubbed his nose, but in the end, he didn't say the word "bragging."    


He felt that the name of this boastful sacred art was too weird. In the future, he would try his best not to tell anyone else the name of this divine ability. It would be too awkward.    




Xuanyuan Xue slightly smiled, revealing a beautiful smile.    


"Has the calf come out yet?"    


There was no sign of Xiao Niu. He guessed Xiao Niu must be accepting the inheritance.    




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