God Prison



2The great army of vicious beasts that were fighting the vicious beasts of the dead were also frightened. They dodged the three golden lions and scattered in all directions!    


The three golden lions' Divine Emperor heavenly tribulation terrified them. They were so scared that they instantly fled!    


In an instant, there were only three Golden Lions left in the passageway!    


The battleship of the Heavenly Demon Sect quickly flew away from the lion and went deeper into the tunnel. It was countless meters away from the three golden lions!    


Xuanyuan Xue and the others had traveled a great distance before finally stopping when they felt safe!    


Then, Xuanyuan Xue and the others stood at the bow of the ship, watching the faraway Heavenly Tribulation of the Divine Emperor Realm!    


After the vicious beasts escaped to a safe distance, they also angrily looked at the Divine Emperor Realm heavenly tribulation. They howled in horror.    


Underneath the Heavenly Tribulation of the Divine Emperor Realm, the three golden lions roared towards the sky. Their three heads looked up angrily at the Divine Emperor Realm Heavenly Tribulation!    


It had chosen to activate its own Divine Emperor Realm heavenly tribulation because it had no other choice!    


Now, it had to face his own Divine Emperor heavenly tribulation. If it couldn't overcome this Divine Emperor heavenly tribulation, then it would be completely annihilated by the thunder strike!    


After it passes through, it would become a Divine Emperor Realm powerhouse!    


Its three heads and six eyes were all flashing with a crazed expression. A terrifying aura was being emitted from its body!    


"Boom …"    


Finally, from the Heavenly Tribulation of the Divine Emperor Realm in the sky, the first scarlet bolt of lightning came crashing down!    


The red bolt of lightning headed straight for the head of the three golden lions!    


The head of the three golden lions let out an angry roar and it instantly spat out a terrifying white bolt of lightning, colliding with the red lightning in the sky!    


"Boom …"    


After a loud explosion, the white death thunder spat out from the head of the three golden lions and died together with the red lightning in the sky.    


This infuriated the Heavenly Tribulation Vortex of the Divine Emperor Realm in the sky. From the vortex, three streaks of red thunder shot out instantly, slashing towards the three golden lions!    


"Boom …"    


The three heads of the three golden lions simultaneously spat out three different colored divine lights. Instantly, they collided with the three scarlet lightning bolts in the sky!    


A golden beam of light shot out from its left head. In an instant, it collided with a red bolt of lightning!    


A destructive black light shot out from its right head. In an instant, it collided with a red bolt of lightning!    


In the end, from the middle of its head, a terrifying bolt of white lightning shot out. It collided with the final red thunder!    


"Boom …"    


Almost in an instant, three loud noises resounded above the head of the three golden lions. The three bolts of red lightning that were slashing towards it were completely destroyed!    


"Roar …"    


The three golden lions raised their heads to the sky and roared. Their voices were filled with arrogance and madness!    


It roared angrily as it issued a challenge to the Divine Emperor level heavenly tribulation. It wanted to tear the Divine Emperor level heavenly tribulation to shreds!    


Its entire body was emitting a terrifying king level aura that no one dared to look at. It was as if it was a king, so powerful!    


"Boom …"    


The heavenly tribulation of the Divine Emperor Realm was instantly angered. Terrifying red thunder roared within the vortex!    


Following that, nine streaks of red lightning shot out from the vortex of heavenly tribulation. They instantly struck towards the three golden lions on the ground!    


The three golden lions instantly jumped up from the ground and took the initiative to attack the nine scarlet lightning bolts. In the blink of an eye, they met them in midair!    




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