God Prison



1The three of them were extremely fierce!    


The battleship of the Heavenly Demon Sect quickly entered the depths of the killing aura.    


If one were to look down from a high altitude, they would see a circular blood-red barrier with a very large diameter covering the ground. It was filled with a terrifying aura of slaughter.    


And in the center of this blood-red circular barrier, there was a massive eye of heaven and an endless vortex of heavenly tribulation in the sky!    


Under the divine retribution vortex, there was a golden eagle undergoing heavenly tribulation.    


Inside the blood-red barrier, there was a black ball. It was quickly passing through the crimson barrier.    


The black ball was surrounded by a blood-red barrier, as well as a purple and a black light. From time to time, the black ball would fly out.    


The black ball quickly arrived at the edge of the blood-red barrier. It was about to leave the crimson barrier.    


Niu Thirteen and the rest were already able to see the world outside of the aura of slaughter. They had already traversed the entire aura of slaughter, and they were already at the edge of it. They would soon be able to leave.    




The exit was right in front of them. Everyone's spirits were lifted. Niu Thirteen and the rest of them were also crazily slaughtering the surrounding slaughter figures and ghost battleships.    


Very quickly, they burst out of the aura of slaughter, instantly arriving in the outside world.    


Under the blinding sunlight, everyone looked excitedly at the distant forest.    


"We did it!"    


"We're out!"    


"Haha, it's great that you managed to survive!"    


"Don't get too excited, we've just passed the killing aura, we still have to find the giant barbarians!"    


"Do you remember where the giant barbarian is? Let's go find him!"    


"I don't know if I can find him, but if I can't, then we're in for it!"    


Everyone was very excited to be able to escape the killing aura.    


Xuanyuan Xue and Niu Thirteen looked at each other and they could see the relief in each other's eyes.    


"We are right. The Eye of Heaven does not place us in its eyes. In its eyes, we are already dead!"    


"Haha, as long as we find a giant barbarian then even if the eye of the heavens catches up with us we have to get through the giant barbarians first!"    


"The more the eyes of the heavens look down on us the better. Only then will we have the chance to find the barbarians and fight for a chance at survival!"    


"When it encounters the giant barbarians it will be sure to be shocked. The giant barbarians will certainly have a big battle with it. We will take the opportunity to leave then!"    


Xuanyuan Xue and Niu Thirteen stood on the bow of the ship together. They looked into the distance, but their moods were actually not as good as they appeared to be.    


They were all very worried. Giant barbarians were not to be trifled with. If they went to look for one this time, it was possible that they would be completely annihilated!    


After all, with the appearance of the giant barbarians they were able to fight against the forbidden lightning in the sky.    


This time they were using the eye of the heavens to lure the giant barbarian and let it fight the giant barbarian!    


The eye of the heavens and the giant barbarians were fighting. The aftermath of their battle was probably even more terrifying than the aftermath of the giant barbarians and the forbidden thunder array!    


If they weren't careful, they might all die in the aftermath of their battle!    


So this search for the giant barbarians was also a gamble, a gamble with their lives!    


Niu Thirteen turned around and glanced at the boundless aura of slaughter that he sensed behind him. They were the ones that just came out of there.    


It could be seen that deep within the aura of slaughter, the golden falcon was still undergoing its tribulation. It had already crossed the green thunderbolts, and was currently crossing its first green thunderbolt!    




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