God Prison



0The crowd of Heavenly Demon Sect disciples quickly squeezed their way to the high platform. They didn't miss a single inch of space and immediately sat down, not caring if the people around them were a man or a woman!    


Many of the female students no longer cared about being reserved. They also excitedly squeezed into the crowd!    


Even though the left and right side were filled with boys, they still excitedly squeezed into the seats. Of course, their blushing faces also showed that they were not as calm as they appeared on the surface.    


In the middle of it all, there were some interesting episodes!    


A lot of the male disciples of the Sky Demon Martial School already had a crush on the female disciples of the Sky Demon Martial School, so now they had such a good opportunity!    


Their heads were burning hot, and they acted impulsively in an instant. Naturally, they would not let go of such a good opportunity to be in close contact with their goddess!    


They pretended to be the same as the others because they also wanted to get closer to the stage, then squeeze towards the person they liked, and finally sit down beside them.    


After they sat down, their hearts were trembling with excitement and their hearts were pounding wildly!    


It was the first time that many people were so close to a girl they liked. They could even smell the fragrance of the goddess that they admired for a long time. They were a little excited and a little nervous, feeling that this feeling was really exciting!    


They were extremely excited. Although many of them did not dare to raise their heads to look at the goddess beside them, they were already very satisfied with being in such close contact with her.    


Of course, there were also some bold male disciples of the Demonic Sect. After they sat down beside their goddess, they mustered their courage and greeted her.    


Then, they realized that the goddess was very easy to talk to and not as cold as they had thought!    


Afterwards, they discovered that their conversation with the goddess became more and more smooth. In the end, they even dared to talk face to face with the goddess and look straight into her eyes.    


Usually, at this time, the goddess would shyly lower her head to look at him, causing them to feel extremely excited.    


"So even goddesses can feel shy …"    


A male disciple of the Heaven Demon Sect was talking to a goddess. Normally, he was a bit more outgoing, but he also had a goddess that he adored.    


Every time he came across a goddess, he would become unable to speak, and would not even dare to strike up a conversation with her.    


This time, he mustered his courage and squeezed to the goddess's side, bravely speaking to her.    


However, he found that the goddess was very easy to talk to. Gradually, his extroverted side was released and he became more humorous!    


The goddess also seemed to like talking to him and was shy. He was extremely excited and almost laughed out loud.    


He felt that this was really a great opportunity!    


Even if he did not get anything out of Ying Tianshu's sermon, it did not matter!    


What he valued most was being able to chat happily with this goddess. He felt that this was his greatest lucky chance, and that this was enough for him!    


He was so grateful for the exchange lecture that he had been given this chance to talk to the goddess, and he felt that today was the luckiest day of his life, and that he must seize it.    


There were many situations similar to this Demonic Sect male disciple.    


Many of them ran to the side of their favorite target and started a conversation with them. Gradually, they started to have a conversation with their favorite target!    


They no longer dared to speak to the goddess as they used to. Now that they could communicate with her normally, they were extremely excited!    


Of course, not everyone was so lucky!    




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