God Prison



2This meant that these two were extremely powerful people. Such a strong person was actually guarding the city gates. This Bitter Sea City was truly a crouching tiger and hidden dragon. No wonder everyone wanted to come to Bitter Sea City.    


"Which world are you from?"    


The gatekeeping cultivator inquired once more.    


"I come from the Sinful Domain!"    


Niu Thirteen calmly replied.    


"Sin Region!"    


The gatekeeping cultivator was surprised for a moment. However, he regained his calm in the blink of an eye.    


"It's been a long time since someone new came to the Sinful Sea City in the Sinful Gorge. You're the first one!"    


The words of the gatekeeping cultivator made Niu Thirteen frown. If that was the case, wouldn't Xuanyuan Xue and the others still not have come to Bitter Sea City?    


He was the first to arrive at Bitter Sea City, he suddenly felt a little worried about Xuanyuan Xue and the others. What if they also encounter the Black Wind Army's obstruction?!    


However, thinking about how there were two Divine Emperor Realm experts, Ying Tianlong and Li Changfeng, plus Xuanyuan Xue and the Death God, there shouldn't be any problems!    


What's more, Xuanyuan Xue and the others have no enmity with the Black Wind Army, so it would be impossible for the Black Wind Army to kill them.    


"What about you?"    


the gatekeeper asked the nigger.    


"I come from the Beast Domain!"    


said the nigger quietly.    


"Mmm, people often come to the Beast Domain. Give me a drop of your blood essence and I'll get you an identity token!"    


The gatekeeper looked at Niu Thirteen and the nigger.    


Niu Thirteen and the nigger looked at each other. There was a trace of hesitation in their eyes. They couldn't casually give blood essence to others.    


"Brother Thirteen, it's alright. This is an operation that everyone has to go through. Only by getting an identity token can you enter and exit Ku Hai City freely!"    


Ji Haoyue could see the worry on the faces of Niu Thirteen and the others. He explained to Niu Thirteen and the others, telling them to be at ease in giving blood essence to the gatekeeping cultivators.    




Hearing Ji Haoyue's words, Niu Thirteen and the others felt relieved. Niu Thirteen and the nigger each squeezed out a drop of blood from their fingers and gave it to the gatekeeper.    


After the gatekeeping cultivators received their blood essence, they quickly took out a black token and dripped their blood essence into it.    


The token suddenly flashed and gained a hint of intelligence.    


The gatekeeper tossed the sign to Niu Thirteen and the nigger. Niu Thirteen took the sign, and found that there was an additional feeling of flesh and blood between him and the sign.    


It was as if this plate was a part of him.    


He looked at the sign and saw that it had the blood-red words Sin Domain on it. He looked at the sign and saw that the name on the sign said Beast Domain.    


"These are your identity tokens. Take them with you and you can enter the city to report to the factions in your respective worlds. After showing your identity tokens, they will accept you!"    


After the gatekeeping cultivator finished speaking, he closed his eyes and started to cultivate. He no longer looked at Niu Thirteen and the others and returned to his sculpted appearance.    


Niu Thirteen and the nigger held onto their identity tokens and pondered for a moment before putting it away.    


"Let's go into the city!"    


With Ji Haoyue leading the way, Niu Thirteen and the others passed by the two guards and entered the city.    


There was nothing special about Ku Hai City. It was similar to the cities outside. There were shops as well as trading markets.    


People came and went. It was just that the people here all had very powerful cultivations. The ones with the lowest cultivation were all at the Divine Lord realm. There were even many Divine Emperor realm powerhouses here!    


In such a short period of time, Niu Thirteen was able to see nearly a hundred Divine Emperor powerhouses. With so many Divine Emperor powerhouses present, even he was shocked!    




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