Making Great Fortune Overnight

C722 The Whole City Was in a Frenzy

C722 The Whole City Was in a Frenzy

2"Hello, CEO Ruan. It's like this. Someone posted online that there's a flaw in our product, saying it will cause sequelae."    


"They said that they used the Leap White Medicine. The first effect was very good, but soon, there will be an itch. They will scratch and scratch again and again. Blood will drip out, and eventually, the skin will shrink. It will be seriously close to being crippled."    


"Look, this is a picture sent out." The young man went forward and showed Ruan Fu the computer related content.    


He saw all kinds of bloody pictures on the screen. Some of them even had pus flowing out. It was disgusting and horrible to look at.    


Ruan Fu was shocked and pushed the tablet forward. It took him a few minutes to recover his emotions. He thought for a while. He suddenly sneered, "Idiot, this is a business trap. The wound healed and new flesh grew. It's already itchy, but to itch to this extent, it's too exaggerated! "    


"I think Qin Lang is behind this. He has been grabbing onto the recovery of the wound to talk about the matter. Tell the lawyer to delete the relevant video posts and severely punish the relevant personnel."    


"In addition, find a few authoritative medical experts and combine our products to spread the medical principles of the healing of the wound to everyone. Eliminate the doubts of the public and fight back against competitors for slandering us."    


Ruan Fu was sure that Qin Lang and Lu Meichen were behind this. He said, "Call Lu Meichen again and tell Mechen Group that this is the last warning. Try to play tricks again and discredit us, and sue her as well."    


When the young man heard this, he should have left. However, it seemed that his anxiety had not dissipated. He hesitated and said, "CEO Ruan, then this post..."    


Ruan Fu glared at him. "You don't understand what I'm saying?"    


The young man hurriedly replied, "Understood."    


Ruan Fu looked at the female assistant again. "Hee Yaxin is not back yet? He only needed to cut his palm and apply some of his own products on it. Why did he still need to stay in the hospital for a day?"    


Hee Yaxin was very outstanding in the team that she had just formed for the first time. She was more capable, so Ruan Fu attached more importance to her. He arranged a lot of things for her to handle.    


The female assistant replied in a low voice," She's still in the hospital. Xiao Yan, who was sent by the company to take care of her, said that the situation did not seem to be very optimistic and was getting more and more serious. "    


"Let's go and take a look." Ruan Fu threw away the pen in his hand, pushed the chair away, and stood up. Then, he put on a coat and strode out.    


Hee Yaxin. Ruan Fu thought she was a little delicate, but he still decided to go to the hospital to take a look. What kind of illness was so serious? A cut could not be solved by Leap White Medicine?    


The female assistant quickly arranged for the car to move forward. Ten minutes later, Ruan Fu and his entourage arrived at the Second People's Hospital of Yanjing.    


Ruan Fu originally thought that they could easily enter the hospital, but the door was blocked. He saw that the entrance of the Second People's Hospital was filled with cars, emergency care, private affairs, and chaos. Almost every passageway was blocked.    


There were horns, shouts, and cries for help all around. It was a tragic world.    


The originally orderly hospital was in chaos. Because there were too many patients, which exceeded the capacity of the tunnel and seemed to be in a hurry, the hospital was in an unprecedented state of chaos.    


"What exactly is going on?"    


The short-haired assistant opened his mouth slightly. "Why are there suddenly so many patients? What happened? "    


Ruan Fu stared at all of this and his heart suddenly skipped a beat. He felt that the situation was not right and his heart was somewhat flustered.    


Maybe it was his sixth sense. He felt that all of this had something to do with him. Then, Ruan Fu opened the car door and walked out. He said, "Driver, park the car outside and wait for me."    


"The rest of you, follow me. Let's go in and take a look at Yaxin."    


Ruan Fu gave the order and then led his assistant and bodyguards forward. The road was just a short distance, but they had to walk for half an hour before they could finish the short distance. It could not be helped. It was crowded.    


When they walked to the hospital's main hall, it was also crowded with people. Many departments were filled with patients. Ruan Fu paid special attention to the Emergency Department, the Skin Department, and the Burning Injury Department. There were only a lot of people, but it could also be said that not even a drop of water could leak through.    


What was even stranger was that the people in these departments were crying, screaming, and in pain. It was as if they were in hell.    


What exactly was going on? Did the sky collapse? What was going on?    


Ruan Fu frowned and walked towards the ward. He had been through a lot of things in the world, and this was the first time he had seen such a strange scene.    


Along the way, he encountered many patients waiting for him. All of them had extremely painful expressions on their faces. Their hands were tied up by their family members, and they were staring and pulling.    


These patients were all covered in scratches, and their bodies were covered in blood and flesh. It was difficult to describe all of them.    


The female assistant whispered to Ruan Fu, "Chief Ruan, do you see it? They are using our Leap White Medicine."    


Ruan Fu swept his eyes over them and his body trembled. He found that the family members were indeed holding the Leap White Medicine in their hands and applying some of it on the patients from time to time.    


However, the female assistant was still very happy. "I didn't expect our Leap White Medicine to be so hot. It was so explosive that it filled up the entire hospital. Usually, the commoners would use our Leap White Medicine. CEO Ruan, looks like the expansion of production has to be sped up. "    


Ruan Fu was initially happy, but soon after, he frowned and fell into deep thought.    


The scene of the young man holding the computer and reporting to him surfaced in his mind. The patients in front of him were all covered in scratches and bloodstains. Some of them were badly mutilated and even had pus flowing out. Their common characteristic was that they were using Leap White Medicine.    


Ruan Fu quickly threw away the idea and did not dare to think any further. At this moment, the loudspeaker of the hospital started to ring.    


"Everyone, be quiet for now. I am the director of the Second People's Hospital, Wang Shennong. I will now announce a major discovery to all of you."    


"We have decided that all kinds of wounded patients who are treated in this hospital, as long as they have Leap White Medicine in their hands, please stop using this medicine immediately. Please stop using this medicine immediately!"    


"After our clinical diagnosis, the Leap White Medicine is a very dangerous medicine. The side effects are very great."    


"I solemnly declare that after my diagnosis, our Second People's Hospital does not have any effective measures or methods to deal with the side effects caused by the Leap White Medicine. Therefore, I have disappointed everyone. Please transfer to Yanjing General Hospital. Please transfer to Yanjing General Hospital. There will be the fastest treatment there. "    


"As far as we know, only Yanjing General Hospital has medicine related to the side effects of the Leap White Medicine."    


As soon as he finished speaking, the entire hospital was silent. When the sound finished playing, there was an uproar everywhere. The hospital director made a public announcement. That was absolute authority. F * ck, it turned out that he thought that the Leap White Medicine was a divine medicine. So it was poison!    


The news instantly spread throughout the entire hospital, and then to the outside world. The speed at which the information society spread could be said to be invincible.    


About three minutes later, Wang Shennong's speech began to be played repeatedly to ensure that the patients were not overlooked. At this time, the patients flooded out of the Second People's Hospital and rushed towards Yanjing General Hospital.    


Along the way, there were sounds of people cursing at the Leap White Medicine. There were about a thousand people in the team and they left Yanjing General Hospital.    


There was a flaw in the Leap White Medicine?    


At this time, Ruan Fu finally confirmed his guess. The assistants and bodyguards who were following him were all shocked and did not understand what was going on.    


Then, the assistant exploded and roared, "Qin Lang and Lu Meichen are so hateful. They actually bribed the director of the Second People's Hospital to slander us. This battle has no bottom line. They are simply despicable and shameless."    


Ruan Fu's face turned cold. "I have already made a decision. If anyone dares to slander us again, we will sue them together and prepare the lawyer's letter. We can handle any battle as we wish."    


The few bodyguards were also aggressive. They rubbed their hands together and wanted to tear Qin Lang and Lu Meichen into pieces.    


However, just as the people who had jumped into the pharmaceutical industry were furious, Ruan Fu's phone rang.    


"Hello, I am Ruan Fu."    


Ruan Fu picked up the phone and answered it. After a while, his expression gradually froze. This person also slowly became silly.    


Finally, the phone fell from his hand with a sound.    


When everyone saw this, their hearts trembled.    


"How is this possible..." Ruan Fu murmured in a daze.    


Ruan Fu did not go to see Hee Yaxin again. After he received the call, he left the hospital in a hurry with his men.    


The company called and informed many patients to block the entrance to the factory area. Customers also reported that there were serious problems with the Leap White Medicine.    


Just now, Medicine Department had already sent people into the Leaping Pharmaceutical Company and sealed up the production workshop and the research and development room. As for the products, they were not allowed to sell them to the outside world.    


The whole Leaping Pharmaceutical Company was now in a state of panic. The front door and back door were impenetrable. People were shouting slogans on the banner, cursing at the Leap White Medicine. Blood Tears accused the Leap White Medicine manufacturer of being black-hearted. And now, someone was encouraging everyone to collectively jump into the pharmaceutical industry to claim compensation.    


The current situation of jumping into the ___ manufacturer was exactly the same as when the Mechen Group was surrounded. It was just that the situation seemed to be more serious.    


Ruan Fu rushed back to the factory in a hurry, but he received an urgent call from Yang Zhanguo, asking him to return to the Yang Group building for a meeting immediately.    


Ruan Fu frowned, and had no choice but to rush back to the Yang Group.    


On the way, Ruan Fu found that the scene in Yanjing was different today. The special feature was that there were many ambulance. One. One for each, and the speed was much faster than usual. The whole city seemed to be treating illnesses, and there was a very strange feeling.    


When he passed a park, Ruan Fu suddenly saw a man running out from the park. His face was covered with scratches, and he was using his hand to scratch his face, causing blood to flow all over his face. He was still scratching, looking very terrifying.    


It was the same scene as the hospital. Ruan Fu could not help but shiver. He did not want to be tied to the Leap White Medicine, but the ominous sign was getting stronger and stronger. His heart felt like it was stuffed with a block of ice.    




Dozens of minutes later, the car rushed into the Yang Group building. Before the car could stabilize itself, Ruan Fu came out and quickly walked into the hall. He then went straight to the meeting room that he was familiar with.    


In the meeting room, there was a circle of people in suits and leather shoes. They were all the higher-ups of Yang Family and other companies.    


One of them was an eagle-eyed man. He was the director of Yang Group, Yang Xinke. He was Yang Zhanguo's fourth uncle, the pillar of the group.    


There was also a solemn looking old man with a head full of white hair and bright eyes. He had a solemn expression on his face. This was an old official of Yang Family. When the Yang Consortium started their operations in the past... Wu Qiu Long had contributed a lot, so he was now a highly respected man, even though he was an enterprise of the Yang Family. However, Wu Qiulong had a very high stake in the Yang Group. He would seek Wu Qiulong's opinion on all major issues.    


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