Making Great Fortune Overnight

C80 The Girl I Saved

C80 The Girl I Saved

3On that day, Zhong Yu cried for three hours. When Zhong Yu calmed down, Qin Lang asked Shen Wanqian to take care of Cai Nong.    


Shen Wanqian cremated Cai Nong's corpse and placed her ashes in a cemetery in Jinling. On the day the ashes were placed, Qin Lang accompanied Zhong Yu there. When Zhong Yu saw Cai Nong's tombstone, she cried for a long time.    


Ever since Cai Nong passed away, Zhong Yu's mood had been very low. She did not go to school, nor did she go to training at Dream Company.    


Qin Lang could only be anxious about this situation. If Zhong Yu did not cheer herself up, it would be useless for anyone to say anything.    


On this day, Qin Lang got up early and went out to buy soy milk and fried dough sticks. Back home. Inside the villa. A few days ago, Zhong Yu did not eat a single bite. She only ate a little bit at night, but today, Zhong Yu finished a portion of soy milk and two deep-fried dough sticks. This made Qin Lang very surprised.    


"Take me to the company," she said to Qin Lang after dressing up in the bathroom for the first time in the past few days.    


Zhong Yu had thought of a lot of things during these few days of silence.    


She thought about what kind of reaction Cai Nong would have if she saw her now. She would be very sad and blame herself. This was not what Cai Nong wanted to see.    


Zhong Yu's heart was very uncomfortable. She told herself that she must get out of the haze as soon as possible and let Cai Nong know that she could live a good life without Cai Nong. Only then would Cai Nong feel at ease underground.    


"Okay," Qin Lang agreed in surprise. As long as Zhong Yu took the initiative to accept the fact that Cai Nong left, she would get better very quickly.    


Qin Lang took Zhong Yu to get a taxi and went to the door of the company called Dream Singing Company.    


Outside of the company, there were luxury cars parked all over. There were BMWS, Audi, Mercedes-Benz, and so on. Each car was at least 600,000 yuan.    


At this moment, a man and a woman alighted from a Porsche. The man seemed to be a hip-hop singer, and he also had earrings. It was another big, thick chain. The female was Zhong Yu's teammate, Yan Ni. Gong Jiao and Zhang Xiaoya also arrived and walked to Yan Ni's side.    


"Could this be Zhong Yu's boyfriend? Then what is he wearing? No wonder he found Zhong Yu. Their aesthetic standards are really on the same level. "    


" They came by rent? Am I seeing things? He looks like he's already 20. Don't tell me he doesn't even have a car? "    


"Didn't you hear Zhong Yu introduce herself that she came from a northeastern ravine? The school fees were all used by her mother to save money. Taking a taxi was already a very extravagant thing for her. She even wanted to buy a car. Isn't this thinking too much? "    


Yan Ni and the other two looked at Zhong Yu and said with a pleased smile. Zhong Yu stood where she was and looked at them coldly.    


Qin Lang also guessed that it was them who hit Zhong Yu last time. He also wanted to rush over and beat them up, but he could guess what Zhong Yu meant. After all, they were in the same team. Zhong Yu definitely did not want their relationship to worsen. In addition, Zhong Yu had just calmed down, and Qin Lang did not want to cause any more trouble. So he endured it.    


Anyway, there would be plenty of opportunities in the future, so he did not have to rush it.    


Yan Ni and the others walked into the company arrogantly.    


At this time, another Mercedes-Benz stopped on both sides of the road. Qin Lang saw a short-haired girl walk out of the car. She was Guo Yanan, whom he had seen in the practice room last time.    


Guo Yanan saw Zhong Yu and Qin Lang walking over.    


"You are here." Guo Yanan looked at Zhong Yu with a trace of concern in his eyes. "Come on, let's go in together."    


After saying that, Zhong Yu said goodbye to Qin Lang and walked to the door with Guo Yanan.    


Qin Lang stood where he was. He had caught a trace of dissatisfaction and contempt from Guo Yanan's eyes when he looked at him. Combined with the way she looked at Zhong Yu, she felt that she was not good enough for Zhong Yu.    


Qin Lang also guessed that Guo Yanan thought that he did not have the ability to protect Zhong Yu, so he looked down on him like this. He could not help but feel bitter in his heart.    


He took a taxi back to school.    


Along the way, he was also thinking about whether he should make some changes for Zhong Yu. At least he should give Yan Ni and the others some intimidation and let them know. Zhong Yu's boyfriend was not the loser they thought he was, but someone who was much richer than their boyfriend.    


Although Qin Lang and Zhong Yu did not like to be flamboyant, as long as they could protect Zhong Yu, Qin Lang was willing to do it.    


Didn't they laugh at me for not having a car and ridicule Zhong Yu for being extravagant when she took a taxi? Then I will let you see if Zhong Yu can ride in a luxury car or not. What grade of luxury car is she sitting in?    


More than a month ago, Qin Lang ordered a super luxury exclusive Ferrari at the Jin Ling Car Exhibition Center!    


Qin Lang had never thought that the Ferrari he ordered had not arrived yet. Qin Lang was going to call and ask.    


At the same time, two young beauties were strolling around the campus of Jinling University.    


One of them was the girl that Qin Lang drove to the hospital that night. Liang Hui, who blocked his way, was confessing to. Her name was Peng Meng.    


That night, Peng Meng was entangled with Liang Hui's confession. No matter what Peng Meng said, Liang Hui would not let her go. Just when Peng Meng was so angry that she could do nothing about it, an Audi drove over.    


Then, she saw a man get out of the car. He "killed" a young man who rushed over in an instant. Then he faced ten people and was not afraid at all. He quickly got out of the car and rushed towards them.    


Peng Meng originally thought that he would stop the car midway, but he did not. His speed was getting faster and faster. He knocked over the group of young people and rushed towards Liang Hui!    


Seeing Audi rushing over, Peng Meng was almost scared silly. She covered her ears and screamed loudly. She immediately closed her eyes. The moment she closed her eyes, Peng Meng saw the man's face.    


The Audi knocked over Liang Hui. At the same time, Peng Meng, who was very close to him, was so scared that her soul almost flew out. When she opened her eyes nervously, the Audi was already far away.    


Peng Meng's nervousness and fear quickly dissipated and was replaced by excitement. She suddenly felt like she was like a princess at the most critical moment. There was a prince carrying a spear to rescue her, the man who drove the car. It was her "prince." When she thought of that man's face, Peng Meng felt that he was extremely handsome!    


From the second day onwards, Peng Meng began to search for traces of him in Jinling City. Finally, the clue she got was that that man was very likely to be a student in Jinling University. So Peng Meng came to Jinling University to search, but she searched for two days. She couldn't find him.    


"Peng Meng, could it be that he is not a student? Think about it, how could a student beat so many people? And he is so bold to drive and hit others? " The other Young Beauty spoke. Her name was Gu Sha, Peng Meng's best friend. Peng Meng pulled her along to find a man but she was exhausted.    


"But I checked the surveillance camera at the traffic police station. He might really be a student of Jinling University. I don't know any other information. Sha Sha, you can accompany me to look for him again." At this moment, Peng Meng's heart was also very unsettled. However, she was looking forward to meeting the "Prince."    


"No, it's too tiring to walk for such a long time. Let's buy a bottle of water to rest for a while. Otherwise, I will fall apart from exhaustion." Gu Sha saw a supermarket in front of her and could not walk anymore.    


"Okay." Peng Meng accompanied Gu Sha to the supermarket to buy two bottles of pulse and drank from the side. On the other side. They walked to the side of the field not far away and sat on the bodybuilder under the tree. He prepared to take a break and walk around the campus again.    


"Hey, why hasn't there been any news of the Ferrari I ordered a month ago? Have you guys forgotten..."    


Peng Meng and Gu Sha suddenly heard someone talking. Peng Meng followed the voice and her eyes lit up. Not far away, the side profile of the male who was talking on the phone seemed to be the "Prince" who came to save her that night.    


... "Do you need so much time? In that case, I will give you ten million more. I request to hand over the car within ten days. Can you fulfill my request... Alright, I'll transfer 10 million to you right now. You must bring the car here as soon as possible..."    


Peng Meng and Gu Sha slowly walked to Qin Lang's side. Seeing Qin Lang's face, she was sure that Qin Lang was the man who drove that night. She was overjoyed.    


But now Qin Lang was on the phone. Peng Meng did not dare to disturb him. In Peng Meng's heart, Qin Lang was a very masculine and impulsive person. She was afraid that it would cause Qin Lang to dislike him.    


She saw Qin Lang make another call.    


"Manager Che, please transfer 10 million to the Jin Ling Car Exhibition Center account."    


"Peng Meng, is he really the man who saved you that night? Why do I feel like there's something wrong with him?" Gu Sha pointed at her own head and whispered to Peng Meng. A university student dressed in ordinary clothes who did not look like a rich person. When he opened his mouth, it would be ten million yuan or a Ferrari. Wasn't there something wrong with his brain?    


"I will help you tease him..." Gu Sha's eyes turned as she walked towards Qin Lang. Peng Meng could not stop her even if she called him.    


Qin Lang hung up the phone. The car exhibition center said that he had made a custom-made exclusive Ferrari. It needed to be assembled and manufactured in Italy and all kinds of safety tests had to be carried out. It would take at least four months for it to be transported to China through auditing. Qin Lang directly increased the production by 10 million and asked them to speed up the production. It would be best if it could be delivered to him within ten days.    


The other party reluctantly agreed, so Qin Lang asked Che Hui, the director of the flag company, to transfer 10 million to them. Qin Lang did not care about money at all. As long as he could get a Ferrari earlier, it would be fine.    


When he was about to leave, he noticed a few classmates passing by. They all looked at him with a snicker, some of them passing by Qin Lang. They even turned around and covered their mouths with their hands, smiling as they looked at Qin Lang. Obviously, they had heard what he had just said on the phone. They thought he was crazy.    


Qin Lang shook his head and smiled faintly, as if he was in a state of "I laugh that no one can see through me."    


"Hello, is it the Rolls-Royce Company? Why hasn't there been any news of the custom-made super luxurious Rolls Royce worth 30 million? What, it takes four months? No, I'll give you ten days to deliver the car to me... Why not? I'll give you ten million more. I'll call you back later. I must see the car within ten days..." At this moment, a beauty stood in front of Qin Lang and spoke on her phone.    


Qin Lang looked at her speechlessly. She was clearly mocking him.    


Qin Lang wanted to walk around her and walk away, but this beautiful woman was still blocking in front of him. Qin Lang went left, she went left, Qin Lang went right, she went right.    


Qin Lang was very angry. He didn't know this beautiful woman at all, why did she want to mess with him?    


"Please move aside..." Qin Lang suppressed the anger in his heart and said to the beauty.    


"Didn't you see that I was on the phone?" The beauty glared at Qin Lang instead. Qin Lang walked to the side, but the beauty still blocked Qin Lang's way, not letting him go.    


"Manager Che, transfer 10 million to the Rolls-Royce Company..." The beautiful woman was Gu Sha. She was only teasing Qin Lang, but she did not expect Qin Lang to stare at her. She immediately got into a fight with Qin Lang.    


She felt that Qin Lang was not as godly as Peng Meng said. On the contrary, he was an out-and-out poor loser.    


"Sha Sha, stop joking..." At this time, Peng Meng walked over in a hurry, embarrassed. She thought about what Qin Lang had done that night. Peng Meng felt that Gu Sha was playing with fire now. Of course, she did not want it to happen. The "prince" who saved her was being teased.    


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