Making Great Fortune Overnight

C290 Arrogant Before the War

C290 Arrogant Before the War

0Zhong Jiuzhen tidied up her clothes and slowly walked out of the room where he lived. He wore a black medium-sized shirt with white hair and white beard. The domineering aura of the Yanjing that had existed for decades was quietly revealed.    


His son and daughter-in-law were standing outside the door waiting for him, but they were not as calm as Zhong Jiuzhen.    


Until now, they did not know which martial artist the Zhong Family would send to accept the challenge.    


Their hearts were burning with anxiety and anxiety. From today onwards, the Zhong Family would probably give up the position of the leader of the Yanjing Underground World. The name of the Zhong Family would disappear from the history of the Yanjing. From then on, their family would fall and they would never be able to recover.    


Zhong Jiuzhen walked step by step towards the exit of the mansion. Her children and grandchildren followed behind her, as if it was a grand ceremony before the expedition.    


There were already several luxury cars parked at the entrance of Zhong Family.    


"You guys go and gather the crowd first," Zhong Jiuzhen said to her descendants behind her. She then looked at Zhong Xueshan. "Snowy Mountain, let's go and pick up Mr. Qin."    


"Yes," Zhong Xueshan replied. He followed Zhong Jiuzhen and got into a Kade and drove towards the Yan University.    


Mr. Qin? Who was Mr. Qin?    


The Zhong Family Member looked at each other. They felt that this Mr. Qin might be a martial artist that Zhong Jiuzhen had found at the last minute. Like Fu Kai, the Zhong Family had been recruiting martial artists for many years. One out of a hundred martial artists. All of them had been killed effortlessly by ___, a warrior that they had found at the last minute. How could he be a match for him?    


Zhong Family Member's mood was low and heavy as he got into the car and drove towards the underground boxing ring.    


Today was Sunday and Zhong Yu could finally have a good rest.    


At this time, Zhong Yu's "beautiful scenery" The four girls accompanied her out of the family courtyard, and the five girls had already become good sisters. Of course, "Xue Yue" did not forget their identities. They accompanied Zhong Yu to class every day. They took up seats for Zhong Yu and went to the canteen to get food for Zhong Yu. When they came back, they would even massage Zhong Yu.    


In short, he took good care of Zhong Yu.    


Zhong Yu walked to the door. Qin Lang was still standing guard there. Seeing the five women walking over, Qin Lang was very happy.    


"It's time to get off work tonight. Come with me to the Nameless Lake for a walk," Zhong Yu said to Qin Lang. She had been focused on studying during the past few days. She did not care about Qin Lang enough. She had rested and had nothing to do today. She suddenly felt that she had neglected Qin Lang for the past few days.    


"Tonight..." Qin Lang was slightly stunned. Tonight, he was going to help Zhong Family fight a war. It would be bad if Zhong Yu found out, but looking at Zhong Yu's bright eyes, Qin Lang could not bear to refuse. He nodded and said, "Okay, I will call you after work."    


"Okay, let's go to the library for a walk. You stand guard." Zhong Yu was happy and walked to the library. Xiao Xue and Xiao Yue stayed by Zhong Yu's side, but Feng and Xiao Hua stopped and stayed by Qin Lang's side.    


Seeing Zhong Yu's figure disappear, Qin Lang walked back to his dorm and changed into his own clothes. He should go to the school gate and wait for Zhong Family to pick him up at the boxing ring.    


Feng and Xiao Hua followed behind Qin Lang. They wanted to go with Qin Lang.    


Qin Lang walked out of the school gate and saw a Kade. He walked over. Zhong Jiuzhen and her son got off the car and greeted Qin Lang briefly. Everyone went back to the car and the car headed towards the underground boxing ring.    


The underground boxing ring was the most famous boxing ring in Yanjing Underground World. It was located in the center of Yanjing. Above the ground was the Yanjing Exhibition Hall. It was very hidden. The second floor underground was where the boxing ring was located.    


At this moment, the surroundings of the exhibition hall looked calm and peaceful. In fact, it was very lively on the second floor underground.    


Two hundred meters in front of the exhibition hall, the Zhong father and son, Qin Lang, Feng and Xiaoyue got off the car.    


They were going to walk from here to the underground boxing ring.    


Qin Lang felt a trace of gaze on him. He turned around and saw a figure hiding next to a flower pond.    


That figure saw Qin Lang and immediately hid behind the tree.    


Feng and Littleflower also noticed that person. They both moved towards that person.    


"Come out!" Feng and Littleflower rushed to the back of the tree and attacked that person from the left and right. That person was shocked. He did not expect that two young girls who were not even 20 years old would have such high martial arts.    


He quickly blocked the attack, but he was no match for Feng and Littleflower. In the blink of an eye, he was captured by Feng and Littleflower.    


"Young Master Qin!" Feng and Littleflower held the man in front of Qin Lang.    


The man had shoulder-length black hair, and his eyes were like black pearls. Her face was full of heroic spirit and unwillingness. She was the police flower from the External Police Station. - Wang Chen.    


"Why are you following me?" Qin Lang asked. When Wang Chen hid behind the tree, Qin Lang recognized her.    


"Is something going to happen here?" Wang Chen said.    


After Wang Chen got off work today, when she passed by the exhibition hall, she found Soong Yi and his son walking to the underground of the exhibition hall. After that, many famous entrepreneurs, big families, and people who were suspected by the police showed up one after another.    


This battle only informed people related to the interests of the Zhong and Song families. To the other people in Yanjing, this news was completely sealed off.    


Wang Chen felt more and more that something big was going to happen. She wanted to go in and take a look, but there were several men in suits guarding the door. Without an invitation, she could not go in.    


Wang Chen hid at the door to see what was going to happen.    


When she saw the Zhong father and son appear, she was even more shocked in her heart. Of course, when she saw that Qin Lang was related to the Zhong Family, she was equally shocked.    


"You should leave quickly. This isn't a place you should come to," Qin Lang said.    


"Are you guys going to do some dirty business here? I need to inform the police to destroy your plan, "Wang Chen said.    


She knew that the Zhong Family had an underground background. To her, the appearance of the Zhong Family here meant that it was not clean.    


"If you continue to talk nonsense, I will make you shut up forever!" Zhong Jiuzhen said angrily.    


"Dad, please calm down," Zhong Xueshan said. He carefully looked at Wang Chen's face and said to Wang Chen, "Are you the girl from the Wang family, Wang Chen?"    


"Yes, I will put all of you bad guys in jail!" After Wang Chen was transferred to the capital, she was talked about by others. In her eyes, the Zhong Family was the leader of Yanjing Underground World. The Zhong Family was the opposite of the police. One day, she would wipe out the Zhong Family.    


"Little girl, if we want to deal with you, we have no idea what to do with you!"    


Zhong Xueshan smiled coldly and said, "I can tell you clearly that a battle is going to be held here tonight. The winner will become the king of Yanjing Underground World. Your Wang Family knows about this battle as well. The court also knows why we can still hold it. It's because we have obtained the tacit consent of the higher ups. Besides the need of your police, the stability of Yanjing... Do you understand that we are also needed? "    


His own family knows about it, and the higher-ups know about it as well?    


Wang Chen was shocked, and her mind was unable to react for a moment. She suddenly felt that she was like a boor, but was the truth really like what Zhong Xueshan said?    


"Girl, how about going in with us to take a look?" Zhong Jiuzhen looked at Wang Chen and said.    


Seeing that Wang Chen was slightly absent-minded, Zhong Jiuzhen did not pay attention to her and slowly walked towards the second floor of the exhibition hall. Wang Chen followed behind them and also walked over.    


After passing through the first floor of the underground floor, Zhong Jiuzhen and the rest walked to the second floor of the underground floor. There were already a lot of people in the hall at the entrance.    


Soong Zhongping and his son had arrived half an hour ago. At this time, many people surrounded them and chatted enthusiastically.    


As for the other Zhong Family Member that arrived first, they were all cold and quiet beside them.    


When they saw Zhong Jiuzhen arrive, some people greeted Zhong Jiuzhen out of courtesy.    


"Elder Zhong."    


"Elder Zhong, you are here."    


All of them seemed to be restraining themselves. The current situation was very clear. Soong Family would be the winner of this battle. If they tried to curry favor with the old master, it would not be good.    


The other Zhong Family Member walked over. All of them were very unhappy. When they saw Zhong Jiuzhen, they complained one after another.    


"Dad, these people were like pugs when they saw us. Our Zhong Family hasn't lost its power yet, but these people are distancing themselves from us. They are really snobbish!"    


"Yeah, there are a few people who acted as if they didn't see us. They kept flattering the Soong Family! Looking at their faces, it really makes one's appetite go down! "    




"Dad, where's the Mr. Qin you found?" A Zhong Family Member asked.    


"Yeah, where's Mr. Qin?"    


Zhong Jiuzhen did not answer them. She felt that these children and grandchildren were useless.    


"Hello," Qin Lang took the initiative to take a step forward and greeted them.    


"What? Mr. Qin is you?" The Zhong Family Member that asked him earlier asked in surprise. The others also opened their mouths wide.    


They had thought that the Mr. Qin Zhong Jiuzhen had invited would be a martial arts expert, but they had never thought that it would be a young and gentle young man like Qin Lang.    


Even Master Fu Kai could not defeat someone invited by the Soong Family. He looked up to the sky. Although this young man looked strong and vigorous, how could an unknown young man be a match for him?    


In an instant, the Zhong Family Member's last breath was vented.    


They sighed, feeling that their last bit of hope had been shattered.    


At that moment, Soong Zhongping noticed Zhong Jiuzhen and walked over with Soong Yi. There was a large group of people around them. Soong Yi's cousin's family had also arrived. Fangzheng was being pushed in a wheelchair.    


Previously, the Hello. Hee Yuchen, the second generation of Woman Group, was also among them. He happened to be in Yanjing during this period of time. Therefore... With his family's status and identity, there was naturally an invitation letter. He came here to watch the battle.    


"Hello, Mr. Elder Zhong. We meet again!" Soong Zhongping said politely. In front of others, he had to be magnanimous. After all, he would be the overlord of Yanjing Underground World in the future.    


"Hello!" Zhong Jiuzhen shook hands with Soong Zhongping and said with a slight sneer.    


When Soong Family just arrived in Yanjing, Soong Zhongping was just a sackcloth official in Yanjing. At that time, he personally brought gifts and came to Zhong Family to pay respects to Zhong Xueshan. To put it bluntly, he came to pay his respects to ___.    


He had never thought that in just thirty years, Soong Zhongping would snatch the position of the Zhong Family.    


Sure enough, the world was unpredictable.    


"I wonder which martial artist the Zhong Family sent today?" Soong Zhongping asked. He wanted to see who the strongest martial artist of the Zhong Family was - Fu Kai was already dead. What kind of trash could the Zhong Family send out?    


"Mr. Qin, please come out and take a look at Mr. Soong!" Zhong Jiuzhen said.    


"Yes," Qin Lang answered. He walked to Soong Zhongping and nodded slightly. "Hello, Mr. Soong."    


When they saw Qin Lang, the surrounding people were surprised. Did Zhong Family find a 20-year-old kid to fight the battle? Was this a joke?    


"It's you!" Soong Yi recognized Qin Lang. His eyes were filled with ruthlessness.    


"Uncle, Cousin and I were played by this brat last time!" Fangzheng, who was sitting in a wheelchair, also said.    


Soong Zhongping raised his hand slightly, and Soong Yi and Fangzheng stopped talking.    


"Brother Zhong, is there no one else in Zhong Family? Sending such a kid to fight the battle, isn't this giving the victory to us, the Soong Family?" Soong Zhongping said with a sneer. Previously, he was polite and courteous, but now, he needed to show some dominance. He had made up his mind. After becoming the king of the underground, he would also show kindness and respect to his subordinates.    


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