Making Great Fortune Overnight

C820 The Fiendgod Barrier

C820 The Fiendgod Barrier

3Qin Lang didn't want to be outdone. He stretched out his hand and summoned the Golden Dragon Blade. With a swoosh, he swung the sword and stabbed it into the grayish-brown claw of the Taotie. However, this wasn't as simple as Qin Lang had imagined. His Golden Dragon Blade could only hurt the outer skin of the Taotie. It couldn't even hurt the outer skin. Its outer skin was too thick. It was covered with dead skin that had been accumulated over the years. It looked very disgusting.    


Qin Lang felt like throwing up. He instantly drew his sword back. However, the moment he drew his sword, he suddenly discovered that on the left corner of the Taotie... There was a key shaped thing that was surrounded by flames. Qin Lang was stunned for a moment.    


"Could this be the key to the fire?"    


Qin Lang did not immediately grab the thing that looked like the key to the fire. After all, it was more important to protect himself first.    


Qin Lang instantly turned into a gust of wind and retreated, dodging about ten meters away from the giant beast.    


And ten meters away, there were large and small deep pits. The smallest one was at least a few meters deep.    


He looked at the scene in front of him and slightly opened his mouth, but he couldn't say anything.    


"Awoo!" The Taotie beast suddenly cried out loudly. Qin Lang instantly covered his ears. Fortunately, he was an immortal with a cultivation base. If he was a mortal, he was afraid that his entire body would be shattered.    


This Taotie was simply a monster that only knew how to attack randomly. There was no pattern to its fighting style. Apart from charging randomly, it also had tremendous strength. Its agility was not even a bit as great as Qin Lang's. However, if it continued to dodge like this... It was not a solution either. If he angered it...    


Wait a minute. This fellow's fighting style was messy, and there was no pattern at all?    


This guy's biggest weakness was truly revealed in front of Qin Lang. Qin Lang stood there and stared straight at Tao Wu, but he was thinking of a perfect plan in his heart.    


And this perfect plan was to win with speed!    


Speed was the way of the king. As long as he was fast enough, even an ant could defeat an elephant!    


Facing this giant, the corner of his mouth curled into a mocking smile.    


This fellow was simply a clumsy giant beast. It had no brain and no patterns in its attacks. It was very easy to win by coincidence.    


Qin Lang bellowed and summoned the golden dragon blade. The Taotie seemed to be startled by Qin Lang's shout. The creatures in the cave immediately started to chase after them. The scene was breathtaking.    


The golden dragon blade seemed to be able to understand Qin Lang's intention. The flames surrounding its body burned even more intensely, and the golden dragon was summoned once again.    


The vast and fast flames swept towards the huge beast. At this moment, Qin Lang felt the immortal Qi in his body gathering and dispersing again. The huge flames rushed into the Taotie's face, forcing its body to retreat.    


Qin Lang's Qi instantly soared. A profound smile appeared on his face.    


He had to beat this monster until its skin and flesh were lacerated.    


Suddenly, that fellow charged towards him with great force. Qin Lang felt that the ground where he stood was shaking violently.    


Qin Lang's feet pointed at the ground and he retreated. However, this retreat was not a retreat, but a part of his plan.    


Only by retreating could he win faster.    


Suddenly, the Taotie let out a thunderous roar. It seemed that it was angry. It had fallen into Qin Lang's trap again and again. It must redeem its dignity now.    


Crush it!    


Qin Lang's throat twitched. It seemed like this monster was going to use its ultimate move!    


"Bring it on! No, bring it on!"    


Qin Lang made a pose and muttered to himself a few times. Obviously, this guy did not understand.    


The monster seemed to understand Qin Lang's words. It rushed over with all its might. This time, its strength was different from the last time. It was even faster this time and was much faster than before.    


Sweat was dripping down Qin Lang's temples. Veins were bulging on his arms. He held the golden dragon blade tightly in his hand. When the big monster arrived, his plan would basically be completed in half.    


At that time, he only needed to leap forward and deal with this huge beast quickly and accurately. Everything would be fine.    


The weakest part of this monster was its abdomen and eye. Its abdomen was slightly weaker than the eye, but Qin Lang did not choose its abdomen directly. Instead, he chose the eye first.    


If he stabbed the sword into its abdomen directly, when this giant monster went crazy, it might even step on Qin Lang a few times. Judging from its weight, it was 100% certain that it would be crushed into meat paste.    


Besides, they were so close to each other that he would not be able to dodge even if he hid. He would not do something that would harm others and not himself.    


The monster rushed to Qin Lang in an instant. It opened its bloody mouth and wanted to eat Qin Lang, but Qin Lang reacted immediately.    


At this moment, he clenched the golden dragon blade in his hand and slashed at the monster's left eye and right eye. Although the depth of the slash wasn't as deep as the direct stab, it was enough to make the monster blind!    


The Taotie took a few steps back. " It seemed to be in pain.    


At this moment, Qin Lang stood up straight and his sword rumbled. He stabbed the golden dragon blade into this guy's soft abdomen, causing him to tremble in pain. Then, he crashed into the stone wall beside him and fell down heavily.    


Qin Lang covered his ears. When the giant fell to the ground, it was like thunder, rumbling.    


Qin Lang walked over and kicked this guy a few times.    


"He really won't let others live even if he dies, big guy."    


After saying this, Qin Lang squatted down and curiously looked at its scarlet face, as well as the tentacles and huge pincers on its face.    


Then, his gaze turned to the pair of horns.    


He took the key of fire from the back of its horns and used a little force on his wrist. What surprised him was that the key of fire actually grew on its horns.    


Qin Lang secretly cursed in his heart. This operation was a bit tricky, so he held the key in his hand.    


The key emitted a scarlet light all over its body. It was exactly the same as the light emitted from Tao Wu, the monster he had just defeated.    


As expected, this guy was the one who broke through the barrier?    


However, how was he going to use the two godly items in his hands? He still had no idea.    


However, just as Qin Lang was about to place the Secret Key of Fire into the cloth bag, he suddenly discovered that the black chaos above his head had split open. Could it be?    


"Has the barrier been broken?"    


In an instant, the fragments rained down like a heavy rain. Qin Lang thought to himself, Why am I so unlucky? Then, he instantly activated a golden bell cover to protect himself.    


It wasn't easy for him to defeat this Taotie beast, and now he has come to this place. The sky has collapsed, and the earth might even sink later. Each of the pits that the beast stepped on was several meters tall. He might even fall into the pit if he were to walk around.    


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