Omnipotent Cellphone

C267 What a Disappointment

C267 What a Disappointment

2"Do what you want? If you can save me, then you can save Merman's clan. Even if you die, it has nothing to do with you, I can see that, you are a good person, that Magus really made my heart tremble, if I had the ability to go back, I must kill that guy. I just drank some water, and I feel much better, it's definitely a matter of water. "    


Jiang Xiaobai also thought the same. He hesitated a little, telling him to drink more water might be useful, but the poison in his body wouldn't be expelled along with the water.    


"The arm I saw you with just now was completely black. Why don't you stretch it out for me to have a look?"    


Jiang Xiaobai took out the dim pearl from his pocket and put it on the man's wrist. His expression immediately changed and the black color on his hand slowly faded. The man screamed.    


"Isn't that a pearl?"    


Even as she cried out, the pearl began to glow, and the pearl was filled with something black that was rotating inside. This caused Jiang Xiaobai to be dumbstruck. He observed carefully and found that the black color on that person's body disappeared very quickly. After a while, it all turned white. He shouted in surprise:    


"Godly Doctor, I feel much more relaxed now, and I also feel hungry in my stomach. Do you have anything to eat here? I eat everything. "    


Jiang Xiaobai felt extremely hungry after being yelled at like that. He took out a few mouthfuls of the snacks that were still in the drawer.    


"I have some leftovers from lunch, but I haven't touched any of the three dishes. You can have some."    


Jiang Xiaobai took it out embarrassedly. Seeing that the person's black was all gone, he immediately moved the bead away. The person who was about to start eating felt a little out of balance and almost fell off his chair.    


"It's really too magical. In the past, our Merman clan also had a divine bead, but it was used to cure a hundred diseases. Unfortunately, we lost it, which caused us Merman to lose a lot of our lives."    


He didn't dare to hold it in his hand as he was afraid that the black thing would enter his body. That would be bad, he found a tray, picked it up with a clip and put it inside. Jiang Xiaobai didn't notice that there was some water in the tray. He watched the man gobble down the food.    


"How are you feeling? Is there anything else that feels uncomfortable? "    


That person swallowed his food and felt as if his entire body was filled with power. If he was in the water right now, he would also want to roll around! Those dishes just now were simply delicious food to his mouth.    


"I have eaten and drank to my heart's content. I feel as if my entire body is brimming with energy. I want to follow the Black Dragon back to the sea. Am I not going to stay here for even a minute longer?"    


Jiang Xiaobai saw that he had returned to normal. He turned around to look at the tray and found that the inside of the tray had turned pitch black. The bead immediately became dim. He was very happy. He felt that this bead was too magical.    


"I found it in a conch. Maybe this bead is Merman's magical bead."    


Jiang Xiaobai did not dare to get close to the bead as he was afraid that something strange would enter his body. That would be too bad, he did not want that to happen.    


"Godly Doctor, why don't you help my clansmen take a look? They all have various symptoms, so I do not dare to be greedy with this bead. This is yours, so I have no right to take it back. "    


Jiang Xiaobai thought about how he was still very hungry and wanted to help them treat their illnesses after dinner.    


"Where did you go?" I can send you back. After I eat something, I'll meet you in the lake beside my villa. I saw your wizard yesterday, so you should be able to reach that place. "    


That person was extremely happy to see Jiang Xiaobai agree. Because their feet were not healthy and they walked in the same line, they looked very funny and he managed to stabilize his body.    


"You have to take me down. I won't take the elevator. I will pass your words to the Black Dragon, he will definitely make the appointment on time. "    


Jiang Xiaobai agreed. After sending him downstairs, he was ready to drive away. However, when he thought about the fire in the mage's eyes, he felt that if that person returned alive, he would be in danger.    


"Wait, where did you and the Black Dragon meet? I'll send you over and see him."    


That person was a little hesitant. Seeing that Jiang Xiaobai had saved him without any hesitation, he knew that Jiang Xiaobai would not harm the Black Dragon. Especially with so many people around, even if he had the ability, there would only be one person who could defeat the Black Dragon.    


"Okay, it's in an alley at the corner on the left. There's an exit, and that's where I came from."    


Jiang Xiaobai drove the car somewhere and helped the man out of the car. There was no one in the alley. When the two of them reached the sewer, the man immediately stretched out his hands to move the well cover, but he didn't.    


"What's going on? When I came out in the morning, my body felt uncomfortable and I could have moved it away. Why couldn't I move it now? Could it be something happened to us, Merman? "    


Jiang Xiaobai would never believe that. He knew that it was definitely a trick by a Magus, so he was afraid that there was a problem here.    


"Don't be afraid, let me try."    


Then, he stretched out his hand and moved it. With a crack, the lid was removed. The broken part was that someone had locked the button. If no one opened it, the lid would not be opened. It seemed that someone had done it on purpose, causing pain to appear on that person's face.    


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