Dragon Blood King



2However, after fighting with Ling Yu, Bai Yuhao had realized that there should be many troops in the Spirit Clan that were proficient in Arcane Art of Formation of Soldiers, and if they were to meet again, they might not be able to deal with it with just the simplest of formations. Thus, after asking Wang Zhentian, he gathered a troop of six thousand people to train them in the formations, allowing them to use all sorts of formations freely before gradually improving them.    


A few days passed in the blink of an eye.    


Bai Yuhao, who had just finished training his troops, went back to his own tent to rest. Now that he had been promoted to vice commander, he naturally had his own tent. Just then, a delicate figure suddenly entered the tent. He thought that it was Ximen Xue, but upon closer inspection, he realized that it was actually the Spirit Jade that disguised itself as a Human Clan Soldier.    


"Why are you here?" Bai Yuhao looked at Ling Yu in surprise.    


"This is from Commander Mu." Ling Yu handed Mu Lingluo's secret letter to Bai Yuhao without saying anything.    


Bai Yuhao quickly took it and started reading it. After reading it, his face immediately revealed a faint smile of relief.    


"If there's nothing else, I'll be leaving first." Ling Yu knew that it was not a good place to stay, and if the Human Clan soldiers discovered her, it would be troublesome, so she prepared to turn and leave as she spoke.    


"Wait …" Bai Yuhao suddenly stopped Ling Yu.    


"You can't be saying that you don't want me to leave, right?" Ling Yu stopped and looked back at Bai Yuhao.    


"No, I just wanted to thank you." Bai Yuhao smiled.    


"No need, I'm just working for Commander Mu!" Ling Yu didn't even give him face as she snorted.    


"She's her, I'm me. You've helped me a lot this time, so I should repay you." Bai Yuhao said seriously.    


"Then how do you want to repay me?" Ling Yu casually asked when she heard this.    


"You probably don't have a Fusion of Martial Spirit yet?" Bai Yuhao asked directly.    


"What a joke. How could this Martial Spirit be so easily fused with it?" Ling Yu immediately rolled her eyes at Bai Yuhao.    


"That's great, I'll give you one." After all, he had a lot of martial spirits in his Ethereal Realm.    


"You … Come on! "Stop lying …" Ling Yu was stunned for a moment. She thought Bai Yuhao was joking and was just messing with her!    


Without waiting for Ling Yu to finish speaking, Bai Yuhao suddenly grabbed her hand, and directly brought her into the Ethereal Realm.    


"Come out." After entering the Ethereal Realm, Bai Yuhao called out and saw the densely packed martial soul shadows quickly gathering over. He was immediately shocked.    


"This... All of them were Martial Spirits? "How could you have so many Martial Spirits!" When the spiritual jades saw the Martial Spirit Shadows that came from all directions, she was instantly stupefied. Although she had seen Martial Spirits before, such a large number of Martial Spirits was definitely something that she could not imagine.    


"Pick any one, as long as you can fuse them." Bai Yuhao gestured.    


Ling Yu couldn't accept this at the moment, and hesitated for a while before asking Bai Yuhao doubtfully, "It can't be some kind of trick, right? "Actually, these Martial Spirits are all fake …"    


"You'll know once you fuse them." Bai Yuhao shrugged and smiled.    


The spirit jade hesitated for a moment, but still couldn't help but choose. For a talented Spirit Clan cultivator like Ling Yu, it was naturally very easy to find a martial spirit that suited him.    


Not long after, she was standing in front of a valiant, elegant, armored female Martial Spirit. Obviously, her former master was a world-shaking Martial General.    


"Since you've chosen, let's begin the fusion." As Bai Yuhao spoke, he let the other Martial Spirits scatter so that Ling Yu could peacefully fuse with the Martial Spirit of a Martial General.    


Although it was the first time it was using a Fusion of Martial Spirit, the spirit jade did not look afraid at all. Instead, it looked exceptionally excited, and quickly entered the fusion state.    


Bai Yuhao also stood to the side to protect Ling Yu.    


Six hours later, the spiritual jade successfully fused with the Martial Spirit of a Martial General.    


"Have I fused?" Ling Yu still found it hard to believe, but she could already feel the changes in her body and her aura. It was as if there was a new source of energy in her body, giving her a feeling of ascension.    


"Of course, congratulations!" Bai Yuhao smiled and nodded.    


"Thank you …" "Thank you!" Ling Yu didn't know what to say. She hesitated for a while before saying these two words because she knew that she was only here on orders to deliver a letter. However, she received a heavy repayment in the end that was completely beyond her expectations.    


"No need to thank me. I already said that I would repay you. Let's go." After Bai Yuhao finished speaking, he left the Ethereal Realm and returned to his tent.    


"Hurry up and go back. If you are discovered, it will be troublesome." Bai Yuhao continued.    


Ling Yu opened her red lips as if she wanted to say something, but swallowed her words when they reached her mouth. Then, she quickly turned around and left.    


After seeing Ling Yu leave, Bai Yuhao took out the secret letter that Mu Lingluo wrote to him and read it again. After carefully considering the above sentence, he said, "I hope that we can meet again. I have no choice but to do so." It was clear that Mu Lingluo was hinting at her current situation.    


"Could it be that Mu Lingluo didn't want to be the commander of the Spirit Clan herself, but was forced to …" Bai Yuhao had to guess.    


Although she still didn't know Mu Lingluo's current situation, since Mu Lingluo knew that he had come to this world, they would meet again sooner or later. And right now, the most important thing was to find Mu Yinv and the rest.    


Now, Bai Yuhao had successfully become the vice commander, and his next goal was to become a commander, so that he could continue to spread his name across the Border Battlefield.    


Two days later, Ximen Xue, whom he had not seen for a long time, suddenly appeared in front of Bai Yuhao.    


"Xue'er, what's wrong?" Bai Yuhao immediately asked when he saw Ximen Xue's expression.    


"Do you still remember the mysterious person in the portrait that you asked me to investigate the last time?" Ximen Xue went straight to the point.    


"Of course, you have a clue?" Bai Yuhao raised his eyebrows.    


Ximen Xue nodded solemnly.    


"What kind of clues?!"    


"If I tell you, will you promise not to interfere in this matter?" Ximen Xue unexpectedly stated her conditions.    


"Why?" When Bai Yuhao heard this, he knew that something was amiss.    


"Because with your current status, you cannot interfere in this matter." Ximen Xue said honestly.    


"Who the hell is this guy?" Bai Yuhao immediately understood that the person who sold the information about Human Clan to Spirit Clan was no ordinary person.    


"He's someone from the Suppressing Sky Mansion, a confidant of Lee Xiaoyun, son of the Palace Chief of the Suppressing Sky Mansion." Ximen Xue replied.    


"You mean the one who sold the information to the Spirit Clan Master is the son of the Patriarch!" Bai Yuhao was slightly surprised, because if this matter was true, then it would be a shocking blow to his entire Realm of Glorious Heaven, or even to his Suppressing Sky Mansion. The Suppressing Sky Mansion of one of the three major factions of the Empyreal Net, had actually revealed a traitor.    




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