Dragon Blood King



1Bai Yuhao heard Liu Yunxuan mention Susu and his body shook. He immediately showed some anger and grief and said, "Susu is dead, I killed her."    


"Dead? "Why?" Liu Yunxuan was also stunned and immediately revealed a sad expression.    


"Because of Loong Ao …" Bai Yuhao's gaze instantly turned cold and his anger was oppressing.    


"Loong Ao?" Liu Yunxuan frowned. Although she didn't understand what was going on, she knew that it was definitely related to Bai Yuhao's "death" back then.    


"Let's go next door first. There's one more thing I need to explain to you first. " As Bai Yuhao said this, he carried Liu Yunxuan out of the room and went into the next room.    


After entering, Liu Yunxuan saw that in the room, other than her father and Mu Yinv, there was another extremely dignified looking, beautiful woman with a generous temperament. With the aura of Mad God Stage on her body, it was obvious that she was no ordinary person.    


"Loong Xuan, she is …" Liu Yunxuan immediately looked at Bai Yuhao and asked.    


"This should be Madam Liu." "Qinglan, good morning!" Cao Qinglan was rather generous, because she already knew about Liu Yunxuan on the way, so she was already mentally prepared.    


"This sister is too polite." Seeing that Qinglan was older than her, Liu Yunxuan immediately returned the greeting.    


After that, Bai Yuhao briefly explained some of the things that happened to him in the Woodgod Kingdom to the father and daughter pair. Of course, this also included Cao Qinglan's identity and the reason why Cao Qinglan was here.    


"I never thought that the dignified Patriarch of the number one clan in Woodgod Kingdom, would actually give up his position as Patriarch in order to protect Prince Loong Xuan. I am truly impressed by this kind of courage!" Liu Cheng immediately exclaimed in admiration. Although he could tell that Cao Qinglan had given up the position of Patriarch because of Bai Yuhao, he couldn't help but admire Cao Qinglan's courage and insight. After all, an ordinary person would definitely not be able to make a great figure who had once lived in the Woodgod Kingdom, who had once lived in awe of everything, suddenly give up everything, and even leave his home.    


"If elder sister doesn't mind, we'll call each other sisters and accompany Loong Xuan in the future." Liu Yunxuan said to Cao Qinglan honestly. Since Cao Qinglan did this for Bai Yuhao, there was no need for her to say anything. Her gratitude was indescribable, so she might as well be more direct.    


"Little sister, you don't mind my talking to you …" No, Prince Loong Xuan's feelings? "Actually, when I saw you, I understood why Prince Loong Xuan wouldn't easily fall in love with another woman …" Cao Qinglan actually felt a bit awkward. After all, Bai Yuhao already had a wife, and her beauty wasn't inferior to Liu Yunxuan's in the slightest. Therefore, when she saw Liu Yunxuan just now, she was quite worried. Because no matter how she looked at it, she seemed like a third party. Therefore, Liu Yunxuan accepting her so generously also surprised her.    


"It's not like elder sister is the first one, she definitely won't be the last one. You can't blame him. Therefore, Big Sister doesn't need to mind. I knew from a long time ago that he would not belong to me alone. If elder sister has this kind of awareness, then there won't be any problems. " Liu Yunxuan said calmly.    


"Thank you, sister." Cao Qinglan felt a wave of warmth in her heart as she listened to Liu Yunxuan's words.    


"Loong Xuan, it seems like our plans are going to change." At this moment, Mu Yinv looked at Bai Yuhao with a serious expression.    


"Why?" Bai Yuhao's gaze narrowed. Before he returned, Mu Yinv had already told him that Dragon Emperor already knew that he was still alive, so the first thing he did when he returned to Holy Dragon Kingdom was naturally to return to Palace City first to see Dragon Emperor. After that, he could begin to cultivate his forces and take revenge on Loong Ao.    


"Prince Loong Xuan, before you came back, I just received secret report from the Palace City that Dragon Emperor has been missing for many days and there is still no news of him." Liu Cheng replied with a grave expression.    


"What?" Bai Yuhao's expression shook. He naturally did not expect that Dragon Emperor would disappear at this moment just as he was about to meet Dragon Emperor.    


"Most importantly, Loong Ao is already Acting Dragon Emperor. Not only does he have control of the Holy Dragon Kingdom, he also has the backing of the entire royal family. Therefore, before the disappearance of Dragon Emperor is made clear, you must not reveal yourself, especially not letting Dragon Emperor know that you're still alive …" Mu Yinv said seriously with her beautiful eyes, because if Loong Ao knew that Bai Yuhao was still alive, he would definitely do everything he could to deal with Bai Yuhao. And Loong Ao, who had the support of the entire royal family, was very, very difficult to deal with. Therefore, Dragon Emperor must not know that Bai Yuhao was still alive.    


After Bai Yuhao heard this, he immediately clenched his fists. Originally, he came back to get revenge on Loong Ao, but he didn't expect that at this critical moment, Dragon Emperor would disappear for no reason.    


"Godly General Mu has already told me about Loong Ao. I didn't expect that it was Loong Ao who had hurt you so much that you almost lost your life. In order to get rid of you, this Loong Ao even disregarded brotherly feelings." Liu Cheng said with some anger.    


"This Loong Ao is too despicable." Liu Yunxuan was also furious.    


"I suspect that Dragon Emperor's disappearance is related to Loong Ao. This Loong Ao just came back with Dragon Clan, and Dragon Emperor suddenly disappeared, this is definitely not a coincidence! " Mu Yinv guessed.    


"If I can't be exposed, what am I going to do now?" Bai Yuhao thought for a while and said to Mu Yinv.    


"Loong Ao is still Acting Dragon Emperor, and he'll have to be Acting Dragon Emperor until we know exactly why Dragon Emperor is missing, so as long as we don't find out why Dragon Emperor is missing, Loong Ao will not be the real Dragon Emperor for the time being. As a result, he could not be completely convinced by the masses. For example, a few large clans like the Ximen Family Clan would definitely have their doubts, especially the Ximen Family Clan. Unless Loong Ao could obtain the support of the Ximen Family Clan, it would be difficult for him to stay in the position of Dragon Emperor. "It is precisely because of this that we have ample time to prepare …" Mu Yinv seemed to have a plan.    


"If Prince Loong Xuan wants to go all out against Loong Ao, he would definitely have to have a bigger power. Although there are already two of the four great legions of Holy Dragon Kingdom on Prince Loong Xuan's side, this is still not enough, we still need to secretly rope in more forces, but we need time to prepare for all of this. Even Loong Ao would not be able to gain the support of all the forces in such a short amount of time and thus stabilize his position as Dragon Emperor. "Therefore, the following period of time will be spent in a war without any smoke or smoke …" Liu Cheng nodded and said.    


"So I can only wait?" After Bai Yuhao heard this, he immediately understood Mu Yinv and Liu Cheng's intentions. It seemed that he would have to completely hide in seclusion during the coming period of time. In the calm and peaceful times, he would wait for the opportunity to break out.    




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