Dragon Blood King



3At that time, Bai Yuhao only used Old Man Xu's Veterinary Tactic to fuse with his surgical techniques, which was why he had made such astonishing progress in the Beast Curing Arts since then.    


Seeing that Bai Yuhao was serious, Xiao Jiao'er immediately nodded her head. Since Bai Yuhao was willing to teach her such a powerful Beast Curing Arts, how could she let down Bai Yuhao's good intentions?    


"Next up, let's have a dissecting lesson. First, we need to understand the Spirit Control as humans, and we need to know the function of each of its organs, as well as the function of each of its nerves …" As Bai Yuhao said this, he placed his hand on the injured wild Spirit Control. With a slight tremble, all of the wild Spirit Control's tendons and veins immediately broke and died.    


After that, Bai Yuhao used a scalpel to dissect the body of the wild Spirit Control. The process was rather bloody, and the strong smell of blood made Xiao Jiao'er's small face scrunch into a frown. However, Xiao Jiao'er still paid full attention to Bai Yuhao's every movement.    


Very soon, Bai Yuhao discovered that although Xiao Jiao'er did not have any special talent in the field of medicine, her memory was very good. She completely rebutted the famous saying of having a big chest and no brain, as long as he said it once, Xiao Jiao'er would remember it clearly.    


In the blink of an eye, night had fallen. Bai Yuhao brought Xiao Jiao'er back to the Xiao Family like a ghost and entered Xiao Jiao'er's room.    


When the servant girl in the backyard saw Xiao Jiao'er's room suddenly lit up, two figures appeared and immediately went to inform Xiao Rong.    


Xiao Rong and the others who had been anxiously waiting in the hall immediately went to the Xiao Family's backyard and arrived in front of Xiao Jiao'er's room.    


"Third Miss, the Patriarch is here." Following which, a servant girl came to Xiao Jiao'er's room and called out to her.    


In the room, Xiao Jiao'er immediately turned her head to look at Bai Yuhao who was leaning on the window as he gazed at the moon, and said: "Big Brother Bai, do you want to leave first, my father probably came for the Cao Family. I don't want to embarrass you because of me. "    


After all, you are still Third Miss from the Xiao Family. If Xiao Family is truly implicated because of me, then you will definitely be affected. Since Cao Family wants me to go, then I will go … " Before he came back, Bai Yuhao had already considered this matter. Of course, he wouldn't stand up for Xiao Family in vain, as he would definitely pay the price for everything.    


"Big Brother Bai, thank you. You did so much for me, but I don't know how to repay you." Xiao Jiao'er was visibly moved as she spoke, her eyes swaying slightly.    


"This is just a one-sided wish of mine, you don't have to think about how to repay me. If you really want to, then you can just become the strongest physician in Woodgod Kingdom. Of course, it's a little too early for you. So, don't think too much. " Bai Yuhao said casually with a faint smile.    


But the Bai Yuhao at this moment did not know that his casual words would result in a legendary female vet with Desolate Spirit Continent in the future.    


"I see." Xiao Jiao'er nodded seriously after hearing Bai Yuhao's words. Obviously, she remembered what Bai Yuhao said.    


At this time, Bai Yuhao had already heard the commotion outside, so he nodded at Xiao Jiao'er. Afterwards, the two of them walked out of Xiao Jiao'er's room.    


As for Xiao Rong and the Xiao Family people who were already waiting in the courtyard, when they saw Bai Yuhao and Xiao Jiao'er come out, they also looked at each other in dismay. This single man and woman had gone out for an entire day and then silently came back.    


However, because he was very unhappy with Bai Yuhao, the already impatient Xiao Qinyu saw Bai Yuhao and Xiao Jiao'er coming out of the room, and an indescribable rage arose in his heart. Suddenly, unexpectedly, he took a few steps forward, instantly revealing his Eighth Grade of the Earth Battle Level's strength.    


Not only was Xiao Qinyu's talent extremely high, Spirit Controller's strength was not considered weak as well. In terms of Xiao Family, he was only second to Xiao Rong and the rest.    


"Qin Yu …" Upon seeing this, Xiao Rong immediately scolded. However, he did not intervene to stop them.    


If it wasn't for Bai Yuhao, the Xiao Family wouldn't have been messed up by him. Thus, when he saw Xiao Qinyu impulsively take action, he subconsciously tacitly agreed. Of course, he also wanted to see what kind of power Bai Yuhao had, which would make Master Pang Loong look at him in a different light and even highly recommend him.    


Everyone from Xiao Family also had an expression of watching a good show, as they all thought that Bai Yuhao was going to be unlucky.    


"Big brother …" Xiao Jiao'er saw Xiao Qinyu rushing towards her, and when she saw his furious look, she immediately knew that Xiao Qinyu was looking for trouble with Bai Yuhao. She wanted to go up and stop him, but her shoulder was grabbed by another hand.    


Xiao Jiao'er turned her head and saw that it was Bai Yuhao who had grabbed her. Bai Yuhao shook his head at her and then motioned for her to go to the side.    


Seeing this, Xiao Jiao'er hesitated for a moment before walking to the side uneasily. Of course, she wasn't afraid of Bai Yuhao suffering a loss, because she already knew that Bai Yuhao had Spirit Controller's hidden strength, so she was worried that Xiao Qinyu might anger Bai Yuhao. The consequences would be unimaginable, after all, Xiao Qinyu was still her big brother.    


They only saw Xiao Qinyu rush in front and behind, directly throwing a punch towards Bai Yuhao, the fist power that hid the Eighth Grade of the Earth Battle Level, the Spiritual Energy roared towards Bai Yuhao's face.    


Seeing that Bai Yuhao only tilted his head slightly, Xiao Qinyu's fist immediately passed by Bai Yuhao's well-defined face and missed it by a hair's breadth. Seeing this, Xiao Qinyu immediately turned his fist into a palm and looked back at the moon. With a flash of his palm, he was about to slap Bai Yuhao.    


Just as Bai Yuhao was about to be hit by the palm, suddenly, Xiao Qinyu's palm stopped a few centimeters away from Bai Yuhao's face. After that, it was difficult to get even a centimeter closer to him.    


This scene naturally caused everyone in the Xiao Family to be astonished, but upon closer inspection, they saw that Xiao Qinyu's palm was actually held back by one of Bai Yuhao's fingers, and it was done with no effort at all.    


"Scram!" Bai Yuhao shouted. The next moment, everyone saw Xiao Qinyu being sent flying backward as if he had been hit by some invisible force.    


With a bang, Xiao Qinyu's entire body crashed into the peach tree in the courtyard. The peach tree instantly snapped, and Xiao Qinyu also fell to the ground and struggled on the ground for a long time, but he did not get up again.    


But the most astonishing thing was that no one in Xiao Family saw Bai Yuhao fight, if it wasn't Bai Yuhao, then why would Xiao Qinyu suddenly fly out by himself?    




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