Dragon Blood King



1At this moment, everyone's eyes were focused on Bai Yuhao.    


"The trump card that I should be preparing has appeared." As Bai Yuhao said this, he immediately turned on the Ethereal Realm and walked in.    


Not long after, Bai Yuhao walked out carrying a few sets of clothes that were as smooth and soft as fish skin. Dragonice followed behind him carrying a few half-man-sized sealed iron tubes that were connected to each other. It looked extremely strange.    


"Loong Xuan, this is …" Mu Yinv immediately asked Bai Yuhao.    


Everyone was also curious.    


"The clothes in my hands are called diving suits, while the equipment in the Dragonice's hands are specially made diving equipment that can provide oxygen underwater …" Bai Yuhao introduced them briefly.    


It turned out that after hearing Ying Dieh say that the Spirit Treasure could be sealed in the deep sea, Bai Yuhao had personally designed and manufactured a few diving suits and equipment in case of an emergency, in case of need.    


Because Bai Yuhao was so meticulously prepared, this problem was naturally solved. Therefore, the team led by Bai Yuhao, including Mu Yinv and Mu Lingluo, immediately entered the sea of water beasts after putting on their diving suits and diving equipment.    


In addition, Ximen Xue was among them. Because the one who found the Aqua Clan Ruins was Ximen Xue's water attribute Spirit Beast, they needed Ximen Xue's water attribute Spirit Beast to lead the way.    


As he swam downwards, the beautiful underwater scenery could not help but become extremely attractive. Of course, he had to get rid of the water type Spirit Control and Rare Spirit Beast that swam past him from time to time.    


But luckily, most of the water attribute Spirit Control and Rare Spirit Beast were very docile, so they did not meet with too much of an obstacle.    


Roughly two hours later, the team led by Bai Yuhao, under the lead of Ximen Xue's water attribute Spirit Beast, arrived at a lush aquatic area under a thousand meters deep sea. Soon, they saw the outline of some ruins buildings that were covered by a large amount of aquatic plants.    


"It should be here." Bai Yuhao said as his eyes narrowed.    


After that, Bai Yuhao led the team and circled around these ruins and buildings, looking for the entrance.    


After searching for about half an hour, he still could not find the entrance, but the oxygen in the diving equipment was reaching its limit.    


For the sake of safety, Bai Yuhao immediately made a hand gesture towards Mu Yinv and Mu Lingluo. He planned to lead the team to withdraw, replace the oxygen, and then continue the search.    


Mu Yinv, Mu Lingluo, and the others immediately started to float. However, at this moment, Bai Yuhao suddenly realized that Ximen Xue was not among them. He looked around and soon discovered that Ximen Xue's figure had disappeared under a cluster of lush aquatic plants.    


Bai Yuhao's gaze focused on Ximen Xue. He was worried about her safety, so he immediately swam over. In the end, he discovered that there was a very hidden water hole under the cluster of water grass where Ximen Xue had disappeared. After hesitating for a moment, he went straight into the hole. He saw that the hole was winding upwards, so he followed suit.    


Not long after, Bai Yuhao saw a burst of dim light above his head. He stood up and came out of the water.    


At this moment, an ear-piercing scream followed.    


Bai Yuhao looked around and saw that it was surrounded by a sealed rock wall. It looked like the entrance to the tunnel. At one meter, Ximen Xue was standing there with a frightened expression, staring at him. She was stepping on a diving suit that had already been taken off.    


"Pervert, why aren't you turning around?" Ximen Xue also immediately recognized Bai Yuhao. She immediately covered her chest and thighs as she yelled in exasperation.    


Bai Yuhao smiled bitterly and turned his head. After that, he heard the sound of clothes being put on. A moment later, he heard Ximen Xue's shy voice saying, "It's done."    


Bai Yuhao turned his head and saw that Ximen Xue had changed into a pink and purple dress.    


"How did you find this place?" Bai Yuhao asked as he climbed up.    


"Snow found it." Snow White was her water attribute Spirit Beast's nickname.    


"This should be the entrance to the relic." Bai Yuhao's eyes narrowed and looked ahead. However, he saw a straight tunnel in front of him. However, there was no light, so he could not see what was in front of him.    


However, what made Bai Yuhao curious was that the ruins were clearly underwater, yet there was such a place that was not invaded by water. It could be seen that the structure of the ruins was not ordinary either, perhaps even protected by some sort of power.    


After that, Bai Yuhao also went into Ethereal Realm to change his clothes. After coming out, a flame ignited in his palm as he walked along the tunnel path with Ximen Xue.    


On the two sides of the passage, there were extremely abstract frescoes carved onto the stone walls without end, as if they were narrating history. They should be related to the Aqua Clan that had already become extinct, and quite a few other patterns of Spirit Clan had also appeared.    


He walked along the passageway for a long time without making any turns. It was as if he was walking on a straight road that had no end.    


"Strange, why can't I finish walking down this path?" Ximen Xue felt the change and said with a strange expression on her delicate face.    


Bai Yuhao thought for a moment and asked Ximen Xue to stop. At the same time, he looked around.    


"What's wrong?" Ximen Xue immediately looked at Bai Yuhao and asked.    


"It's not that we can't finish this road, it's that we've been circling around. "This corridor isn't completely straight, but has a very small curvature …" Bai Yuhao said. At the same time, he shined the flame at the outside of the stone wall. The outside of the wall seemed to be flat.    


Although there was only a small arc, if the ruins were large enough, it would still be enough to form an endless circle.    


"What do we do now?" Ximen Xue looked at Bai Yuhao and said.    


"Of course, I'm going to ask the expert leading the way to help out." Bai Yuhao said and immediately summoned the Dragon Scale from his Ethereal Realm.    


Under Bai Yuhao's instructions, the Dragon Scale immediately dashed forward with Bai Yuhao and Ximen Xue following closely behind.    


A moment later, the Dragon Scale stopped in front of a stone slab that was slightly different in color from the other stone walls.    


Bai Yuhao glanced at it and then reached out his hand to touch it. A moment later, the stone slab caved in. Following that, a rumbling sound could be heard from beneath his feet. Soon, he discovered that the stone walls were actually moving. It seemed like a jigsaw puzzle as they moved forward, piece by piece.    


In the blink of an eye, Bai Yuhao and Ximen Xue found an entrance in front of them.    


Bai Yuhao looked at Ximen Xue and walked in first. Suddenly, he felt a golden ray of light shine in front of his eyes. When he clearly saw the scene in front of him, he immediately revealed a shocked expression and exclaimed in surprise, "This is …"    


At first glance, such a dazzling golden radiance might feel that it was some treasure, but what Bai Yuhao saw was definitely not treasure. Although it was not treasure, it was something that was far more surprising than treasure.    


In front of him was a stone room. In the center of the room, there was a transparent container. It was sealed with a glass-like material and the container was filled with liquid.    


However, what surprised Bai Yuhao wasn't the container, but the handsome man in the container. He was completely immersed in the water with no breath or movement, as if he was already dead.    


The most peculiar thing was that the man seemed to be alive, giving off a strong life force. It was as if he was in a deep sleep, and the rays of golden light were coming from his body.    


"Loong Xuan, he is …" Ximen Xue, who followed closely behind, first blushed when she saw the naked man in the container. She quickly turned her head away and asked.    


Bai Yuhao shook his head. Because from this man's characteristics, he looked no different from a human, and didn't have any Spirit Clan form, so, it shouldn't be any kind of Spirit Clan. However, the golden light emitted by this man's body was obviously formed from some kind of power. If it was a human, they would definitely not possess such a unique power.    


"Could this man be the ninth Spirit Treasure?" Ximen Xue could not help but feel suspicious.    


"It doesn't look like it." Bai Yuhao didn't think so, but, in the ruins of Aqua Clan, there was this mysterious man who looked like a human.    


The one who looked like a container in this Aqua Clan was actually a person, and it even looked alive.    


"Loong Xuan, look over there …" At this moment, Ximen Xue seemed to have noticed something. She immediately pointed to a corner of the container and shouted.    


Bai Yuhao immediately looked over and saw a stone mold protruding from the corner of the container. It was like a palm, constantly flashing with strange light, as if it was guiding something.    


"Do you want to try …" Ximen Xue asked Bai Yuhao curiously.    


"Not good, maybe some dangerous mechanism." Bai Yuhao looked at the mysterious man in the container and shook his head.    


"It might have something to do with the Spirit Treasure!" Ximen Xue guessed.    


Hearing this, Bai Yuhao also felt that Ximen Xue's words were not without reason. Although he didn't think that this mysterious man was the Spirit Treasure, but it might have something to do with the Spirit Treasure.    


After hesitating for a moment, Bai Yuhao nodded to Ximen Xue. Ximen Xue went up to the container first and then leaned over and pressed her small hand on the stone mold that was shaped like a palm. She remained still for a long time without any reaction.    


"Not fun!" Ximen Xue took back her hand with a pout. Then, she glanced at Bai Yuhao, who was behind her, and said, "Maybe my hand is too small." After saying that, he directly grabbed Bai Yuhao's hand and pressed it onto the stone mold.    


However, after Bai Yuhao pressed his hand down, there was no reaction.    


"Looks like it has nothing to do with the Spirit Treasure …" Bai Yuhao smiled, but when he was about to withdraw his hand, he suddenly felt as if his hand was sucked into a stone mold, and couldn't move it away.    


Immediately after, Bai Yuhao felt a very strong noise resounding in his ears, as if it was going to pierce through his eardrums. Suddenly, a memory appeared in his mind.    


The scene in his memory made Bai Yuhao extremely shocked, but he still saw the desolate and endless earth below him that seemed to have suffered a calamity as far as the eye could see. Countless Spirit Clan and Guardian Beast corpses littered the ground, and at the very least, there were tens of thousands of them.    


"Death of all spirits?" Such a thought suddenly flashed across Bai Yuhao's mind.    


At the same time, the eyes of the person who recorded this memory suddenly turned, and very quickly, it landed on a lone cliff at the very front where he was standing, and right on top of that solitary cliff, stood a black cloaked figure, his entire body emitting a powerful evil aura, causing one to be unable to look at him directly. At the same time, they also felt a myriad of fear, as if the figure in front of them was the embodiment of darkness and evil.    


"King, all you have done was to let these Spirit Clan die with them!" The owner of the eyes that recorded this memory asked the figure with an overbearing aura.    


"A funeral?" That figure was like a monarch that descended into the world, giving out a cold smile, seeming extremely proud and aloof.    


"Although I cannot stop the king's decision, as a member of my race, Magistrate, I still have to remind the king that the consequences of Wang's actions will only be the end of my race!" The owner of the memories said indignantly.    


"Destroy? "I don't think it's a bad thing, because sooner or later, there will be such a day. I just brought it forward." The figure said as if nothing had happened, as if to him, there were no longer any feelings of attachment left in this world.    


"Why would the King do this? "I really don't understand …" The owner of the memory asked in a strong tone.    


"All living things are equal. A small part of its power will only distort the world. Why do you think these Spirit Clan are so fearless? They clearly know that their only fate is death, and at best, it is just a funeral, but they are not afraid at all … It is because they know that their sacrifice will bring about unimaginable consequences for their future generations. They are not fighting for the present, but for the future of this world. " The figure spoke coldly like a philosopher. However, this ice-cold voice seemed to contain an unknown expectation.    


"Magistrate, I want to ask you a favor." At this moment, the figure sighed lightly and said to the owner of the memory.    


"What is it?" The owner of the memory asked with some surprise. It seemed like the man who was so high up in front of him, a man known as the King, could actually use such a tone to speak to him.    


"Help me see the future of this world." The figure said coldly.    


"If this is an order from the king, I will do it. But, wasn't the King able to bear witness to it? "The King is an eternal existence …" The owner of the memories replied respectfully.    


"Is that so?" The figure smiled sinisterly.    


At this moment, the figure finally turned around slowly. His resolute face was covered by a mask that would make people shiver in fear. That mask looked like the face of the god of death, making people feel like death was in front of their eyes …    




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