Dragon Blood King



2After daybreak, Elder You and the three other King's Realm experts finished healing the injured King's Realm cultivators. After resting for another hour, the group continued on their journey.    


Having learned from the mistakes of the past, Elder You didn't dare to be careless again and chose a more hidden route.    


Even though they had met a few King Stage Spirit Beast along the way, Elder You and the rest did not go all out.    


Bai Yuhao also took the chance to catch a few normal Spirit Beast and let Huang Xin cultivate the Divine Art of Controlling Spirits.    


Although these three days were peaceful, in reality, Bai Yuhao could feel that Qiu Haiming and the other King's Realm experts were targeting him at every turn, forcing him into a dangerous situation. If he was not strong enough, he would have been killed a long time ago.    


However, in his eyes, Qiu Haiming was just an unimportant person. Therefore, when the time came, he would let Qiu Haiming know what it meant by 'evil will be punished'!    


Three days later, Elder You's group finally blocked the Hundred Tombs of Martial Spirits's position.    


The so called Hundred Tombs of Martial Spirits, could actually be called Spirit Artifact Tomb, because inside the Tomb Valley, which was surrounded by three cliffs on three sides, there were more than a hundred different types of spirit artifacts. Although these spirit artifacts were thousands of years old, the Spiritual Light still did not decrease, but because they lacked a master, they became ownerless objects, but because these spirit artifacts were refined to an extremely high realm, ordinary king level experts would not be able to control them.    


"Next up, we will have to be even more careful. Martial Spirits hide within the Hundred Tombs of Martial Spirits, and normally, they will not appear, only when the Hundred Tombs of Martial Spirits appears within the spirit mist, but once the Hundred Tombs of Martial Spirits appears, the visibility will be less than a meter. So, we cannot be separated, if we are alone, we will be easily threatened by the spirit and will even be swallowed, especially Young Lord and the others …" Elder You said with a grave expression.    


"We will follow Elder You closely." Qiu Haiming immediately nodded.    


"We'll rest here for a while, and when the fog rises, we'll enter the Tomb Valley …." Elder You said.    


Soon, the group was resting, waiting for the fog to rise up in the valley.    


After waiting for almost an entire day, the valley finally began to emanate a pale yellow spiritual mist, which quickly spread out to cover the entire valley.    


"Fog, gather together and follow me!" Elder You said.    


After a while, they all gathered around Elder You and started entering the Tomb Valley.    


"Elder You, what does this Martial Spirit look like!" Bai Yuhao asked casually.    


"These Martial Spirits are relatively easy to identify within the Spirit Fog. They have a figure that looks like a shadow, but it's not real, so they cannot be attacked. Thus, there is no need to waste the Spiritual Energy's attacks after seeing the Martial Spirit …" Elder You said.    


"Then how can I capture a Martial Spirit?" Bai Yuhao asked.    


"Loong Xuan, this is your first time here, so you didn't know that our Sword Spirit Sect has a divine object specifically to capture Martial Spirits, this one." Elder You immediately took out a hexagonal spirit treasure.    


"The Spirit Binding Formation in the Spirit Binding Leg can restrain the movements of a Martial Spirit. However, it requires a very strong Spiritual Energy to control it." Elder You explained.    


"So that's how it is." Bai Yuhao nodded.    


"Everyone, pay attention to one direction. If there is any movement, immediately remind them …" Elder You added.    


Afterward, the crowd began to monitor a direction as they proceeded forward. They were waiting for the appearance of this very rarely seen Martial Spirit.    


After waiting for an unknown amount of time, the spirit fog in the valley had already reached its peak.    


At this moment, Bai Yuhao suddenly noticed a blurry shadow floating nearby, looking like a ghost.    


"Elder You, are you talking about that?" Bai Yuhao immediately pointed and asked.    


Elder You looked towards the direction Bai Yuhao pointed at and his eyes immediately lit up. "That's right, that is a Martial Spirit. All of you, don't make any noise so as to not alert him. I'll go closer first."    


As he spoke, Elder You tried his best to restrain his spirit energy and slowly approached the floating Martial Spirit.    


When they were almost there, Elder You immediately cast a spirit curse. However, the light on the Spirit Binding Prism plate suddenly expanded and it quickly flew up. In a blink of an eye, it charged towards the Martial Spirit.    


Before the Martial Spirit could react to the sudden attack, the Spirit Binding Prism Plate landed on the Martial Spirit's body. The next moment, Spirit Marks spread out from the body of the Martial Spirit and instantly covered its entire body, binding it in place. No matter how the Martial Spirit struggled, it was unable to break free from the restriction.    


"Success!" "Let's go up!" Elder You also revealed a joyous expression. Although he had captured countless Martial Spirits, this was the easiest because he would usually fail a dozen times, or even more, before he could succeed.    


Of course, even if they were to succeed, it would require one of them to be able to fuse with a Martial Spirit. If they did not, it would be useless. They would have to continue searching for other Martial Spirits.    


Soon, Bai Yuhao and the others surrounded the Martial Spirit.    


"Hurry up, you guys take turns to test the Fusion of Martial Spirit, see who can fuse them …" "Which one of you will go first …" Elder You said.    


"Let Young Lord go first!" Immediately, some of the King's Realm experts flattered him.    


After all, Qiu Haiming was an elite whose Sword Spirit Sect was highly expected. At the same time, he was also the foster son of the Patriarch, so it was possible that he would inherit the position of Sect Leader in the future. Thus, they naturally had to curry favor with him.    


"Everyone is too polite." Qiu Haiming said this, but his expression showed that it was natural.    


Very quickly, Qiu Haiming shot out a wave of Spiritual Energy with confidence. He started to test the Fusion of Martial Spirit, but not long after, he was repelled by the power of the Martial Spirit.    


"How is this possible? I actually can't do it! " Qiu Haiming did not expect that he would be unable to fuse with this Martial Spirit. Thus, he was a bit unwilling. After all, it was rare for him to successfully find a Martial Spirit.    


"Xin, how about you?!" However, Qiu Haiming immediately offered it to Huang Xin.    


As Huang Xin was the daughter of the city lord, the other king level experts naturally had no objections.    


"I'm not ready yet. You guys should go first!" Huang Xin was obviously a little nervous, and since she felt that she was a junior, she had to be a little more humble.    


"Then each of you take turns to test it out!" Elder You said.    


Very quickly, Xue Lang and the other Rankers also rushed to try out the Fusion of Martial Spirit, but none of them succeeded.    


"Since none of you are able to do it!" Elder You was disappointed. Then, he looked at Bai Yuhao and said, "You try it."    


"He definitely won't." Qiu Haiming said in disdain.    


"Captain Lee, come over." Bai Yuhao glanced at Qiu Haiming, then turned to Li Yun and said.    


"You should be more confident than me." Li Yun replied.    


"Then don't stand on ceremony with me, hurry up!" Bai Yuhao urged with a smile.    


"Oh!" Li Yun nodded his head. Following that, he also shot out a Spiritual Energy, but the result was that it was bounced back.    


"Still not enough! Only the two of you are left. " At this moment, Elder You's forehead was sweating nervously. He noticed that Huang Xin and Bai Yuhao were the only ones left.    




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