Dragon Blood King



1"It's also possible that the Spirit Treasure I've seen before are actually no different from spirit artifacts. The only difference is that they are formed from the main body of Spirit Treasure and a type of spirit stone called Profound Spirit Rocks. Therefore, it should be very easy to distinguish between the two. " Bai Yuhao pondered for a moment.    


"Then let's look around first." Loong Xueyan started to walk forward, but was stopped by Bai Yuhao.    


"You and the Dragon Scale wait for me here." Bai Yuhao felt that this Artifact Tomb was not simple, so he was worried that there would be some danger and decided to go in alone.    


"But …" Loong Xueyan understood what Bai Yuhao meant, but she was blocked by Bai Yuhao's gaze before she could say anything. In the end, she could only compromise: "Alright, I'll wait for you here, but you have to be careful."    


Bai Yuhao nodded and with a leap, he flew into the shadows of the artifacts that filled the sky and started searching for Spirit Treasure s that could be hidden within. However, after searching for a long time, they still could not find any Spirit Treasure like spirit artifacts. Furthermore, they did not feel any aura similar to the two Spirit Treasure they had seen before.    


"Isn't it here?" Bai Yuhao's gaze turned serious.    


Just as Bai Yuhao was about to return to find Loong Xueyan, all of a sudden, the countless floating artefacts seemed to have been commanded by something. Suddenly, Spiritual Light s exploded and transformed into streams of colorful light, gathering towards Bai Yuhao.    


In that moment, Bai Yuhao saw countless figures unabated flying towards him, overbearing, immediately transforming into Flame Blade s, trying to break out of the encirclement.    


However, just as the Frost Wind in Bai Yuhao's hand took shape, a blue light suddenly shot out and struck the Flame Blade, causing it to disappear.    


Seeing this, Bai Yuhao was also startled. He did not know what kind of spirit treasure was so powerful that it could directly disperse the power of the Frost Wind. However, it was obvious that the Artifact Tomb that contained Acting Dragon Emperor's spirit artifact was indeed extraordinary.    


Just at this moment, countless shadows of weapons filled the air, they were only three meters away from Bai Yuhao, and as they approached, the power of the attacks was so strong that the spirit aura around them was like a howling gale, enveloping Bai Yuhao completely.    


Not far away, Loong Xueyan saw the sky full of artifact shadows suddenly attacking Bai Yuhao. Her delicate face changed as she immediately mounted her Dragon Scale.    


The Dragon Scale also flew towards Bai Yuhao at the first moment, but it seemed to be a step too late.    


Bai Yuhao's body was about to be pierced by countless spiritual tools into a hornet's nest.    


If he said it was too late, then it was too fast!    


In that moment, Bai Yuhao seemed to have sensed something, he looked at the artifact shadows that came from all directions, and then suddenly kept the Frost Wind and kept it. He took a deep breath, and after that, he opened his eyes and shouted: "Come!"    


In the blink of an eye, the countless artifact shadows all pierced Bai Yuhao's body.    


When Loong Xueyan, who was riding on a Dragon Scale, saw this, her body trembled. Unable to hold on any longer, she shouted, "Loong Xuan!"    


In the next moment, the countless shadows of the weapons that stabbed into Bai Yuhao's body turned into a dazzling ray of light and enveloped Bai Yuhao.    


When Loong Xueyan regained her senses, she was stunned. Because Bai Yuhao, who had been pierced by countless artifacts, was now floating in the air unscathed. Surrounding him were eight spirit artifacts of all shapes and sizes, dazzling like Spiritual Light s.    


"Loong Xuan, this is …" Loong Xueyan, who had already ridden on her Dragon Scale and was only a few meters away from Bai Yuhao, looked at Bai Yuhao in shock.    


"As expected, this is a test for me?" Bai Yuhao muttered to himself.    


Therefore, when the innumerable Spirit Treasures flew towards Bai Yuhao, it was actually just a test for Bai Yuhao. If Bai Yuhao had blindly fought back just now, it would have been the same as failing the test, and it might have led to an even more frightening result. Fortunately, Bai Yuhao, who had experienced countless hardships, had made an extremely calm decision at the critical moment. As a result, the true nature of the spirit artifacts sealed within the Artifact Graveyard had also been unlocked.    


At this moment, there were eight spirit artifacts floating in front of Bai Yuhao.    


Just by looking at the appearance, Spiritual Light and the aura emitted by the eight Spirit Treasures, these eight Spirit Treasures were clearly of a higher grade than his Frost Wind, and even more powerful. Of course, since their master was Acting Dragon Emperor, who had seen Holy Dragon Kingdom, it was within reason.    


Generally speaking, only people of the ruling class like the imperial family would be able to obtain a spirit artifact within the Desolate Spirit Continent of the various nations. Even if it was a majority of the Majestic Emperor Stage experts, it would still be hard to find.    


As for the Frost Wind that Mu Yinv had given to Bai Yuhao, although it was considered to be a lower tier than the Spirit Treasures, it was still a rare treasure that Spirit Controller could not compare to. Even the Spirit Beasts were the same, not to mention the eight powerful Spirit Treasures that Acting Dragon Emperor had used before.    


Bai Yuhao saw that the eight spirit artifacts were revolving around him continuously with strange glints flashing. It was as if they wanted him to choose.    


"Do you want me to choose?" Bai Yuhao felt a little awkward, because no matter which spiritual weapon looked pretty good, he could only look at Loong Xueyan and ask, "Xueyan, which one do you think I should choose?"    


"These eight spirit artifacts are all of the same grade. They should each be powerful in their own way. You can choose from them." Loong Xueyan glanced at the eight spirit artifacts and said. Just by looking at the appearance of the totem, one wouldn't be able to tell that the totem itself was extraordinary, but because the eight totems were all of the same grade, no matter which one he chose, Bai Yuhao's strength would definitely be greatly improved.    


After hesitating for a moment, Bai Yuhao closed his eyes and grabbed one of the eight Spirit Treasures as if he was drawing lots. Immediately, a very small Spirit Treasure was grabbed by him and he immediately opened his eyes to find that it was a very ordinary looking ring.    


At the same time Bai Yuhao grabbed the ring, the other seven Spirit Treasures instantly glowed with light and scattered like a meteor shower, filling the sky with countless artifact shadows.    


Bai Yuhao walked to Loong Xueyan's side while looking at the ring.    


"You scared me to death just now." Seeing Bai Yuhao come back, Loong Xueyan immediately let out a sigh of relief.    


"Aren't I fine? However, this is not a place to stay for long. " The corner of Bai Yuhao's mouth curled up. However, he was worried that something might happen again. Therefore, he took Loong Xueyan and left this space.    


Afterwards, under the guidance of the Dragon Scale, the two of them left the space just now and returned to the long corridor that looked like a maze.    


"How do I use this ring?" Bai Yuhao took out the Spirit Treasure ring and looked at it, then he put it on his right index finger, and the moment he put it on, he suddenly felt as if his palm had been touched by lightning, and suddenly became paralyzed for a moment. The next moment, the ordinary looking Spirit Treasure ring seemed to have melted and became one with his finger, and finally, it formed the head of a Dragon Beast.    


Almost at the same time, four words flashed across Bai Yuhao's mind: "Six Realms Dragon Ring?!"    


"Loong Xuan, are you alright?" Loong Xueyan asked worriedly when she saw Bai Yuhao standing there in a daze while the Spirit Treasure ring on his hand suddenly deformed.    


"It's nothing, but it feels a little strange." Bai Yuhao shook his head, and looked at the Spirit Equipment Ring on his hand, and then immediately after, he said to the Dragon Scale, "Don't look for the wrong one this time."    


When the Dragon Scale heard him, it immediately began to search for the way.    


After an unknown amount of time, Bai Yuhao and Loong Xueyan finally reached the end of the stage. A huge floating platform with nine floors appeared in front of them, constantly moving upwards, reaching up to a hundred meters in height. It was a very spectacular sight, and on the floating platform at the very top, there seemed to be some kind of strange light flashing, moreover, there was an aura that Bai Yuhao was familiar with.    


"The Spirit Treasure should be up there." Bai Yuhao confirmed.    


Just as Bai Yuhao was about to bring Loong Xueyan on a Dragon Scale and fly onto the floating platform, Loong Xueyan suddenly cried out. She hugged her head and shouted, "My head hurts!"    


"Xueyan?" Seeing this, Bai Yuhao immediately looked at Loong Xueyan.    


"Loong Xuan, ever since we entered, it seems like there are a lot of people talking in my ear. I wanted to make them stop, but they kept on saying that as if they were warning us. "But now they're angry …" Loong Xueyan's delicate face suddenly turned as pale as snow, looking extremely pained.    


Finally, Loong Xueyan screamed again and fainted, falling into Bai Yuhao's arms.    


Seeing this, Bai Yuhao also frowned. However, he was slightly relieved when he saw that Loong Xueyan's breathing was smooth as if she had just fainted. At this moment, the Spirit Treasure was right in front of him, and it was the only way to save Father, so his only choice was to obtain it first.    


After thinking about it, Bai Yuhao carried Loong Xueyan on his back and flew directly to the ninth floor of the floating platform. Finally, they landed on the highest floor of the floating platform. As expected, at the center of the floating platform, there was a bow shaped Spirit Treasure floating in the air. The bow had a beautiful curves, the dragon sculpture was dancing in the air, and the strings were like golden threads. In the middle of the bow, there was a Profound Spirit Original Stone that was different in color from the two Spirit Treasure he had seen before.    


Bai Yuhao then looked around at the entire floating platform. Seeing that the floating platform did not have any protection for the Spirit Treasure, he also hesitated for a moment before bringing Loong Xueyan down from the Dragon Scale. He glanced at Loong Xueyan who was still unconscious, his eyes narrowed, and he planned to put down Loong Xueyan first to retrieve the Spirit Treasure.    


However, just when Bai Yuhao was about to put Loong Xueyan down, Loong Xueyan's hand suddenly moved. Immediately following that, she grabbed Bai Yuhao's hand.    


"Xueyan?" Bai Yuhao was shocked and immediately lowered his head to look at Loong Xueyan who was in his arms.    


Loong Xueyan had already slowly opened her eyes, but they were rather gloomy, giving off a lifeless vibe, unlike the look she had in her eyes.    


"Xueyan, are you alright?" Bai Yuhao asked hurriedly.    


"You can't bring the Spirit Treasure out." At this time, Loong Xueyan suddenly spoke with her mouth agape.    


"You … "It's not Xueyan …" Bai Yuhao was stunned at first, but then his gaze froze.    


"That's right, I just borrowed her body." Loong Xueyan replied.    


"Who are you? "You're not allowed to hurt Xueyan …" Bai Yuhao couldn't help but become nervous.    


"Don't worry, I won't hurt her. I just want to stop you from bringing the Spirit Treasure out. " Loong Xueyan held Bai Yuhao's hand tightly, using a lot of strength, and it had already sunk deep into Bai Yuhao's flesh.    


"If I did not have the Spirit Treasure, I would not have been able to save Father, so I had to bring the Spirit Treasure out and exchange it for Father from the Dragon Clan." Bai Yuhao said confidently.    


"The Dragon Clan has set their sights on the Spirit Treasure again?" Loong Xueyan was slightly taken aback.    


"It's not only the Dragon Clan, the other Spirit Clan have also thought of ways and means to find the Spirit Treasure." Bai Yuhao immediately replied.    


"Could it be that those Spirit Clan are going to violate the oath, and send those Desolate Spirit Continent into a bloody storm once again?" Loong Xueyan said excitedly.    


"Who the hell are you? It seems that you know the origins of these Spirit Treasure s and the secrets behind them. Other than that, I can tell you that this Spirit Treasure is already the third one I've seen. " Bai Yuhao felt that the person who possessed Loong Xueyan must know the secrets of the Spirit Treasure.    


"It's already the third item? Not long later, all nine of them will be gathered, and once all nine Spirit Treasure are gathered, then the Desolate Spirit Continent will sink into endless strife. " As Loong Xueyan listened, her expression was full of worry, as if she had foreseen the future.    


"Nine? Are there a total of nine Spirit Treasure? " Bai Yuhao was shocked. He did not expect that there were nine Spirit Treasure here.    


"These nine Spirit Treasure s were originally created together with the nine Guardian Divine Beast and they used two different Source of Spirit God s that were unique and unique in this world. Therefore, if the nine Spirit Treasure s or the nine guardian Divine Beast s were gathered, this Source of Spirit God would also reappear in this world." Loong Xueyan's words were currently unraveled the tip of the iceberg that was related to the secrets hidden in Spirit Clan.    


"Source of Spirit God? It sounded like a very strong power, otherwise, how could he create nine Spirit Treasure and nine guardian Divine Beast? In other words, the reason the Spirit Clan is so complete that we can see the Spirit Treasure is so that it can reappear in the world? " Bai Yuhao immediately analyzed. Although he did not know what the Source of Spirit God was or where it came from, but looking at the expression of the mysterious person who possessed Loong Xueyan's body, it seemed like the secret was more complicated than he had imagined. guesswork    


"No, Spirit Clan would never gather all the Source of Spirit God, because Source of Spirit God are what they are most afraid of, and the power they cannot destroy. If the Source of Spirit God were to be gathered together, then the things that the Spirit Clan had done back then would once again happen to the Spirit Clan. So, the real reason why I want to find the Spirit Treasure is to avoid getting caught by the other Spirit Clan and to ensure that all nine of the Spirit Treasure are not gathered. " Loong Xueyan shook her head.    




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