Dragon Blood King



2Just as the battle between the White Army troops and Commander Cao's Black Army troops was getting hot, Bai Yuhao led the troops that had been deployed, and circled around to the back of the White Army troops like a sharp knife, and stabbed straight into the heart of the White Army troops, launching a surprise attack.    


This White Army army did not expect that they would suddenly be attacked by two Black Army troops working together. Seeing that the situation was not good, the White Army leader immediately retreated his own troops to an easier place to defend and stayed put, hoping to endure until the other White Army troops came to provide support.    


Unfortunately, the other three White Army teams were being played around with by the bait team that Bai Yuhao had sent.    


However, it wasn't long before the three White Army teams caught the bait teams, only then did they realize that they were tricked, and hastily rushed over to support the White Army unit that was attacked by the Black Army troops of Bai Yuhao and Commander Cao.    


But that White Army unit still did not last long, and finally lost and handed over its own banner. Now, with the remaining two units in Black Army, he had acquired seven military flags, which was even closer to victory than the remaining three units in White Army.    


After Bai Yuhao's and Commander Cao's troops met, Commander Cao saw the six flags that were held high in Bai Yuhao's troop and could not help but have a look of shock. Who would have thought that the keepers that were mocked by them, the Thousand Cavalry Commander, would be the ones with the largest number of flags in the Black and White Army.    


"How should I address you, brother?" Even Commander Cao, who always had his eyes above the sky, put down his position at this moment and took the initiative to bow and ask. He knew that it was no accident that Bai Yuhao could take down so many flags, or perhaps it was due to good luck.    


"Bai Yuhao." Bai Yuhao answered with a calm expression.    


"So it's Brother Bai. I wonder what position Brother Bai holds in Northeast Military Camp. This breeder should just be a joke, right? " Commander Cao asked. It was difficult for him to believe that a breeder possessed such outstanding military leadership and tactics.    


"Is there any reason for me to lie to you?" Seeing that Commander Cao didn't believe that he was a breeder, Bai Yuhao immediately asked with a serious expression.    


"But the way Brother Bai uses troops is not inferior to commanders like us. This is absolutely not something that a breeder can do." Commander Cao couldn't help praising.    


"Believe it or not. However, the most important thing right now is how to keep the seven flags in our hands. " Bai Yuhao scratched his chin and thought. Although they had already grasped the opportunity, there was still some time until the end of the tournament, so these three White Army troops must have discovered that they were tricked. Thus, they should still be rushing over.    


"There are only three units left in this White Army. If we take another person by surprise and sneak attack him, then we have a huge chance of winning." After getting rid of the White Army army together with Bai Yuhao, Commander Cao was filled with regret. He still wanted to take advantage of his victory and give chase.    


"I'm afraid I can't. In order to restrain the other three troops, I have sacrificed fifty brothers. Now that the other three troops are aware of it, they will definitely join hands and attack." Bai Yuhao shook his head.    


"Sacrificed fifty brothers?" Commander Cao immediately looked confused.    


Bai Yuhao then told Commander Cao about his plan to send people to attract three White Army units. Commander Cao was dumbstruck when he heard this, thinking, this person can actually use troops like a god, using only fifty people to restrain three White Army units. Even he couldn't compare to her!    


"If they had teamed up, their troops would definitely be stronger than ours. Moreover, my army would have lost more than half, and Brother Bai's army wouldn't even have 400 people. Even if we defend, we might not be able to completely defend. " However, Commander Cao was still worried.    


"As long as we can hold on, we will win. If we can't, we will lose. Victory or defeat will be decided in one move! " Bai Yuhao nodded.    


"I feel that if we concentrate our forces to defend, perhaps there might be a small chance of that happening. "It's not that I'm boasting, but if I were to be second, no one would dare to claim themselves first amongst all the thousand cavalry commanders." Commander Cao patted his chest and said. This Bai Yuhao had already shown his hand. If he didn't show him some skills, then he wouldn't even be able to match up to a mere keeper.    


"If we focus on defense, it will be a dead end." Bai Yuhao attacked without any hesitation.    


"How is this possible?" When Commander Cao heard that, he immediately felt embarrassed.    


"Because we are focused on defense, the three White Army troops will definitely join hands and attack. "In less than an hour, we will be able to break through our defense lines. There is still at least an hour before the end of the competition, so if we were to stake everything on one throw, we will be the one to lose." Bai Yuhao immediately analyzed.    


Commander Cao also felt that what Bai Yuhao said was reasonable, but he immediately questioned, "If we don't focus on defense, how should we defend ourselves? I feel that if we were to rely on terrain that is easy to defend and hard to attack, we should be able to protect for an hour. "    


"Do we still have time to choose the terrain?" Bai Yuhao turned around and glanced at Commander Cao.    


Just then, a soldier hurried over to report, saying that he had detected three White Army troops approaching him.    


Commander Cao looked at Bai Yuhao with a stunned expression. He didn't expect Bai Yuhao to have such god-like foresight!    


"Looks like there's only one way." At this time, a thought flashed through Bai Yuhao's mind.    


"What method?" Commander Cao asked.    


"Use the formation." Bai Yuhao spat out the word.    


"Formation?" You even know how to use formations? " When Commander Cao heard this, he was surprised again. This formation was usually very profound and required a person who was proficient in military tactics to use it. A slight mistake in the formation would cause the entire army to fall into trouble and their efforts would come to naught.    


And within the Red Dragon Legion, there were only two people who knew how to use formations against opponents: Grand Commander and the Vice Commander. In terms of formations, the vice commander-in-chief was even more proficient at it. Therefore, upon hearing Bai Yuhao say he would use a formation, Commander Cao immediately determined that Bai Yuhao was definitely not an ordinary person. No wonder he came here with the Vice Commander just now.    


"Is there anything strange about that?" Bai Yuhao saw Commander Cao's reaction and could not help but ask.    


Of course, for a modern scientist like Bai Yuhao, the knowledge he had was definitely not something the people of this world could imagine. It was normal for him to know some formations.    


"No, no, I don't know what kind of formation Brother Bai is going to use." Commander Cao immediately asked.    


"Eight-Gate Formation of Celestial Lock!" Bai Yuhao mentioned a classic ancient Sect Formation Technique.    


"What kind of array is this? I've only heard of Shield Spell, Saber Spell, Emptiness Spell …" This is the first time I have heard of this Eight-Gate Formation of Celestial Lock. " Commander Cao was also stunned when he heard that.    


"If you understand, you can be a deputy commander." Bai Yuhao raised his eyebrows.    


"Brother Bai, you're joking!" Commander Cao smiled awkwardly.    


"We don't have much time. As we retreat, we can talk. First, we have to set up the array formation in a relatively spacious area." Bai Yuhao followed.    


"An open space? "Then how can we defend …" Commander Cao asked in confusion.    


"This Eight-Gate Formation of Celestial Lock can attack or defend, or advance or retreat. Therefore, he did not want to rely on the terrain. As long as we use it properly, even if it's an army with thousands of men and horses, we can still stop it. " Bai Yuhao said in an imposing manner.    


When Commander Cao saw this, he was skeptical in his heart. However, since things had come to this point, he could only place his bet on Bai Yuhao!    




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