Dragon Blood King



0After Bai Yuhao picked up the bundle, he opened it under the shine of the Spiritual Light. Inside the bundle was a brocade box, and the Spiritual Energy Qi was emanating from the box. In addition, there was a book and a map.    


The first thing he saw when he opened the book was that it was actually a Spiritual Martial Arts manual named "Devil Flame Heaven Burning". After that, he picked up the map and looked at it. On the map, there were many markings, and a route through the markings. Finally, there was a cross in one of the areas on the map that looked like a hidden Treasure Map.    


Bai Yuhao slowly opened the embroidered box, only to see a scarlet ray of light shining out from inside the box, instantly illuminating the surroundings. What shot out the light was a scarlet pearl the size of a ping pong ball, the entire pearl was completely transparent, as if there was a flame burning inside, it continuously flickered with fire, and it was filled with rather strong Spiritual Energy s.    


"Just what is this thing?" Bai Yuhao took the Fire Pearl in the embroidered box and examined it. After a moment, he could not guess what kind of treasure the Fire Pearl had, but it was unlike the other two that could be refined.    


After studying for a while, Bai Yuhao tried to inject a wave of Spiritual Energy into the Fire Pearl, but all of a sudden, the Fire Pearl in his hands started to burn up. It started to soar in the sky, and in the next moment, a few rays of light that were like fire dragons surrounded the entire Fire Pearl, it was extremely shocking.    


But very quickly, the flames on the Fire Pearl disappeared and it fell from the sky into Bai Yuhao's hands.    


"Could it be that this is a spirit artifact similar to the Frost Wind?" Bai Yuhao immediately guessed. He then looked at the mummified body and thought, "Just who is this person?" Why are you carrying these treasures with you? "    


Bai Yuhao put the three items away, and after looking at the corpse a few times, he noticed that there seemed to be a token at the corpse's waist. He immediately reached out and pulled it out, and when he looked carefully, he saw a flaming emblem on the token, and he seemed to have seen this emblem somewhere before.    


"This emblem should represent Flame State, right?" Bai Yuhao very quickly remembered that during the Beast Appraisal Competition in Treasure Beast Pavilion, he saw the symbol that Lee Cheng represented, this symbol.    


"Is this person from Flame State?" Bai Yuhao looked at the dried corpse in front of him and thought.    


Although he didn't know the identity of this person, someone who could bring these treasures shouldn't be an ordinary person. It could be an expert in Spirit Controller. And a Spirit Controller just died in this cave, this seemed to be a very bad sign.    


Sure enough, at this moment, Bai Yuhao suddenly heard a series of hisses above his head. He couldn't help but look up and saw a very large shadow appear above his head. A pair of eyes that were like nether flames were giving off a dangerous light, staring at him.    


Just as he wanted to leave, he suddenly saw a bloody mouth descending from the sky to envelop him. Then, he saw a long, wet tongue that was like a rope wrapping around him. In the next moment, he was sent into a bloody mouth that reeked of blood and instantly fell into darkness.    


At the same time, in the area guarded by Woodgod Kingdom, there was a military camp with the word "Wood" erected.    


"What did you say?" The three Flame State Envoys who secretly brought the tributes are missing from the Border of Lianluo? " At that moment, in a huge tent, an exceptionally furious Dainty Voice sounded out.    


A seductive and charming woman, with a face full of anger, was staring at the several commanders standing in front of her. The angry expression on her incredibly beautiful face was intoxicating, and her captivating fox eyes were enough to captivate any man. In addition, her entire body was exuding the aura of a noble imperial family, making the commanders in front of her salivate.    


If Bai Yuhao was here at the moment, he would be very surprised to see this woman. This was because she was the blue figure that had once fought with Mu Yinv.    


"Princess Lingluo, we have already sent people to search throughout the Border of Lianluo. We should be able to find him very soon." One of the commanders hastily cupped his hands together and said with an ugly expression.    


The other commanders hastily agreed with him, their foreheads covered in cold sweat.    


This woman was definitely not an ordinary person. She was the little princess that King of the Woodgod Kingdom doted on the most, Mu Lingluo. Mu Lingluo had been blessed with astonishing talent since she was young, so when she was five, she was sent to the Wood God's Spirit Clan and was accepted as a disciple by the patriarch of the Wood God's Spirit Clan. Furthermore, under the foundation of the Wood God's Patriarch, she directly fused with the Spirit Clan's energy and began cultivating.    


Mu Lingluo and Mu Yinv were Spirit Controller, the only two people in Desolate Spirit Continent who were not even thirty years old yet, and had already reached the level of Majestic Emperor Stage. Therefore, these two girls were also seen as the most mysterious of Desolate Spirit Continent, Spirit Controller.    


exactly how the two girls were able to become Majestic Emperor Stage experts without even being thirty years of age, was what countless Spirit Controller wanted to know the most. Therefore, all sorts of speculations about the two girls arose one after another.    


However, there was indeed an astonishing secret hidden behind these two girls' abilities to achieve such shocking power that the people of the world would not know of. And once this secret was revealed, it would definitely set off an enormous wave in the Desolate Spirit Continent!    


"We must immediately find those three Flame State Envoys. Among the offerings they sent over were a very important map, a Celestial Master Stage secret manual from an expert, and a rare spirit artifact, a dragon and Fire Pearl. If anyone else were to obtain it, the consequences would be unimaginable, especially that map, it must not fall into the hands of any other nation, especially the Holy Dragon Kingdom. Also, we must act in secret. This time, our Flame State and our secret alliance must not leak the slightest bit of information, or else, it will be extremely detrimental to our plans! " Mu Lingluo said with a serious expression.    


"Yes." The commanders agreed immediately.    


"What are you all standing there for? Go and find the Flame State envoy for me right away. Even if you can't, you have to at least bring me that map. Otherwise, all of you must raise your heads and see me! " When Mu Lingluo saw that the commanders were still frozen on the spot, she immediately scolded them angrily.    


The commanders were immediately frightened and scrambled away.    




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