Dragon Blood King



2Furthermore, even if Dragon-like and the Dragon-Red joined hands, they would only be able to fight evenly with the three-star, Level 3, Single Immortal Swallowing Cloud. Therefore, if Spirit Controller of Mysterious Wood used his full strength, he probably wouldn't be able to hold on for long, so he had to find another helper.    


As a result, Bai Yuhao's gaze turned towards the Dark Desire Worm lying on the ground. At this moment, the Centipede Dragon's venom was flowing all over the Dark Desire Worm's body, causing it to be completely paralyzed, so it could not move at all. If he could temporarily suppress the venom in the Dark Desire Worm's body, the Dark Desire Worm would be able to recover some of its attacking power, and maybe, it could even help him a little.    


However, he could not guarantee that after the Dark Desire Worm recovered its attack power, it would not attack him first. After all, the one who caused the fall of the Dark Desire Worm was him!    


"I can only take a gamble!" Bai Yuhao's gaze became cold and assured. He knew that the current situation didn't allow him to think about it too much.    


At this moment, the Solitary Cloud Swallowing Immortal, who had completely come out of the Ethereal Realm, raised his head and screamed at the sky, which was extremely deafening, and even the surrounding trees began to tremble. Then, he glared at Bai Yuhao, Dragon-like and the Dragon-Red with a fiendish look on his face.    


"Get rid of them for me!" Spirit Controller of Mysterious Wood didn't seem to plan to make a move himself. Instead, he rode the Solitary Immortal Yun and wanted to give Bai Yuhao and the rest a quick death. Obviously, he had completely underestimated Bai Yuhao.    


Seeing that Solitary Cloud Swallowing Immortal had rushed over, Bai Yuhao immediately whistled. Hearing the whistle, Dragon-like and Dragon-Red jumped forward without showing any signs of weakness and blocked the three star Solitary Cloud Swallowing Immortal.    


Very quickly, the three Spirit Control began their battle.    


However, because Dragon-like and the Dragon-Red had already used up a lot of their physical strength during the battle with the Dark Desire Worm earlier, and even though they had consumed the Fake Dragon Saliva to recover, it was obviously impossible for them to recover their best condition.    


Thus, a fierce battle was unavoidable!    


When Bai Yuhao saw that Dragon-like and the Dragon-Red had blocked Solitary Cloud Swallowing Immortal, he immediately looked towards Spirit Controller of Mysterious Wood. Seeing that Spirit Controller of Mysterious Wood was staring at him with a murderous look, but was not in a hurry to make a move, he seemed to have some scruples.    


"It seems that he really thinks that I have an accomplice, so he doesn't dare to act rashly." Bai Yuhao thought in his heart, then his eyes focused and immediately shouted out, "Bro, this guy, seems like he's afraid of being ambushed, so he doesn't dare to make a move. He's really a coward! "Later, if you're certain, then ruthlessly blow up his chrysanthemum …"    


When Spirit Controller of Mysterious Wood heard this, he obviously knew that Bai Yuhao was scolding him. He immediately glared at him and seemed to be unable to endure anymore. He clenched one of his fists and suddenly shot forward like a shadow, closing in on Bai Yuhao like the wind.    


Seeing that Spirit Controller of Mysterious Wood had finally made his move, the corner of Bai Yuhao's mouth raised into an evil smile as he immediately turned around and ran backwards.    


"Want to run? "No way …" Seeing this, Spirit Controller of Mysterious Wood naturally wouldn't let Bai Yuhao escape easily. However, he saw a fist shadow flashing with lightning charge out from one of his arms. In a flash, it whizzed towards Bai Yuhao.    




The lightning fist shadow landed on the forest to the left of Bai Yuhao. With a flash of light, it directly blew down a few tall trees and blocked Bai Yuhao's path.    


When Bai Yuhao saw that the road in front of him had been blocked, he immediately turned around and charged to the other side. Spirit Controller of Mysterious Wood followed up with a thunderous punch, blocking the direction Bai Yuhao was rushing towards, but Bai Yuhao seemed unwilling to give up and continued running.    


Not long after, the forest around the clearing was completely destroyed, and the fallen trees all surrounded the clearing, forming a sealed space.    


"I want to see where you'll run to now?" Spirit Controller of Mysterious Wood sneered as he looked at Bai Yuhao, who had nowhere to retreat to.    


Just then, Bai Yuhao suddenly turned around and shrugged at Spirit Controller of Mysterious Wood, "Who said I want to run? I was worried that you'd run away! "    


Spirit Controller of Mysterious Wood was stunned for a moment, he did not understand the meaning behind Bai Yuhao's words.    


At that moment, Bai Yuhao's position was just right next to the Celestial Worms of Dark Desire, while Spirit Controller of Mysterious Wood was at the farthest position. The two people's positions were invisibly reversed.    


He purposely let Spirit Controller of Mysterious Wood think that he was trying to escape, but in reality, he only took the opportunity to get closer to the Dark Desire Worm, and Spirit Controller of Mysterious Wood never thought that he would have already fallen into Bai Yuhao's trap.    


"Although we were enemies just now, but now we have to work together. Otherwise, that guy will definitely kill us and take away the high leveled Black Desire Egg inside your body. If you understand what I mean, then eat this first!" Before Spirit Controller of Mysterious Wood could react, Bai Yuhao immediately ran to the back of the Dark Desire Worm. At the same time, he took out the bottle containing the Fake Dragon Saliva and poured it onto his palm. Then, he extended his hand towards the back of the Dark Desire Worm and said.    


Even though the Dark Desire Worm was paralyzed, it was still conscious, so it rolled its big eyes as if it understood Bai Yuhao's words. It immediately moved closer to one of the three iron heads and sucked the Fake Dragon Saliva in Bai Yuhao's palm.    


Not only could Fake Dragon Saliva speed up the internal circulation of the body and help it recover, it could also detoxify the poison. As a result, with the help of the Fake Dragon Saliva, the effects of the Centipede Dragon's venom quickly weakened, allowing the Dark Desire Worm's body to regain some of its senses.    


Very soon, the Dark Desire Worm once again swung up that sinister Scorpion Tail. Although its movements were still a little slow, as Bai Yuhao expected, the Dark Desire Worm had already recovered some of its attack power.    


However, Bai Yuhao was worried that the Dark Desire Worm would take the chance to take revenge on him. If the Dark Desire Worm was chosen to take revenge on him first, he would probably end up with nothing but burp, but if the Dark Desire Worm chose to join hands with him, then he would have a better chance of winning.    


However, Bai Yuhao still had not decided how the Dark Desire Worm will choose.    


After Bai Yuhao fed the Fake Dragon Saliva, he stood behind it without any hostility, with his back facing Spirit Controller of Mysterious Wood. After learning Beast Taming Art from Old Man Xu for so long, it was finally time for him to use it.    


Of course, for normal people like Spirit Controller, this kind of thing was impossible to do, and he didn't dare to do it because if he wasn't careful, he would immediately die under the Scorpion Tail behind the Dark Desire Worm.    


The Dark Desire Worm stared intently at Bai Yuhao. From its eyes, one could see its hostility towards Bai Yuhao. After all, Bai Yuhao had given it a lot of pain before.    


Suddenly, the Dark Desire Worm swung up high and charged straight at Bai Yuhao from the sky …    




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