Dragon Blood King



2At the same time, the troops led by Di Yuling's group of four, after successfully stopping the Spirit Clan's troops, also guarded the entrance to the ruins. However, the Spirit Clan's troops still did not give up.    


It wasn't until Bai Yuhao and Yan Miao appeared at the entrance of the ruins that the Spirit Clan Army noticed that the situation wasn't good and hastily retreated.    


Seeing that the Spirit Clan soldiers had retreated without fighting, Bai Yuhao did not give the order to give chase and directly floated down, landing in front of Di Yuling's group of four and the rest of the troops.    


When Di Yuling and the others saw Bai Yuhao and Yan Miao, they immediately relaxed. However, when they saw Yan Miao behind Bai Yuhao, they also let out a surprised expression.    


"Thank you for your hard work." Bai Yuhao said to Di Yuling and the other three with a smile.    


"What's so difficult about it? To be able to slaughter Spirit Clan to the point of making them piss their pants, that's truly satisfying!" Huang Xin said excitedly. She did not expect that the moment she stepped onto the battlefield, she would be able to kill Spirit Clan.    


"You guys wait here for me while I follow brother Wu Tie into the ruins." After Bai Yuhao gave the orders, he followed Yan Miao and entered the ruins.    


The ruins had long since been abandoned, and many buildings were half-buried in the sand. After entering the ruins, Yan Miao took Bai Yuhao to the depths of the ruins.    


In the depths of the ruins, there was a circular altar. It looked extremely dilapidated, with broken walls and broken eaves.    


"Move the lamp on the left …" Yan Miao pointed at the lamp seat on the left side of the altar.    


Bai Yuhao immediately walked over, pressed his hands on the lampstand and moved it a bit. Immediately, the lampstand also turned with him.    


Rumble rumble rumble!    


From the center of the altar, a series of violent movements could be heard.    


Very quickly, the ground in the center of the altar began to sink. At the same time, a brilliant light rose up, and upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a barrier. Inside the barrier was a stone platform with a sealed box on top.    


"That is the Star Beast Rings, but you must be able to enter the enchantment." Yan Miao said.    


Bai Yuhao nodded and walked towards the altar. The enchantment near the altar tried to touch the enchantment. Immediately, an enormous and shocking power surged out from the enchantment and charged towards Bai Yuhao.    


Bai Yuhao's expression changed slightly, but he did not retreat. Instead, he condensed all of his power to resist the power of the Spirit Formation. However, it was like a drop in the bucket.    


However, just as Bai Yuhao was unable to bear it anymore, the God Power that was like flames in his body suddenly seemed to be affected by something and started to surge out from Bai Yuhao's body, wrapping around Bai Yuhao.    


Very soon, the power of the Spirit Formation suddenly weakened and Bai Yuhao immediately felt a lot more relaxed. He immediately stepped into the Spirit Formation and slowly entered it.    


When Yan Miao, who was behind them saw this, he also revealed an expression of surprise, but it was as if it was natural. Because Bai Yuhao was once the successor to Stargod Clan, he would definitely be able to adapt to the power of Stargod Clan.    


After a moment, Bai Yuhao walked to the front of the stone table and opened the box. Inside the box was a simple beast face ring, and he could feel the beast spirit's power hidden inside.    


After picking up the storage ring, Bai Yuhao put it on. Immediately, he felt a surge of power rushing into his body, instantly causing the God Power flame in his body to surge.    


"I never thought that the power of the storage ring can activate my God Power again …" Bai Yuhao could clearly feel that the God Power in his body was much stronger than before. Although it wasn't even half of his peak state, it was enough to allow him to approach the Asura Realm.    


Afterwards, Bai Yuhao walked out of the barrier and cupped his hands towards Yan Miao, "Thank you brother Yan Miao for helping me obtain the Holy Artifact."    


"This was originally heaven's will, so there's no need to thank me. On the other hand, I want to thank you, because handing the Holy Artifact over to you can be considered as having completed my mission." Yan Miao replied.    


"Then what are Brother Yan Miao's plans after this?" Bai Yuhao asked.    


"I have guarded this place for hundreds of years. I should roam the world and roam free and unfettered. With brother Skyfire Dragon keeping it, I might be able to help brother Long …" After Yan Miao finished speaking, he immediately spat out one of his flaming inner pellets and handed it to Bai Yuhao.    


"Is it going to affect me if Brother Wu Tie gives me the Beast Core?" Bai Yuhao was flattered.    


"It's alright. If brother Long needs anything in the future, you can use the Heaven Flame Pill to summon me …" Yan Miao didn't mind.    


"Thank you very much."    


"See you later!" After Yan Miao said this, he flew up into the sky.    


Bai Yuhao also returned to the entrance of the ruins, meeting up with Di Yuling and the other three. Immediately after, he led his troops and left Virgin Forest, returning to the battlefield in the middle.    


After settling down the troops, Bai Yuhao went to see Mu Yinv, and explained the matter of him obtaining the Stargod Clan Holy Artifact. After Mu Yinv heard this, she was also very surprised, she did not expect that a portion of her Stargod Clan had actually come to this world before, but in the end, they were destroyed as well.    


"In other words, your divine power has been restored?" Mu Yinv knew that Bai Yuhao's recovery was also the key to their return to their original world.    


"It hasn't completely recovered yet, but when the time comes, we can borrow the Holy Artifact's power." Bai Yuhao replied.    


"At least there's a little more hope." Mu Yinv also felt gratified.    


"Yeah, what's next is to repel the Spirit Clan and borrow the Human Clan's power to head towards the Gate of the Alien World …" Bai Yuhao nodded.    


"Currently, the frontlines of the Spirit Clan Army are constantly suppressing our defensive lines. If we want to reverse them in one go, I'm afraid it won't be easy." Glimmers danced in Mu Yinv's eyes.    


"Therefore, we must think of a way to reverse the situation in a short period of time." Bai Yuhao said.    


"Do you have any good ideas?" Mu Yinv looked at Bai Yuhao.    


"For the time being, I haven't. I want to go find Mu Lingluo again and see if I can talk to her …" Bai Yuhao thought about it.    


"You can't be thinking about her, right? That's why I came up with such an excuse. " Mu Yinv immediately revealed a jealous expression.    


"Then come with me." Bai Yuhao shook his head helplessly.    


"Forget it, I still have a lot of things to take care of here. You just need to return quickly!" Mu Yinv glared at Bai Yuhao.    


Bai Yuhao left with a smile.    


After that, Bai Yuhao rode on his Purple Flame Pheasant and headed towards the Spirit Clan's front lines. Now that Mu Lingluo had personally taken charge of the front lines, it was much more convenient to find her.    


After sneaking into the command camp that Mu Lingluo was in, he quickly saw her.    


"Why are you here?" Mu Lingluo was also surprised to see Bai Yuhao's sudden appearance.    


"Can't I see you?" Bai Yuhao replied with a smile.    


"It's a lie to see me, it's true that I'm spying on the military!" Of course, Mu Lingluo knew that Bai Yuhao's sudden appearance was definitely not here specifically to see her.    


"Those who know me well are either the State of Mu or you!"    


"Speak, why are you looking for me?" Mu Lingluo asked directly.    


"I want information on the Spirit Clan Army …" Bai Yuhao went straight to the point.    




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