Dragon Blood King



3Even though Mu Yinv and Ximen Batian had met many times to discuss countermeasures, they were still unable to find a solution. Since Bai Yuhao had no news, they had a headache. They could only consolidate their existing frontlines and wait and see what would happen.    


On the other side, Loong Ao was overjoyed because the attacks from the three United Army had been blocked and several countries had been consecutively lost. Therefore, the person who had contributed greatly to the predicament of the three United Army was Mu Lingluo.    


"General Mu, let me toast you!" Loong Ao stared at Mu Lingluo, who was sitting beside him, with a smile on his face. He was full of greed and ambition.    


"The Spirit King is too polite!" Mu Lingluo raised her glass and drank.    


"General Mu is truly worthy of being a genius in the art of war. He actually countered three United Army with his own strength." Big High Priest, who was sitting on the other side, also praised.    


"Actually, this is not difficult at all. Even though there are two great characters leading this group, Mu Yinv and Ximen Batian, it's still difficult to conceal the United Army's greatest weakness." Mu Lingluo said calmly.    


"Weakness?" Loong Ao seemed to be interested.    


"Although the United Army is huge, this war isn't between humans. Compared to the United Army, our biggest advantage lies in the Spirit Clan that the Spirit King commands. "Not only does Spirit Clan possess immense power, it is also extremely strong. As long as we make good use of it, we can easily catch United Army off guard." Mu Lingluo pointed out.    


"But there is no need for General Mu to be so scheming. Otherwise, how could we have been taken advantage of by the United Army?" Loong Ao smiled shrewdly.    


"That's right, the Spirit King should be able to agree to the things I said previously, right?" At this time, Mu Lingluo asked with cold eyes.    


When Loong Ao heard this, his smile disappeared immediately. He knew that Mu Lingluo was referring to handing over all of his military command to her. Of course, this was a dangerous move. This was because if Mu Lingluo had any second thoughts, it would be extremely disadvantageous to him. However, looking at the current situation, if he didn't have Mu Lingluo, he was afraid that the situation would return to how it was before.    


"Spirit King, since this Liu Cheng died in the hands of General Mu, I believe that Commander Mu is absolutely loyal to the Spirit King." Big Wu said while cupping his hands.    


"Even so, this is not a small matter. How can I completely trust the princess?" Loong Ao looked hesitant, but there was something else in his eyes.    


"If the Spirit King has anything to say, just say it." Mu Lingluo saw through Loong Ao's thoughts and immediately said.    


"Then I'll go straight to the point. Although Liu Cheng did die by your hands, it's not enough for me to completely trust you. Unless, you can do something that will be even more of a blow to Loong Xuan. " Loong Ao had a sinister smile on his face.    


"What do you want me to do?" Mu Lingluo remained calm as she listened.    


"Actually, what Loong Xuan cared about the most was not Liu Yunxuan, nor his child, but Loong Xueyan. However, Loong Xueyan belongs to me. Only I am worthy of her. Unfortunately, Loong Xuan took Loong Xueyan from my hands and hid her away. I exhausted my manpower and resources, but was unable to find her. But I believe that you must have the ability to do so. " Loong Ao finally revealed his purpose.    


"Spirit King means for me to bring Loong Xueyan back?" Mu Lingluo understood what Loong Ao meant after she finished listening to his explanation.    


"That's right, bring her back to me. That way, I will believe that you are completely loyal to me. Not only will I hand over the command of all the human armies to you, but I will also give you the right to mobilize the Proud Spirit Army …" Loong Ao suggested.    


Listening to that, Mu Lingluo's cold eyes became serious, but she did not hesitate at all. She nodded and replied, "Alright, I will bring Loong Xueyan back. I hope that the Spirit King will keep her promise at that time. " With that, he stood up and left.    


"Spirit King is indeed powerful, this move can kill two birds with one stone. If Mu Lingluo brings Loong Xueyan back, Bai Yuhao and Mu Lingluo will definitely become enemies, and Spirit Treasure will be able to do what they want!" Seeing that Mu Lingluo had left, the Great Wu said with a coy smile.    


"Loong Xueyan is Bai Yuhao's biggest weakness. As long as there's Loong Xueyan, this Bai Yuhao will definitely fall into chaos and even walk into a trap. " Loong Ao sneered in a very despicable manner.    




On the other side, after Mu Lingluo left the Spiritual King Hall, she swiftly left her Palace City and headed for the Fragrant Sky Pavilion.    


Although Loong Ao had control of the Holy Dragon Kingdom and all the forces that supported Bai Yuhao had broken away from the Holy Dragon Kingdom, the intelligence network that Bai Yuhao had was still in the Imperial City and the person in charge of this information network was Bai Yuhao.    


As for Mu Lingluo, she went to the Fragrant Sky Pavilion to look for someone to fall in love with.    


Mu Lingluo's appearance also caused Luo Qing to be extremely surprised. Ever since she was sent to Bai Yuhao by Mu Lingluo, she had not returned to the Woodgod Kingdom and only contacted Mu Lingluo via letter.    


Ever since she found out that Mu Ziye had been killed by Bai Yuhao, she was very worried about Mu Lingluo. However, she didn't reply to any of the messages she sent over. However, not long ago, she had received news from Bai Yuhao that Mu Lingluo had already sided with Loong Ao, so she had been extremely uneasy. Therefore, other than feeling happy, he was also more or less vigilant when he saw Mu Lingluo all of a sudden.    


"Greetings, Princess." Luo Qing bowed to Mu Lingluo.    


"There's no need to be so courteous. Actually, I'm no longer a princess." Mu Lingluo said coldly.    


"In my eyes, a princess is always a princess." Luoluo softly replied.    


"How are you doing here?" Mu Lingluo glanced at Luo Qing and asked.    


She nodded.    


"You should know about my situation as well." Mu Lingluo knew that she was here to collect information for Bai Yuhao, so she probably knew about her situation as well.    


"Got it." Please grieve for the king. However, for the sake of avenging the king, the princess went along with Loong Ao. I don't understand this point. "The princess doesn't treat Loong Xuan as …" She wanted to say something, but she hesitated, because she saw that Mu Lingluo's face was unsightly, even fearsome.    


"To me, Younger Brother is my only family. I can't accept his death, and the one who killed him is the man I care about the most. This is even more difficult to accept. "However, I must account to Younger Brother. Otherwise, I will be ashamed of my deceased mother …" Mu Lingluo said in a slightly heavy tone.    


"There must be a reason why Loong Xuan killed the country leader. Did the princess not ask clearly? " She couldn't help but ask.    


"He didn't say anything, perhaps for no reason at all. He is no longer the man worth trusting." Disappointed, Mu Lingluo shook her head.    


"Princess …" Seeing this, Luo Qing did not know what to say.    




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