Dragon Blood King



3"There's no need. Bring Wushuang and Qinglan over here, and let them command the Western Army." Bai Yuhao shook his head. There was not much time left, but the situation was still in a deadlock. If the western troops were to withdraw, it would be extremely disadvantageous for the overall situation.    


"Actually, I think it's more appropriate for Yunxuan to lead." Mu Yinv said after a moment of hesitation.    


"Yunxuan is indeed more experienced than Wushuang and the others, but with her current condition, I'm afraid she won't be able to do it!" Bai Yuhao said with a cold gaze. Of course, his worries were not only limited to that.    


"It wouldn't be too late to decide on the choice of commander after a few days. "I believe that Yunxuan will be able to recover quickly." Mu Yinv said again.    


"There's no need." Bai Yuhao shook his head decisively.    


Seeing that Bai Yuhao had made up his mind, Mu Yinv didn't say anything more. After that, she ordered someone to send a message to her South Route Army, telling Ji Wushuang and Cao Qinglan to rush to the western troop as soon as possible.    


At this moment, an urgent report came from the outside saying that a great army of tens of thousands had attacked the frontline position of the Western Army without any preparation. The front lines were in a state of panic.    


Bai Yuhao and Mu Yinv looked at each other and immediately gathered 50,000 troops and rushed to the front line to support.    


When they arrived, the front of the camp was already in a mess, riddled with holes from the enemy's fierce offensive.    


"You lead, I'll go suppress the formation …" After Bai Yuhao said this to Mu Yinv, he immediately flew into the air and headed straight for the frontmost area of the base.    


Moments later, Bai Yuhao, one man and three beasts appeared among the enemy lines that were fighting ferociously. They started a massacre and immediately intimidated the enemy.    


Under the pressure of Bai Yuhao, the originally panicking position was quickly reorganized under the command of Mu Yinv. The fifty thousand strong army was immediately thrown into the battle.    


Soon, the two armies began to fight against each other. Fires covered the sky, and blood stained the yellow sand.    


Even though the Western Army's forces numbered sixty thousand, but because there were hundreds of Spirit Clan soldiers charging in the enemy ranks, they were still at a disadvantage in this battle of offense and defense.    


Fortunately, Bai Yuhao and Mu Yinv were in charge, and with Bai Yuhao's unstoppable charge and Mu Yinv's command, the two armies were at a stalemate. Both sides' forces were also declining, and very soon, each side had thousands of casualties.    


Just as the battle was in full swing, suddenly, the enemy's horn sounded, signaling the withdrawal of their troops. Soon, the enemy retreated like a receding tide.    


Seeing this, Bai Yuhao's expression also froze. At the same time, his eyes also followed the enemy's gaze. Suddenly, he noticed a delicate figure riding on a white steed with armor.    


At this moment, Mu Yinv coincidentally arrived beside Bai Yuhao and looked towards Bai Yuhao's direction.    


"Isn't that …" Mu Yinv seemed to have noticed that delicate figure as well, and she seemed to be extremely astonished.    


Bai Yuhao nodded. Although it was unexpected, the truth was the truth.    


The delicate figure that Bai Yuhao and Mu Yinv saw was none other than Mu Lingluo. No one could have imagined that the commander of this group of enemies was Mu Lingluo.    


"Why would she command the enemy? "Even if you kill her, with her feelings for you before, she wouldn't suddenly join Loong Ao's side …" Mu Yinv could not help but look at Bai Yuhao, seemingly puzzled, because even if Bai Yuhao killed Mu Ziye, with Mu Lingluo's personality, even if she did not stand on their side, it would be impossible for her to work for Loong Ao.    


"She must be after me." Bai Yuhao said clearly.    


Mu Yinv turned to look at Bai Yuhao as she listened. Mu Ziye's death had made Mu Lingluo and Bai Yuhao enemies. The price was too high. Of course, the most important thing was that Mu Lingluo was a military genius who had once caused Red Dragon Legion to suffer, so if Mu Lingluo joined Loong Ao, it would be a huge problem for them.    


"Retreat first." Bai Yuhao said to Mu Yinv before flapping his wings and flew away.    


When night fell, within the heavily guarded enemy camp less than three miles away from the western troop, a black shadow flashed past.    


A moment later, an evil looking figure suddenly appeared within Mu Lingluo's tent. Mu Lingluo, who was studying the terrain and arranging the troops, naturally noticed this figure. However, her delicate face appeared extremely calm as if she had already expected this to happen.    


"I knew you'd come." At this moment, Mu Lingluo slowly lifted her delicate face and looked directly at the figure before her. It was a man she loved and hated at the same time.    


And this man was Bai Yuhao.    


"Why did you do that?" Bai Yuhao asked with a cold expression.    


"What do you think?" Mu Lingluo looked at Bai Yuhao as if she knew the answer.    


"If it was because of Mu Ziye's death, you could have come straight to me for revenge. Why did you help Loong Ao?" Bai Yuhao also seemed a little angry. Mu Lingluo knew that he and Loong Ao were like fire and water, but she still helped the evil. If she said that she wasn't angry, that would be a lie.    


"Because I want to take revenge on you. You made me lose the one closest to me, so I will repay you with a tooth for a tooth." Mu Lingluo said resentfully.    


"Godly General Liu was ambushed by you, right?" Bai Yuhao icily said. Listening to Mu Lingluo's words, he understood that the reason for Liu Cheng's sudden injuries was due to Mu Lingluo's meticulous planning. Since Liu Cheng didn't know that Mu Lingluo had already sided with Loong Ao, he had been presumptuous and had been schemed against in the end.    


"That's right, Liu Yunxuan should be in great pain because she has lost her family, but it's all your fault …" Mu Lingluo sneered and glared at Bai Yuhao like a resentful wife. It seemed like she didn't want Bai Yuhao to have an easy time.    


Bai Yuhao looked at the unfamiliar Mu Lingluo in front of him, and it felt as if the two of them had returned to their previous enmity. Of course, he understood that this wasn't Mu Lingluo's fault, because from Mu Lingluo's point of view, what she did was not wrong. If he didn't kill Mu Ziye, this wouldn't have happened. However, from the day he chose to fall into the evil path and inherit the power of the Fighting Willow Steel Punisher, he had already decided to bear all of the guilt. Even if he became the sinner that everyone hated, he would still do what he should do without hesitation.    


"Let's stop. Otherwise, I can only …" Wu Tie clenched his fists tightly, as if he was trying to cover up the complicated feelings in his heart. If Mu Lingluo was really his enemy, he had no other choice. What happened to Mu Ziye would end up repeating the same thing.    


"Kill me? Then do it! I know that you can do what you want, just like you killed me, Younger Brother. With your current strength, isn't killing me an easy task? " Mu Lingluo sneered and walked in front of Bai Yuhao. She stared at Bai Yuhao provocatively and said.    




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