Dragon Blood King



3After a month of fierce battle, the United Army had also revealed its fatigue. This human was a human after all, and especially when he was an enemy of the Spirit Clan, it was definitely not something an ordinary war could compare to.    


But the most terrifying thing was that one month ago, this Spirit Clan army had suddenly changed their fighting style. They did not directly clash with the United Army, but instead resorted to assassinations, ambushes, ambushes, etc., and used all sorts of despicable methods of warfare.    


For this, Mu Yinv prepared to urgently gather Ximen Batian and Liu Cheng to discuss the countermeasures, but did not expect, an unfortunate news followed.    


"What? Godly General Liu was ambushed and heavily injured?" When Mu Yinv heard the news, she was also extremely surprised. However, the first thing she did was to head to the Western Army led by Liu Cheng.    


When they rushed to the western troop camp, they saw that it was filled with a lifeless atmosphere. All the soldiers were depressed. It was obvious that their morale had been affected because of Liu Cheng's incident.    


Under the lead of a commander, Mu Yinv went to Liu Cheng's tent. After entering, they heard the sound of choking noises coming from inside, only to see Liu Yunxuan lying beside the bed, looking at Liu Cheng who was unconscious and pale, while a few gloomy commanders stood at the side.    


"Sofia, Godly General Liu, he …" Mu Yinv asked, coming over to Liu Yunxuan and patting her on the shoulder.    


Seeing that Mu Yinv had arrived, Liu Yunxuan hurriedly asked, "Godly General Mu, don't you know where Loong Xuan is? Only Loong Xuan can save my father now. "    


"I don't know either." When Mu Yinv heard this, she knew that Liu Cheng was definitely heavily injured. However, as long as Bai Yuhao contacted them, it would not be easy for them to find Bai Yuhao.    


"Can you think of something to make Loong Xuan come here immediately? Otherwise, father will …" As Liu Yunxuan spoke, her tears fell like rain, bringing her endless pain.    


"I'll do my best." Seeing this, Mu Yinv agreed. After comforting Liu Yunxuan a little bit, she walked out of the tent. Then, she used her Trust Beast to contact Bai Yuhao. The rest could only wait.    


Three days passed just like that. Liu Cheng's injuries had completely worsened and his breath was getting weaker and weaker. However, Bai Yuhao still hadn't appeared.    


Liu Yunxuan had been crying all day, and Mu Yinv was also extremely anxious.    


Finally, on the fifth day, Bai Yuhao arrived.    


"What took you so long?" When Mu Yinv saw Bai Yuhao, she could not help but complain.    


Bai Yuhao didn't say anything and immediately went to Liu Cheng's tent with Mu Yinv. The moment Liu Yunxuan saw Bai Yuhao, it was as if she saw her savior. She hastily went up to Bai Yuhao and pulled him back, "Loong Xuan, quickly save father, quickly save father …"    


"I'll do my best. You can all leave first. " Bai Yuhao replied plainly. Then, he made a signal with his hand.    


After that, Mu Yinv brought Liu Yunxuan out of the tent, and very quickly, the tent was empty.    


Bai Yuhao also immediately went to Liu Cheng's side to check on Liu Cheng's injuries. However, the results of the inspection were not satisfactory. Liu Cheng's injuries were too severe, and all the tendons and veins in his body, including his heart meridian, were all broken. It was already a miracle that Liu Cheng had been able to hold on until now.    


However, Bai Yuhao still decided to give it a try. Just as he was about to perform surgery on Liu Cheng, the unconscious Liu Cheng suddenly woke up. He grabbed his hand and exerted a lot of force.    


Seeing that, Bai Yuhao immediately stuck his head over and heard Liu Cheng whispering in his ear: "Rui …" Care... Good Yunxuan … And there's also Nianshi … and they... Give to... "You …" After he finished speaking, he revealed a gratified smile, and in the end, he slowly closed his eyes. This man who had once shook the Holy Dragon Kingdom, who had made countless meritorious deeds, had died just like that.    


Bai Yuhao's cold face could not help but reveal a complicated expression. A hint of sadness flashed across his eyes, but soon after, he walked out of the tent.    


"Loong Xuan, how is father? "Can you cure it …" Liu Yunxuan asked Bai Yuhao as soon as she saw him.    


"He's gone." Bai Yuhao announced calmly.    


When Bai Yuhao said those words, the surrounding officers and officers all had sad expressions. They could not control themselves and they even started bawling.    


"No …" "Impossible …" Liu Yunxuan naturally could not accept this reality and hastily shook her head before rushing into the tent.    


Mu Yinv glanced at Bai Yuhao and also followed him into the tent. After a while, there were a lot of crying sounds coming from inside the tent.    


Bai Yuhao, who was standing outside the tent, was also looking at Qin Lie with a cold expression.    


After a long while, Bai Yuhao returned to the tent. At this moment, Liu Yunxuan's beautiful eyes were red and swollen from crying. Although she stopped crying, she was still sobbing. Mu Yinv was consoling her on the side.    


As soon as Liu Yunxuan saw him enter, she suddenly jumped towards Bai Yuhao. Her fist immediately landed on Bai Yuhao's body as she shouted with resentment: "Why didn't you come here earlier? If you had known earlier, your father wouldn't have died. "    


Bai Yuhao did not make a sound despite Liu Yunxuan's beating.    


"Why aren't you talking? Why did you become like this? " At this moment, Liu Yunxuan felt as if countless grievances had been vented out of her heart.    


"Yunxuan, you can't blame Loong Xuan. Godly General Liu's injuries are too severe. Even if Loong Xuan arrived earlier, it would still be impossible …" Upon seeing this, Mu Yinv hurriedly stepped forward to advise him.    


However, Bai Yuhao looked at Mu Yinv and shook his head.    


Mu Yinv could only watch as Liu Yunxuan made trouble for Bai Yuhao, until Liu Yunxuan was tired of fighting. She slowly withdrew her hand and glared at Bai Yuhao, saying, "I hate you." After saying that, he left the tent without looking back.    


"Won't you explain?" Mu Yinv couldn't help but look at Bai Yuhao. Actually, she knew that Bai Yuhao must be feeling sad too, but he didn't show it.    


"Let her be. But why was his father ambushed? Have you found out the reason? " Bai Yuhao said with his gaze.    


I'm also very curious about this. Logically speaking, they had only fought for a few months, it was impossible for them to find out about Godly General Liu's background so quickly. Furthermore, Godly General Liu's military strategy was not according to the rules. I suspect that it's the commander of the Spirit Clan Army, and he has a good understanding of Godly General Liu. " Mu Yinv guessed.    


Bai Yuhao's eyes also narrowed when he heard this. He had a bad feeling about this.    


"Godly General Liu's death should have a huge impact on the morale of the Western Army. "Whether or not to let the Western Army withdraw first and reorganize themselves, we must also decide on the candidate to be the commander of the Western Army." Mu Yinv pondered.    




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