Dragon Blood King



3Of course, Loong Ao would never have thought that Liu Cheng and Mu Yinv would attack at such an amazing time.    


At this moment, the guards at the front of Witch Palace were already like thin paper, the six exceptional experts of Majestic Emperor Stage who were fighting with Bai Yuhao were scattered around Bai Yuhao, and Loong Ao had just left the golden chair in front of Witch Palace. Therefore, other than the remaining shrimp soldiers and crab generals, no one could stop Liu Cheng and Mu Yinv who were riding two Six Starred ranked Spirit Control.    


At this moment, on the two Six Starred ranked Spirit Control s, other than Mu Yinv and Liu Cheng, there were also a dozen or so Mad God Stage ranked experts, including Ji Wushuang, Ji Yulin, Cao Qinglan, and the rest.    


"Loong Ao, I've told you before, you're a frog in the well. You can't even see through an insignificant trick like luring the tiger out of the mountain …" The reason why he charged into Witch Palace alone was to create the most suitable opportunity for Mu Yinv and Liu Cheng to rescue Loong Xueyan without any hindrances. Thus, from the moment he had killed his way into Witch Palace, he had held onto the notion of not caring about death at all. No matter what, he wanted to create the opportunity for Mu Yinv and Liu Cheng to save Loong Xueyan.    


When Loong Ao heard Bai Yuhao's words, his twitching expression was enough to show the anger in his heart, because he understood that he was played by Bai Yuhao right from the start. He had completely underestimated Bai Yuhao, and thought that Bai Yuhao was the same Loong Xuan who charged into Witch Palace like a headless fly for Loong Xueyan.    


Therefore, the moment Bai Yuhao appeared, Loong Ao was destined to be a loser!    


"What are you all still standing there for? Quickly stop them!" Loong Ao shouted angrily at the few experts of Majestic Emperor Stage around him.    


When the few experts of Majestic Emperor Stage saw the two great Great Godly General, Mu Yinv and Liu Tie who had suddenly barged in, they too were shocked. They did not understand why Liu Cheng and Mu Yinv would also forcefully barge into Witch Palace, moreover, they seemed to be in cahoots with Bai Yuhao.    


However, Loong Ao was Dragon Emperor after all, and his orders made it impossible for several experts of Majestic Emperor Stage to disobey. Thus, the first thing they did was to quickly rush towards the continuously collapsing Witch Palace, hoping to stop Liu Cheng, Mu Yinv, and the others.    


At this time, Liu Cheng and his Thunder Demon Roar Dragon saw the few experts from the Majestic Emperor Stage charge towards Witch Hall, and immediately nodded towards Mu Yinv, after that, he had his Thunder Demon Roar Dragon stand horizontally in front of Witch Hall, forming a natural barrier.    


Almost at the same time, ten figures fell from the sky, one after another, from the Thunder Demon Wyrm and Mu Yinv's Spirit Control.    


"Attack!" Liu Cheng's imposing manner pierced through the skies as he waved his hand, bearing the brunt of the impact and welcomed the six peerless experts from the Majestic Emperor Stage.    


Afterwards, Ji Wushuang and the rest of the ten Wu Steel also grouped in groups of two, using all their strength to stop the six profound practitioners. Even though there was a great disparity in strength, as long as they could stop them for a moment, Mu Yinv would have enough time to rescue Loong Xueyan.    


Under the cover of the crowd, Mu Yinv had already fallen into Witch's hall, where the stone had fallen to the ground.    


"Xueyan …" Mu Yinv looked around for Loong Xueyan.    


"Sister Yinv, I'm here!" Loong Xueyan, who was in the corner of the enchantment, immediately called out when she saw Mu Yinv.    


When Mu Yinv heard Loong Xueyan's voice, she immediately turned her head to look. Soon after, her body turned into an afterimage as she instantly appeared in front of the barrier.    


At this moment, Big High Priest's expression changed when he saw Mu Yinv.    


"Big High Priest, I won't send you off." Mu Yinv glanced coldly at Big High Priest and said.    


Big High Priest saw that the situation was bad and immediately coughed. Then, as if he did not see Mu Yinv, he turned around and disappeared.    


"Let's go!" Seeing that Witch Palace was about to collapse, Mu Yinv immediately pulled Loong Xueyan and Lee Ying, causing the Spiritual Light on them to swell and fly out of Witch Palace.    


At that moment, Bai Yuhao, who was standing outside Witch's Witch Palace, saw Loong Xueyan's shadow enter his eyes. His tall and sturdy body couldn't help but shiver.    


Loong Xueyan, who had rushed out of Witch Palace with Mu Yinv, was the first to look for Bai Yuhao's figure. Soon, she felt an intense gaze and couldn't help but look over.    


In the next moment, four pairs of eyes looked at each other, everything seemed to be within the darkness. This time, the two of them did not miss each other, as if everything that had happened in the past had vanished.    


Even though Bai Yuhao had changed a lot, Loong Xueyan knew that this man was the Loong Xuan that she had been dreaming about day and night when she met Bai Yuhao's gaze that was filled with gentleness!    


"Loong Xuan …" Loong Xueyan screamed at the top of her lungs. Her eyes were blurred with tears as she vented the pain and happiness in her heart, her thoughts and feelings, as well as those indescribable emotions.    


Loong Xueyan's shout instantly spread through the entire Witch Palace's plaza. Everyone who heard this shout felt a deep shock that went deep into their hearts.    


However, at the same time, the elites of the imperial family, including a few experts in Majestic Emperor Stage, were stunned when they saw Bai Yuhao shouting the two words "Loong Xuan". To them, Prince Loong Xuan was long dead, so they were also baffled by Loong Xueyan's sudden call for Loong Xuan, the mysterious man who had broken into Witch Hall on his own.    


At the same time, from the east side of the square in front of Witch Palace, another group of heavily guarded soldiers, led by Spirit Controller, rushed in through the east door.    


"Capture all these traitors!" When Loong Ao saw that Loong Xueyan was rescued by Mu Yinv, he went completely crazy. But when he saw that Bai Yuhao's reinforcements kept appearing, he immediately shouted in anger.    


Very quickly, there were still a few hundred imperial guards, as well as Mad God Stage and Celestial Master Stage's Spirit Controller, who immediately entered the intense battle.    


Even though Loong Ao's side had a large number of people, with Mu Yinv, Liu Cheng, and Ji Yuntian, the situation was suddenly in a deadlock!    


When Bai Yuhao saw that Loong Xueyan was saved safe and sound by Mu Yinv, a gratified smile surfaced on his excited face. This time, he would no longer feel regretful.    


But at this moment, Loong Ao who was already angry from embarrassment, suddenly roared angrily, and with a fierce look on his face, the blue vein thug charged straight at Bai Yuhao, angrily thrusting out a palm. The strong Spiritual Energy turned into a dragon head with bared fangs and brandished claws, which aggressively imprinted on Bai Yuhao's chest, and in the blink of an eye, engulfing Bai Yuhao.    




The place Bai Yuhao was standing, suddenly, a figure flew out a few meters away, rolling on the ground and lying on his back without a sound.    


"Loong Xuan …" In the next moment, a series of heaven-shaking shouts rose and fell …    


Loong Xueyan looked at Bai Yuhao, who was lying motionless on the ground, and was instantly shocked. It had obviously been difficult for her to meet him, but now, she had suddenly faced such a cruel reality. She kept shaking her head, as if she couldn't accept what she saw in front of her.    


"He's dead, he's finally dead!" Loong Ao looked at the silent Bai Yuhao on the ground and immediately started to laugh maniacally towards the sky. Although he wanted to raise his hands to cheer, one of his arms had been crippled by Bai Yuhao years ago. Of course, this was no longer important.    


At this moment, Ji Wushuang and Cao Qinglan rushed towards Bai Yuhao at the same time because they did not believe that Bai Yuhao would die just like that. When they rushed to Bai Yuhao's side, they saw that Bai Yuhao didn't even have a breath left, and his body also gradually became cold.    


"No …" He can't die. " Cao Qinglan shook her head vigorously.    


"I'm going to kill him …" Ji Wushuang's eyes were already moist. She turned around and glared at Loong Ao, who had a face full of pride.    


Cao Qinglan also bit her lips. Very quickly, the two girls rushed to Loong Ao side by side, vowing to take revenge for Bai Yuhao.    


Loong Xueyan, who had seen Bai Yuhao fall down in front of her, was suddenly filled with hatred. The anger on her delicate face was like a woman whose husband had been wrongly accused. It gave people a feeling of sympathy, but also a feeling of chills.    


The next moment, Loong Xueyan broke away from Mu Yinv's hand and rushed towards Loong Ao.    


At this time, the three women surrounded Loong Ao at almost the same time. Their eyes were filled with determination. Even if they were to die, they would drag Loong Ao along with them.    


"Xueyan, you guys …" Upon seeing this, Mu Yinv hurriedly wanted to follow and stop him.    


"Stop Mu Yinv!" When Loong Ao saw the three girls rushing towards him, he immediately sneered and commanded them.    


Thus, before Mu Yinv could catch up, she was immediately stopped by a group of imperial guards and Spirit Controller with more than ten Mad God Stage s and Celestial Master Stage s.    


At that moment, the three women took action together, using Spiritual Martial Arts with all their might.    


"Xueyan, I didn't want to hurt you, but you've disappointed me!" Loong Ao looked at Loong Xueyan who had also rushed in front of him. A hint of coldness flashed through his cold eyes.    


In the next moment, Loong Ao's entire body exploded with an intense burst of Majestic Emperor Stage and Spiritual Energy s. At the same time, the Thunder Flood Dragon Spear was held horizontally in his hand.    


"Dragon Thunder Myriad Abyss!" Loong Ao shouted loudly, the Thunder Flood Dragon Spear in his hands danced in the air, creating waves of shocking thunder wind. It continuously gathered above his head, forming thunder clouds that flashed with electricity.    


In an instant, countless bolts of lightning descended like a heavenly dragon descending to the world, chopping down directly.    


Boom! Boom! Boom!    


In an instant, a thirty meter radius around Loong Ao was covered with Lightning.    


Ji Wushuang and Cao Qinglan, due to the great disparity in strength between them and Loong Ao, were unable to block such an astonishing Spiritual Martial Arts. They both cried out tenderly and were sent flying over ten meters away, spitting out a few mouthfuls of blood.    


Loong Xueyan used her barrier to protect herself, but under the strong impact from the Lightning, her face became pale. However, she still rushed towards Loong Ao without hesitation to avenge Bai Yuhao.    


Seeing Loong Xueyan rushing towards him, Loong Ao seemed to have completely lost his mind. He no longer cared about his feelings for Loong Xueyan and waved the Thunder Flood Dragon Spear in his hand towards Loong Xueyan.    


"Dragon Clan and Arcane Art, Jade Dragons Destroy!" Suddenly, Loong Xueyan's hands formed a seal and a dazzling golden light burst out from her body.    


"Sofia, no! "Loong Xuan, he …" When Mu Yinv saw that Loong Xueyan wanted to die with Loong Ao, her expression changed instantly, but even if she wanted to stop it, it was too late.    


Upon seeing this scene, everyone present was stunned. No one expected that Loong Xueyan would so recklessly die together with Loong Ao!    


At that moment, a delicate figure caught Loong Xueyan in time and hugged her forcefully. It was none other than Lan Mei.    


Lan Mei, who had hugged Loong Xueyan, quickly pulled Loong Xueyan back a few steps. After that, she slapped Loong Xueyan, leaving a red mark on her white face.    


"If you do this, are you worthy of Loong Xuan, who saved you?" Lan Mei scolded Loong Xueyan with a frown.    


Loong Xueyan was also stunned as she looked at Lan Mei with lifeless eyes.    


"Since you stinking women don't even want your lives for him, then I will kill all of you and grant your wish! "Haha …" At this moment, Loong Ao laughed sinisterly. The Thunder Flood Dragon Spear in his hand shot out and transformed into countless spear shadows, rushing straight at Lan Mei and Loong Xueyan.    


Boom! Boom! Boom!    


Another violent explosion occurred, the Spiritual Light shone brightly, and Lan Mei and Loong Xueyan were sent flying as they fell to the ground. Loong Xueyan also landed beside Bai Yuhao.    


"Xueyan, you're mine, you're mine. I won't let anyone else take you away." Loong Ao then walked over to Loong Xueyan, calling out to her with a hint of madness.    


"Stop dreaming. I would rather go down to accompany Loong Xuan, than to let you touch me. " Loong Xueyan's eyes turned red as she glared at Loong Ao.    


"Haha …" You should also think about the people who came to save you. As long as you are willing to follow me, I can let them go. " Loong Ao revealed his despicable face and threatened.    


Loong Xueyan was stunned. She looked at Mu Yinv, the injured Ji Wushuang, Lan Mei, and the others who had come to save her, but were surrounded by a crowd of people. All of them had painful expressions on their faces.    


"Follow me." Loong Ao roared, he stabbed the Thunder Flood Dragon Spear into the ground, and was so angry that he reached out to grab Loong Xueyan.    


At this moment, an old figure suddenly appeared. His arm instantly turned into a sharp mantis knife and chopped towards Loong Ao.    


Seeing that, Loong Ao immediately took a step back.    


At the same time, the elderly figure stood in front of Loong Xueyan.    


"Why am I always late? My disciple, why are you dead now?" The old figure looked at the dead Bai Yuhao and immediately shouted with tears and snot all over his face.    


This old figure was none other than Bai Yuhao's master, Old Man Xu.    


"Loong Ao, hand over your life!" In the next moment, Old Man Xu, who was still feeling very sad a moment ago, suddenly had his old eyes tremble, and revealed a little bit of fury. Immediately following that, the aura around his body surged, and in an instant, it directly rushed towards his Majestic Emperor Stage.    


"How annoying, all of you come out!" Loong Ao also let out a furious roar. Suddenly, three figures in black cloaks appeared on Loong Ao's figure, emitting a strange aura.    




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