Dragon Blood King



1"If I kill you, Xueyan will naturally have her freedom." Loong Ao snorted.    


"Is that so? "That's good." Bai Yuhao smiled.    


"What do you mean?" Seeing that Bai Yuhao was still so calm, Loong Ao was also a little mad.    


"At least I am sure that you will not harm Xueyan. "She won't use her life to threaten me. Of course, you don't need to …" Bai Yuhao raised his eyebrows.    


"Go." Serve this fellow well! " When Loong Ao saw Bai Yuhao being so relaxed, he was also infuriated and could not be reprimanded. He gave the order.    


Soon, over a thousand imperial guards were under the attack and rushed towards Bai Yuhao like a tidal wave. In an instant, they surrounded Bai Yuhao.    


At this moment, Loong Xueyan, who was curled up on her bed in Witch's completely sealed room, seemed to have heard the commotion outside. She immediately stood up and asked Lee Ying, who had been standing at the door all along with a guilty face, "Is Loong Xuan here?"    


"Seems so." Lee Ying glanced through the gap between the doors and nodded her head slightly.    


"I want to see Loong Xuan." When Loong Xueyan heard that, her eyes immediately started to flicker violently. It was hard to hide the desire to see Loong Xuan in her heart, so she immediately got up and left the Witch Palace, seemingly intending to force her way out.    


But at this moment, a figure immediately appeared in front of Loong Xueyan, blocking her way.    


"Her Highness, Dragon Emperor said that Her Highness is not allowed to take a step outside of Witch's palace. If Mistress insists, then I can only be rude to her." It was Big High Priest.    


"Out of the way!" Loong Xueyan snapped angrily.    


"I understand how Mistress feels when she meets Prince Loong Xuan, but if I was Mistress, I definitely wouldn't rashly rush out because that would only implicate Prince Loong Xuan." High Priest continued.    


Even though Loong Xueyan couldn't wait to rush out, she knew Big High Priest was right. If she went out, she might distract Loong Xuan. Since Loong Xuan had come to save her, he definitely had the confidence to do so. Thus, she had to save her strength until the end.    


"I will definitely meet with Loong Xuan again." Loong Xueyan said confidently as she stared at High Priest.    


At this moment, Bai Yuhao looked around at the thousand plus guards and slowly pulled out their Frost Wind s, turning them into blazing blades. He then looked at the thousand plus guards and said coldly: "All of you, get out of my way, I don't want to kill you, you were also fooled by Loong Ao, there is no need to waste your lives here. But, if you block me, then don't blame me for being ruthless!"    


The thousand-odd guards looked at Bai Yuhao, who had a cold expression and ruthless eyes. They were a little scared in their hearts, as if Bai Yuhao was a cold-blooded killer. Just by looking at him, they would feel like dying.    


"Attack! If anyone can kill him, I will reward them with ten thousand taels of gold, as well as an official promotion …" At this moment, Loong Ao shouted.    


When the thousand-odd guards heard this, they obviously couldn't resist the temptation of having money and power. Thus, they crazily rushed towards Bai Yuhao, like a rising tide, with a frightening momentum.    


In an instant, Bai Yuhao was surrounded by a black mass of people, countless long blades and Spiritual Martial Arts flew towards him.    


Bai Yuhao's gaze was like that of a wild beast, it released a cold light, without any hesitation, he immediately waved his Frost Wind, he had already given these people a chance, but unfortunately, these people did not understand that they were the victims in Loong Ao's hands, their existence had no value at all, they were nothing more than cannon fodder that used up his energy.    


Of course, Bai Yuhao wouldn't be soft-hearted because of this. In this cruel world, only through personal experience would one know the fear of death!    


The black crescent blades slashed towards the Frost Wind s, flying in all directions. Everywhere they passed, screams and shouts sounded out, and blood splattered everywhere.    


Moments later, the area within ten meters was littered with broken limbs.    


Bai Yuhao did not make any unnecessary movements. With each step he took, he continued to walk towards Witch Palace amidst the ferocious blood-red light.    


Not long after, over a thousand of the imperial guards had lost two to three hundred people, and the rest had been killed by Bai Yuhao to the point of being scared, their hands and feet had turned soft, not to mention getting close to Bai Yuhao, it was already good that they were scared to the point of peeing.    


Seeing that the match had started, Loong Ao waved his hand and the twenty Expert of the Celestial Master Stage immediately jumped up. They summoned their Spirit Control and joined the battle.    


But Bai Yuhao only glanced at it for a moment, and then, with a jolt of his spirit gathering, he immediately summoned his Dragonice.    


The moment the Dragonice appeared, it let out a loud wolf roar, and in an instant, those twenty odd three Four-Star Spirit Control were shocked by the aura emitted by the Dragonice, and almost half of them ran away. The remaining ones would barely be able to maintain a certain level of combat strength.    


In the next moment, the Dragonice rushed into the remaining ten odd Spirit Control s. Waving its two claws and blades, it like cutting through rice, under the blazing sun, it shined with a death god like cold light.    


In less than the time it took for an incense stick to burn, there were more than ten Spirit Control s left.    


When the more than twenty Spirit Controller of the Celestial Master Stage saw the Dragonice killing all of their Spirit Control by themselves, he was also shocked.    


Under the cover of the Dragonice, Bai Yuhao continued to move forward. Even with more than twenty Spirit Controller of the Celestial Master Stage joining in, they were still unable to stop him.    


At this moment, Bai Yuhao looked as if he would kill Buddha, as if he would kill God with his murderous aura. He was killing everything in his path!    


"Attack again!" When Loong Ao saw that the more than twenty Spirit Controller of the Celestial Master Stage were unable to stop Bai Yuhao, he immediately got the remaining Spirit Controller of the Celestial Master Stage to follow them.    


After all the Spirit Controller of the Celestial Master Stage had gathered, he immediately split out two waves, and took turns using Spiritual Martial Arts, bombarding Bai Yuhao non-stop. They only had one mission, and that was to exhaust Bai Yuhao's Spiritual Energy s as much as possible.    


Boom! Boom! Boom!    


These dozens of Spiritual Martial Arts s exploded continuously around Bai Yuhao. Wave after wave, they attacked him again and again.    


Facing this sea of people's fierce attack, even the Majestic Emperor Stage's Spirit Controller's expression changed.    


However, after a few waves of attacks, a figure slowly walked out from the dust. The ordinary clothes he was wearing had now turned into a majestic ice fox ghost wolf armor, with two hideous wolf heads on his shoulders, and a wolf claw protruding from his chest. His lower body looked like it was made out of nine fox tails, and the most exaggerated was a fox shaped helmet.    




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